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Friday, July 27, 2007

Big Brother 8 Post Nomination Ceremony Drama

It's going nuts again... turn on the feeds, folks.

Fri 6:45pm BBT
Dustin & Kail

Dustin: The thing is, Jen's relationships in this house make her more of a target, and I made that clear. Eric, Amber and Jameka have your back. You're solid. Eric, Jameka, Amber and Daniele will vote Jen out. You can work the Jess angle... But under no circumstances can anyone know! Zack's going up. No one knows you're a pawn.

Kail: I'm trusting you. I'm a wreck, and I will be a wreck, because I know how things flip-flop, and I'm on slop this week.
Dustin: You'll be alright, but I put you up, so you still have ill feelings for me.
This week would've gone in a completely different direction if you hadn't offered yourself up.
Kail: I meant it. No hard feelings. If I get HoH, I wont put you up. I feel like I'm here for another week because of you.
Dustin: If anyone else would've gotten HoH, you wouldn't have gone up as a pawn... You Are safe, ok? Just breathe. Head on down. I'm gonna stay up here.
    **Ok.. last night, talking to Dick, Dustin told him of his plan to make Kail feel 100% safe. his delivery here was so good, I completely forgot about it, and frankly, I'm still skeptical that's what he's up to.

Fri 6:49pm BBT
Nick & Jen, then Kail

Jen is upset because she thought Dustin would never put her up. Nick is comforting her, because she's crying.

Jen: I would never put him up. it makes no sense for him to put me up. I don't get it.

Kail enters and asks if she's okay.

Jen: I'm shocked.
Kail: I'm shocked too.

Kail: (whispering) You've survived before. You'll survive this one.
Jen: I know. I'm not crying because I might go home, I'm crying because it's weird.

6:54pm BBT
HoH Room
Amber & Dustin

Amber tells Dustin that she caught Nick comforting Jen...
Dustin: For real? Or just being Nick?
Amber: He's playing her. She's putting on a f'ing act. She was up 2 times in a row...she can't take it now. Such a f'ing act. Don't let her get to you.

Dustin: Zach, Jen and Kail are the only people who talked to me. That's fishy.
Dustin: I told you Amber. I told you.
Amber: Let's see what happens at POV. Maybe we should backdoor Nick.
Dustin: I'm up for it.
    ***Zach wont be the only one opening up a can of whoop ass on you.
Amber: I think Nick and Jen are in an alliance.
Dustin: I do too.

7:10pm BBT HoH
Nick & Dustin
Nick reports verbatim the conversation he just had with Zach to Dustin.
Nick: Why would Dustin make a deal with you about Amber?
Dustin: Uh-hm
Nick: He said, "if Dustin puts me up, I will open up a can of whoop-ass"... like he's stone cold Steve Austin, or something.
Dustin: (laugh heartily) Haha!!!
Nick: I told him, is this like when you tried to get Amber out of the house? I told him, "whatever you had going on I don't care. I don't understand this deal that you and Dustin have." And he's said, if he got HoH he would never eff you over for the rest of the time. That's what he said.
Dustin: Well, I didn't put him up. If he thought I was a threat, I'll wait to see what he says about why I didn't put him up. He's a wild-card. He's going to say I put that can of whoop-ass in the storage room.

7:35pm BBT
As I was typing this up, with the feeds still on in the background, Dustin just threw Dick under the bus, and rolled over him a few times, with spikes in his tires... in another private HoH conversation with Kail, Dustin just told her that Dick wanted her out so badly, but that the entire house went against his wishes to keep her, and that Dick was pushing for her ouster incessantly. LIAR!!!

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Blogger Kelly WW said...

Amber has turned out to be quite the player. She is totally controlling Dustin!

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dustin is a liar and now he is on my list to leave along with Amber. But u truly want Kail gone this week. Kail should of been gone last week!
Dick made a big mistake last week. Kail is more of a threat then anyone. I hope Dick finds out what Dustin said about him to Kail. It was Dick biggest mistake to not get rid of her last week. Oh kail is now sucking up to Dustin. Dustin was the one who saved her butt last week and why?
Things that make you go hmmm.


8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen keeps talking about the veto being inside and BB keeps cutting her off. Now she just said she thinks she's gonna get in trouble for talking about it. Wonder what's up with that...

8:26 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

lol.. you gotta refresh the blog.. i think i was typing it in as you were commenting. too funny.

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn...what are you thinking of Dustin? I really like(d) him b4 this happened...I can not grasp if he is playing Kail or playing with her????
Back to the kiss I referred to a min ago in a different blog...
1. You can rewind??? Did I miss that option?
2. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I was sure I heard the slobber noise...

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amber is making me sick! Her and Dustin need to go!
I see someone else is singing with Michelle. (I am the original) lol
So I'll change mine a little:)


10:49 PM  

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