Big Brother this Afternoon
As of 3:15BBT, the nominations have not been made yet, but the talk about them on the feeds hasn't stopped. At this moment, Nick is up in the HoH talking to Jen, trying to solidify his position, and trying to suss out what she's thinking.
Listening to Jen chat with different HGs all day, I've noticed something rather significant. She changes her speech patterns and vocabulary to accommodate every new person. Not such a dumb cookie after all.
The jury's still out, but so far, although I'm reasonably certain I will not like her nominations - likely Dick and Daniele - I have to commend her game play today, and to be fair, whether we like her or not, she's there to play the game just like everyone else.
The HGs feel that the nomination ceremony is going to be very soon, and as soon as it's over, we'll know on the feeds just who's going up for elimination this week.
3:40pm BBT
Jen and Mike
Jen: So if i put up Dick and Daniele, who would you vote for?
Mike: Daniele.
3:52pm BBT
Jen and Dustin
Jen: I'm wavering between Amber/Joe or Dick/Daniele.
Jen: I want to be done with the negative people. They bring us all down as people. it's contagious. There are better ways to be funny. We don't all have to step down and be rude to be funny. I think it would be good for the whole house... they see that those 3 people are like that, not Amber...
Predictably, Dustin's pushing to get Amber off the wish list, and espousing her virtues.
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what is your email adress again? i have a chart of the alliances and such and i can send it to you if you want to put it up on the site and you can add some stuff if you want to
dishchicks at yahoo
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