More Banners

Amber's bending Jameka's ear with half truths and lies to a point where Jameka wants to call Daniele out. Amber is currently trying to convince Jameka not to... so her lies will be safe.
Amber's burying Daniele, and Jameka's buying it hook, line and sinker.
2:34pm BBT
And ANOTHER Banner Plane!
Carolyn: (to HGs) Catch a clue, you morons!
Everyone.. Turn On the Feeds NOW! Seriously. There's so much going on at once.
Im sooo OVER Amber....I know I have to be "nice" but just for the record....I DO NOT want to be!! She is frustrating the crap out of me...Why cant these people see through her BS????
i have no idea! and believe me, i'm over her too. wayy over.
ok, but I heard that Eric says he needs to play devils advocate about Nick, I think a producer might have said, remember you are playing for America and atleast make it look like you are trying. hmmmmmmmmm don't stop praying ladies...hee
lol, i'm over amber also. but on a side not hopefully the hgs will finally start realizing they need to get rid of kail.
and on a ps to u dish chick YAY RAV IS BACK!!
kayla - yup :) i already commented him.
I HATE AMBER. and right now i hate eric..he is americas player..he knows he has to do what we want SAVE NICK.
Amber is really pissing me off! I would think it is common sense to think that maybe America is right! For the love of God, lmao! You do GREAT updates!!!!! I watch the feeds and BBAD, but love your updates. Oh no, another lockdown as I am writing this! WOW!!!!! I want Nick to stay!!!!! I hope it is an endurance HOH with a double eviction...buh-bye bitches...Amber and Dustin, lmao! I heard that Janelle mentioned that she was going to start the banners or have someone else do it for her. I asked the person who stated this if she was referring to Janelle from BB^ and All Stars, still waiting to hear!
I think Daniele, Dick, Zach and Eric will be voting to keep Nick, they need one more person... UGH!!!!! :(
yup, it's Janie.. we have confirmation on that.
Oh that amber needs a swift kick lol telling Jameka lies, wonder what the banners say. Kail is off her rocker, I cracked up last night at the twit helping Jen tie her two front teeth together with dental floss so the gap doesn't get bigger, I've seen it all now hehehehheeee!!!!! Have a great night everyone.
Love that JANIE!!!!!
She always did have a soft spot for the hot smart sweet boys!
what did the new banners say?
wow..i really can't stand amber at all..she makes my blood boil..and i know we aren't supposed to talk about anyone like that, but i can't help it. I can't stand the way her mouth moves or lies are pathetic..i thought she was better than that.
Go Janelle! I love you:)
I wish they could see the banners..why won't they let them?
did everyone catch what amber said about DR pushing for Nick? Love it...hehe...fingers crossed for nick!!
Are you guys sure she's lying because I seen Amber and Dani talking and Dani did say that.
she started with a truth and then expanded upon it...
Oh I see. I missed most of the convo with Amber and Jameka. Amber sure is one two faced person! And don't get me wrong I don't care who leaves but I can't stand how two faced she is.. I think she has taken over Jen and Kail's spots as the most hated HG!
And it's funny to think a few days ago or maybe even a week ago she said she thinks she's america's favorite player. hahahhahah
so it's janelle?! where did you find this news out? i wanna read all about it! :)
Eric is not even playing for america anymore.
I went to and send them a feed back of what i thought. lets all campaign and send feedbacks as well, Here is what i said: First let me start off by saying that I love Big Brother. But lately I have noticed, that Eric America's Player doesn't even try to save the people we tell him to save. So what's the point of having an America's Player? To do pranks? That would only be considered America's Prankster. I dont think it's fair because he's winning $10,000 for just doing pranks. Its more than obvious that this week America told him to vote out Kail. What does he do? Campaign for nick to leave. So what's the point of telling him who to vote out? We spend our money and time to vote who we want out. And it's just not fair. I am speaking in behave of many people in many diffrent blogs. I hope you guys really take this into consideration. I truley do love the show.
Eric studied how to play the Big Brother game. He certainly knows that these banners are an obvious message to keep Nick in the house. Yet he continues to ignore the messages and endorse the Nerd Herd II's choice (Kail).
Eric must vote the way America chooses. It would also be wise for him to actually play the way America chooses. He should take the hint from the D.R. and the banners, and play to keep Nick in the house.
When Eric refuses to play the way America chooses, he is setting himself up for shenanigans. Once Nick is evicted, America will retaliate against Eric. America will use it's voting power to make Eric's remaining time in the house a living Hell.
do you remember last year Boogie & Will telling the internet to send banner planes on Thursday between 5:40 & 6:00 because they have to be outside for the HOH competition and nobody can tell them to go inside? good idea!!!
I understand being upset at Eric but you have to understand where he is coming from as well. He is doing this for 10,000 dollars. That is nothing compared to 500,000. And for Eric strategically he thinks Nick should go. I undrstand you guys don't want him to go but you shouldn't take it out on eric.
Janie needs to hire the helicopter that was over them earlier and have them drop a banner down that says the same, they will not have time to lockdown!
I can't stand that lying cry baby Amber. She should go instead of Nick.
Got to love Janelle! She is and will always be my all time favorite bb player!
Deb in NY
People! Be nice! Trust Eric! He knows what he's doing.
.... but do you think America might tell him to, oh, lock Amber in a soundproof room for a day or seven? Pretty please?
lol... i'm so loving all your comments... having a sally field oscar moment here...
Awww thanks, hon!
Okay. So people want Nick to stay. Why? Why is he a better choice than Kail? He is one of Eric's (America's) biggest threats in the competition. They hardly talk. I voted for Nick to leave because I if I were in the house he would be my biggest threat. People kind of like him. No one likes Kail so she is not a threat. Come on people. Don't just try to save people because they are cute. Vote for strategy. This is why Eric will avoid being the HOH forever. America will undoubtedly not select the best nominees that will keep him in the house.
okay Amber sucks royally I'm so over her, but I hate Danielle and her whining the OMG's everytime she hears something. I LOVE JEN she's got the best attitude of them all!!!
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