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Sunday, August 05, 2007

BB8 4 Pooped Bunnies

10:10am BBT
Zach, Kail, Jameka & Jen

Zach, Kail, Jen and Jameka are on the couches, waiting on their next Bunny dump. They are beyond exhausted, but otherwise holding up well with the task at hand. Kail's on awake duty this hour. Zach's in and out of consciousness.

They've all been freezing all night, so the sunrise must be quite welcome.

Dani's not visible on any of the feeds right now. The non-bunny elements of the house are all sleeping, Dick included, though he was up & outside most of the night, supporting them all in their task.

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Blogger Kelly said...

Am I the only one who thinks that this task was pretty darn lame? Come on BB I know you have better ideas than this!

10:24 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

eh.. it's a multi part... "siren" on the hour, bunny suits & hourly slop dump. i can take it or leave it...

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Kelly. I think it's pretty pointless, humiliating and somewhat cruel.

10:31 AM  
Blogger hannah said...

what about dani?? isn't she in a bunny costume? so they have to sleep outside and the siren goes off every hour and then they have to dump whatever that stuff is on their head

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok i am tried of all the same names from past BB' much as I am tired of the same old plans being played out.

So here i go with new group names. I have thought for a month what I could call the groups in the house but dick made it imposible to think with all his loud talk. Then this morning when nothing was going on I was sitting on the porch and saw a dirt dobber nest ....then it came to me for the dick, dan, jen, and mike thing I will say...The Dirt Dobblers...They seek out the dirt and report back all the fronts coming in. So there you have it.

Now for the rest of the house i would have to call them The Seekers...they seek out what is going on and then seek to find the best plan around what is going on and how it effects me and what i can do to better myseft with it and go futher in the game.

As far as Eric I am not putting him in a group because he can not go with a group...but he does need a friend and I think he has one in for those two i would have to call them the BB cyber swaggers...because together they know everything Big Brother.

10:44 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

they don't have to sleep outside. it's just easier.. dani's gone up to the hoh to sleep, and zach was kind enough to go get her when the time came to dunk again.

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going off topic, did it seem like Eric's conversation with Jessica sway him back into her good graces?

And haven't you noticed that whenever a HG is giving a brush-off to another (mostly ED) they "mmhmm" a lot and don't contribute info? I wonder how they can't notice that. It seems like whenever there's true game-play it's always a dialogue where both are participating.

11:48 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

1. Yes, Seems Eric is firmly back in Jessica's good graces.. and quite respectfully smitten.

2. 100% on the Mmm hmm's

11:56 AM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Unlike (good) Nick and (icky) Daniele, I adore Eric & Jessica!

They are as cute as a basket of puppies!

12:04 PM  

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