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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Early Afternoon BB8 Update Lite

UPDATED @2:15pm
1:20pm BBT
Jameka & Zach have been quietly chatting for the past hour and a bit. Dick and Daniele, still sleepin'.

1:21pm BBT
Feeds go to Blue Swirlies for a couple minutes, then back to Jameka and Zach chatting about random stuff, friends, bills, etc.

Just 4 and a half hours till the Live Show tonight!! And then... the Endurance Comp!

1:30pm BBT
A momentary Blue Swirly, then HoH lockdown is Over. Dani exits the room immediately, carrying her blankie, and goes down to the small room to resume sleeping.

Dick follows suit, returning to the hookah room and climbing under the covers.

1:35pm BBT
After a 15 second feed cut, Dani gets out of bed, and goes to the restroom...

Riveting, I tell you. But... kinda harsh & kinda telling that the control booth has made the choice to show us sleeping Donatos over wakeful Jameka and Zach.

That said, I am going to do my final preparation for this evening's endurance comp. Gonna take a nap. Scoot over, Dick. ;)

2:15pm BBT
Dick and Dani are both up. Dick's having a shower. Dani was told by the DR that everyone must pack. Sounds like a room closure tonight...

Zach's in the DR now..
Back to nappin' I go.

FYI, the Live Show Spoiler will be posted at the top of the blog tonight, just for expediency, since we'll likely go straight from eviction (which will only be a surprise if it;s not Jameka) to the Endurance Comp.

In years past, the feeds have come back very quickly following the show. Within minutes, not hours.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

any idea when the live feeds will resume for the endurance competition tonight? do they wait until after the show airs on the west coast?

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we can totally tell who their favorites are over at cbs.
it's like the double d's are the only ones in the house... it's like a flashforward.
and i'm loving it :D

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gab -- Glad you're enjoying it, but those of us who are not D&D fans are feeling kinda cheated.
Not fun at all for us.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so ready for tonight to get started!

Do you think that CBS has any suprises in store since they are making everyone pack their bags?

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sending positive vibes to Dick & Dani...

2:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i am so excited, I can hardly contain myself!!!!

2:52 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

stacie - ditto.. tried napping.. didn't work. too much running through my head!

2:59 PM  
Blogger David B. said...

It would be a way better story twist to have Zach in the final 2. D&D final 2 has been so predictable. Why not just pick a winner of D&D and wait for next season? Why watch the rest of the season? (I will) I mean if it's so predictable than why not hope for something differnt to make it more intresting?

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is BB on at 8 or 9 tonight?

I didn't know if they would change it being eviction day.....


3:37 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...

I am counting down. 1 hour and 21 minutes to go.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so dick has admitted to cheating...will they penalize him? I sure hope so.

4:07 PM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Cant wait..Less then an hour to go. Of course D&D are CBS's favorite. They have won the most vetos and HOH together and have sparked the most curiousity in the house with viewers, good or bad. Not everyone is always going to be happy. But I am!!!!!!!! :)

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have the live feeds, can someone tell me what's going on in the house! Dick & Zach are yelling at each other - per Joker's. I don't have the live feeds and it's killing me! Zach apparently hit Dick w/the DR door - when he opened it! :D


4:31 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...

Crap. I forgot the show isn't on until 8 here tonight so I have another hour to wait :(

5:03 PM  

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