Dick Takes on Eric, Solo
Dick's having a go at Eric right now on the live feeds. The conversation started nicely enough - men and sports - but quickly degenerated into accusations after just a few moments.
Dick: "Why are you playing all sides? Everybody's lying except for you? Out of the 7, after everyone's knocked out, you told them that me and Daniele are the first to go, and you told us that Dustin is the first to go. So which is it? You're full of sh--, dude."
Still at it! Turn em on, folks.
Meanwhile, at 6:47pm BBT, Dustin just approached Dani about using the replacement nomination on her dad.
Yeah, Dani, that's a super idea... Pick off your allies one by one.
Hopefully, Dani will switch her nom choice to Dustin. Then she'll have Eric's/America's vote to support her, along with Dick, Jen and Zach's.. and then it's done! :)
7:20 Update
The feeds are on fire tonight... moving much faster than I can possibly hope to update. Eric's currently in with Kail, Dick's in with Amber (making progress?), and the rest of the house is buzzing intermittently. Jen's now in with the rest of the LNC... Has she dumped Dick and Dani already?
As much as this makes for great live feed watching. Dani is the HOH this week and Dick is really screwing her this week by this outburst.
she and dick are screwed anyway.. any time they don't have hoh, they'll be up. the LNC was planning their demise all last week.
There only hopes are being spared by Zach or Jen if Dick doesn't get HOH.
Their* I meant. =)
The only way they will have a chance now is to get Kail and Zach to join them and Jen IMO. Then they would have to dominate the comps each week.
BUT! Starting next week, the HOHs will have to consider how they want the jury to shape up. What terms they want to leave things with folks. That could also be the Donatos saving grace.
If only the HGs would think about Eric as a threat down the road rather than an ally at the moment.
but kail can't be trusted.. she runs to dustin with everything.
Dick's making himself look really bad, no one is going to believe anything he says now...not that he's completely right about anything.
Dicks' sounding more full of sh*t than Eric right now.
I don't understand why Dick thinks everyone believes him, just b/c he says they should.
Sun 6:47 PM BBT Dustin just asked Danielle to consider putting her father up!
WHAT?!? Dustin better be careful, Dani doesn't like anything that can be interpreted as a slight against her pops.
The Lemmings Night Crew should also see that in Kail they have someone who can't win HOH for five weeks! Hello?!?
I don't get why D, D and J don't bring Zach in.. It still seems like he is on the outskirts.
jackie - they have.. just not so publicly.
Mo - very good point... but that would require them actually thinking. ;)
hi max - welcome :) (i'm the relay survivor chair in my community)
Dick may be a dick at times but he tells the truth! Eric is not doing his job correctly! So if Eric wins you think he is going to give everyone some of his money? lmao I think not. Eric is for Eric. I really hope hope America picked dick. I did.
Yaaaah! (Sound of drill bits being broken off in my cerebellum.)
I swear, I'm gonna end up hating every last person in this house before long. I know D&D are my Jen's only option, but I hate them (well, him really) so much that it's lowering my impression of her a tad.
I'm sticking up for Eric, cuz I wub him to bits. (And I will begrudgingly acknowledge that he was probably wrong in getting ahead of himself by campaigning to get Nick out before he got any marching orders. But the dude's gotta be pissed that he can't do any of his own stuff without getting the tar beat out of him from folks outside and inside the freakin' house.)
Amber & Jameka & Kail are all on the same "page," with Amber being the loudest one with the sobbing and gnashing of teeth.
I can see why no one likes Zach. Which is a little sad, but mostly pathetic.
Which leaves Jessica as, surprisingly (considering how she acted/acts about Carol) as the only sympathetic person left.
(This is all reminding me how pissed I was when America banished my kooky Brittney in Season 1. What can I say, I'm a sucker for wack jobs?)
carolyn -- i love relay and really believe in it so THANK YOU for doing that in your community it is a huge responsibility and a very noble one as well. ;-)
What I really don't believe in is Dick. Amber needs to clue in, she's good as gone with D&D and they were spouting all kinds of sh*t about her to the other 4 of them....this is laughable, the more he talks, the less believable he becomes
carolyn -- i love relay and really believe in it so THANK YOU for doing that in your community it is a huge responsibility and a very noble one as well. ;-)
What I really don't believe in is Dick. Amber needs to clue in, she's good as gone with D&D and they were spouting all kinds of sh*t about her to the other 4 of them....this is laughable, the more he talks, the less believable he becomes
ATTN: Please watch the ethnic slurs.. I'm not going to post them, so please rephrase.
maxdale - please drop me a line on myspace.. i wanna show you something. :)
Do you think the would get Eric's vote if Dani puts up Dustin?
Thank you Carolyn for the clarification. I was away this weekend so missed alot. I just didn't see Zach "in the Know" of the group so assumed and yes, I know how that goes ;-)
what's your myspace link, I don't have an acct. will I still be able to do that? but I want to see...
max - you can just email me: dishchicks@yahoo.com
:) - it's a relay thing
First: How messed up was I? I would have bet the farm that America would have instructed Eric to put up Stringy Sad Sally instead of Jen again. (I suppose one should never underestimate the power of irritated people in large groups. See entry, Brittney Petros.)
Second: On that same front, I'm going to stick my neck out again and predict that if Dani puts up Dustin, America will again tell Eric to evict Kail. And if his goose wasn't already cooked ....
I agree with everything you say, cliff. No need to repeat anything but I have the same opinion as you, except maybe for the fact that I'm not really a huge fan of Jen. But I'm looking out for Eric..and i really think by the end of this i will start to hate everyone in the house too.
- Jessica
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