Early Afternoon in the Big Brother House
The HGs are on exterior lockdown, and have been for about the past 90 minutes. I sincerely doubt there's actually anything going on in the house to call for a lockdown... I'm thinking BB just wanted their butts outta bed! It worked. ;)
On the Nick/Dani front, btw, Dani was doing the highschool girl thing this morning, gossiping about Nick to Amber, and saying loud enough for her dad to hear, "I'm so over it!" We'll see about that. But.. awfully considerate of her not to be too overt about the whole thing on her boyfriend's birthday.
Dick: I really don't remember anyone from BB6. Kaysar was a tool. The only one I liked was Janelle, and not because she was a hot chick - because she kicked a$$ in the competitions.
As of 2:08pm, Lockdown is over! They are free to move about the house, and apart from Eric and Amber, still in the pool, all have gone in.
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