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The guy doing the interview was horrible. You can tell he seems uptight interviewing Dani and Dick which means he probably doesn't like them... but who cares I DO! :) Glad they won!
Just a heads up, Dani's myspace is now up with a blog entry. Eric also has a myspace now with a blog.
Carolyn, BB8 was such a regular place for me to visit (each time I checked my email) I still visit almost every day. Thanks, I guess lol.
Ahh thanks for this and the gag real!! I love Dick and Dani, so glad they won!! I miss Dick!!!!!!!!! and yes I have the replay of feeds, but it is just not the same! lol
Ummm...ya this came out a week and a half ago we've all seen it a million times by now...boring, cant u find any NEW news??????
I just noticed Dani's MySpace is up and she's seems happy and in a relationship. <3 From seeing her photos... it's clear who got the affection of her heart.
She takes great photos. Very artistic. So happy she stays in touch with Vincent and dad as well.
September 27, 2007 - Thursday
Back&ready for life.
Wow what a summer.. to say the least. I couldnt have imaged anything like it if i tried, or even if i was at storytime with joe. This summer has completely changed my life. As of now, things are going well. My dad and I are doing good, talking on the phone often and we went to lunch the other day.. first time in 2.5 years. AWWWKWARD. just kidding not awkward at all. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who supported my pops & I the whole time, it means more than you know. I also want to say I dont care what anyone think about me. Rumors are rumors ... the def. of a rumor is "a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts" and most things being said about me are just that. I know the person I am, I know facts & thats all that matters. Love me or hate me but youre still talking.
Also: my space got hacked while i was in the house & i just finally got it back so its going to take FOREVER to catch up on the messages & requests please be patient.
x o x o x o x o dani
Latest from Dick's MySpace:
Since winning Big Brother 8 this page is crazy. Please be patient. There are so many requests and so many messages, it will take me a very long time to get to them all.... but I will try. If you are a friend of mine, please just email me. To all the fans (what a weird concept, me having fans) thanks for all your love, support and hate.... I dig it all!!! There are a lot of things going on since getting out of the house and a lot of talk about a lot of things, but this is Hollywood and people like to talk, so we will see what happens.... but with any luck you will be seeing more of me on TV soon. In the meantime, I am up for a few silly awards at http://really.foxreality.com/2007/ You can go vote there and watch the show to see me make a tool out of myself (again.) I have always done my best to be open and honest and although I don't always succeed, I try. I have always tried to live my life to the fullest. I am a great friend to have. I am always the wild one in the group, but people are suprised by how thoughtful I am. I am the center of attention in a group, but I like being alone. I can be superficial, yet people are always surprised how deep I am. I am a smart guy that can do the fucking stupidest things. I am a conflict of terms and emotion..... I am who I am and I am good with that. I am eccentric, unique, strange, off center and like no one you have ever met. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Just try to live your life to the fullest. Don't let anyone's guilt trippin', religious shackles or way of life, keep you from the life you want to live. Hold on to your integrity with an iron fist, when you compromise your integrity, you start losing yourself and start becoming like the rest of the assholes we loath when we were very young and our ideals were actually important. When you compromise your integrity you lose the piece of being a unique individual and start becoming typical. You start compromising your integrity, then you start compromising who the person you are or want to be is. Before you even realize what has happened, you are wondering how did I get here? Be as honest as you can, including being honest with yourself and you will be the person you set out to be. End of rant.........
Daniele is back on myspace. Here is her blog entry:
BAck&ready for life.
Wow what a summer.. to say the least. I couldnt have imaged anything like it if i tried, or even if i was at storytime with joe. This summer has completely changed my life. As of now, things are going well. My dad and I are doing good, talking on the phone often and we went to lunch the other day.. first time in 2.5 years. AWWWKWARD. just kidding not awkward at all. THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who supported my pops & I the whole time, it means more than you know. I also want to say I dont care what anyone think about me. Rumors are rumors ... the def. of a rumor is "a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts" and most things being said about me are just that. I know the person I am, I know facts & thats all that matters. Love me or hate me but youre still talking.
Also: my space got hacked while i was in the house & i just finally got it back so its going to take FOREVER to catch up on the messages & requests please be patient.
x o x o x o x o dani
Carolyn, I didn't copy & paste the links but Dani's blog is back. Dick has added some words to his below the video, and Nick has changed his song......it's rather telling of his and Dani's relationship. So is what she says on her myspace.
Yep, still checking here daily and the myspaces every few days. I guess I'm just not ready to let go yet-LOL!!!
you can't tell if he likes them or not. This guys is always like this. That is his personality. You can tell if you have seen any of his other interviews.
anyone have the link for danieles myspace?
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