BB8 Daniele on Ebay
Daniele's in on the ebay act. She started off auctioning off her Big Brother bag and the shirt both she and Nick wore... his shirt... the infamous 153 Nick & Dani pillow shirt...
**Now she's added her finale dress and a "life is better blond" tshirt.
Here's the ad copy for Nick's shirt:
Nick Starcevic's Football T-shirt. Worn by Nick and Daniele on Big Brother 8. This shirt is signed by both Daniele and Nick. Happy Bidding. <3 153.

Here's the link for Dani's ebay sales:
I was thinking about their ebay sales today... something along the lines of financing a trip to Europe from the sales of a few t-shirts and 2 bags. Ain't life grand. ;)
Who's Nick Donato? =P
lol.. thanks for the heads up on that. oops!
It amazes me how much Nick's things are going for, and it looks like Daniele's things as well! But, you can get a dual autographed photo of Dustin and Amber for under $25 still! Nick has a shirt on ebay now that is around $2500! YIKES!
i know.. right? i say, ride the wave~~~ seriously, if they can finance europe from a couple tshirts and bags, more power to em.
they can finance Europe with the gift basket and $5000 travelers checks their fan site sent them.
LOL ewwwwwwwww I wouldn't want a pic of Wamber and Dustpan hahaha. Wow that is a lot for a shirt but like you said Carolyn if they can do it, more power to em.
Vote for evel dick here!!:
I just have to say, I am one of those financing their trip (I won Nick's BB8 bag, and his Gray/white striped T-shirt, and I was more than happy to do it. It's a win-win to me! I got some great memoralbilia and they are together and will have a wonderful trip and I helped that happen!
yayyy, tammy! :)
love it.
carolyn, is it possible to have a new topic of just the links to the HGs myspaces? thanx :)
I can't believe how much money they are getting for these things. That is CRAZZZZZY! If I was them I'd sale more. I just can't believe how much people are willing to pay. Wow.
I'm just wondering.. are they selling their things for a profit? Or are the donating some or all of the money for a good cause? Daniele has $50,000 which doesn't make her rich by any means but it would be nice to see them give a portion of it to some sort of charity.
anon@5:13 - all of the HGs myspaces are in the left sidebar... ;)
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