Eric Joins the Ebay Frenzy
All Items Autographed by Eric & Jess
"Eric spent his summer playing for YOU here's your chance to own any number of his tshirts - all autographed by both Eric and Jessica, as well as one of Eric's authentic costumes from the show!
By hosting 4 power of veto competitions, Eric quickly became the most frequent competition host in Big Brother history!
This is the outfit Eric wore when he hosted the Art Gallery Veto Competition. You are bidding on the complete ensemble, consisting of a beret, turtle-neck, and pants (sadly, his bad French
However, as an additional bonus, both Eric AND the lovely Jessica will be autographing the beret. Also, Eric will include an autographed photo from his time on the show.
Click on this: Eric on EBay
In addition to the above mentioned amazing package deal, Eric is also auctioning off a few of his signature t-shirts, and all of those will be autographed by both Eric and Jessica and all include an autographed photo from his time on the show. :)
Eric did not play for America, because then he would have done his job better. Instead he did a half ass job and screwed himself. Sorry, still don't like him and I am sick of his excuses blaming others for his game. Delusional. Why is he complaining? He got $40K.
Let's see who gets most for their T's. I have a feeling...
Don't mean to sound grouchy... but this guy is a turd. Really.
I love Eric!
I think he has handled himself with integrity & class post BB. There are plenty of other HG who have complained more than him ~ and 2 of them WON!
And again, people put "standards" on certain HGs, but do NOT hold their favorite HGs to those same "standards".
And my opinion is that those who STILL say he didn't play for America & continue to dislike him after the game is OVER are the ones who are die hard Nick Fans, who can't get over the fact that he was evicted ~**NEWSFLASH...that wasn't all Eric!**~
And as for the money for t-shirts on ebay. That says NOTHING about the HG themselves, just the fanatics and how far they will go!
In closing, I think it is kind of Ironic that in the last days of BB, when a lot of people got their wishes~ A Donato Final 2~ they wanted the "feuding" sides to "just get along" & have a group hug, and let bygones be bygones yada, yada......
(and for the record, I did cleanse myself of bitterness & hate and was happy for those fans who after 8 seasons did get the F2/Winner they wanted)
......And yet STILL, after the game is over, some of these same people CONTINUE to hate/bash certain HGs. Why is this? I think it says something that most of the people that are still complaining to this day are Eric haters/Nick & Donato Fans.
I love Eric!
I think he has handled himself with integrity & class post BB. There are plenty of other HG who have complained more than him ~ and 2 of them WON!
And again, people put "standards" on certain HGs, but do NOT hold their favorite HGs to those same "standards".
And my opinion is that those who STILL say he didn't play for America & continue to dislike him after the game is OVER are the ones who are die hard Nick Fans, who can't get over the fact that he was evicted ~**NEWSFLASH...that wasn't all Eric!**~
And as for the money for t-shirts on ebay. That says NOTHING about the HG themselves, just the fanatics and how far they will go!
In closing, I think it is kind of Ironic that in the last days of BB, when a lot of people got their wishes~ A Donato Final 2~ they wanted the "feuding" sides to "just get along" & have a group hug, and let bygones be bygones yada, yada......
(and for the record, I did cleanse myself of bitterness & hate and was happy for those fans who after 8 seasons did get the F2/Winner they wanted)
......And yet STILL, after the game is over, some of these same people CONTINUE to hate/bash certain HGs. Why is this? I think it says something that most of the people that are still complaining to this day are Eric haters/Nick & Donato Fans.
I love Eric!
I think he has handled himself with integrity & class post BB. There are plenty of other HG who have complained more than him ~ and 2 of them WON!
And again, people put "standards" on certain HGs, but do NOT hold their favorite HGs to those same "standards".
And my opinion is that those who STILL say he didn't play for America & continue to dislike him after the game is OVER are the ones who are die hard Nick Fans, who can't get over the fact that he was evicted ~**NEWSFLASH...that wasn't all Eric!**~
And as for the money for t-shirts on ebay. That says NOTHING about the HG themselves, just the fanatics and how far they will go!
In closing, I think it is kind of Ironic that in the last days of BB, when a lot of people got their wishes~ A Donato Final 2~ they wanted the "feuding" sides to "just get along" & have a group hug, and let bygones be bygones yada, yada......
(and for the record, I did cleanse myself of bitterness & hate and was happy for those fans who after 8 seasons did get the F2/Winner they wanted)
......And yet STILL, after the game is over, some of these same people CONTINUE to hate/bash certain HGs. Why is this? I think it says something that most of the people that are still complaining to this day are Eric haters/Nick & Donato Fans.
Is there a reason my comment isn't being published. I don't think I bashed/hated a commenter or HG?
ginger - posting it 3 times isn't necessary. just give me a few minutes..
I was an Eric fan since the very first day, and I've continued to read blogs, forums, etc. But, I just can't spend that much money on a shirt... I have a daughter to feed and a frugal hubby who would kill me! If I had my choice, I would LOVE the Oregon Trail t-shirt, but alas, fall is coming which means new clothes for all and holidays around the corner. Gotta watch the wallet!
Sorry bout that.
I just wasn't sure if it went thru b/c it didn't have the word verifications thing, so I did it a second time.
Forgive me!!
hi beth :)
Agree to disagree. I don't think his job as an AP was "Eric playing on our behalf" fulfilled. It should have been that he lost his winnings unless he followed through on the chores that trully mattered. I also agree to disagree that he doesn't complain about his chance to win due to AP. He never would have made it that far if the DR would not have saved him the week before ED was on the block for the second time. It's not really Eric's fault that the AP task was so crappily defined... but it is his fault that he refuses to see that he was not there for himself. He was there for us. BB did not want to lose their chance to milk the voters for more money and meddled in keeping him. So if he could own up to that I'd be pleased. Next time if America has an AP... we should get to vote for who he/she would be. Eric was about as much of "America's Player" as the President is "America's Leader". Not really representing the majority now.
Also, face it... Eric was never one of the three most favorite players and therefore his shirts won't sell for as much. It's not that he has no fans... just not as many. Collectors like winners or infamous people and Eric was neither.
It seems he won in love for now... so that should be plenty for him.
Tube socks not included.
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