Big Brother 8 Veto Player Picking Tonight
Kail: We are?
Jen: Yeah, it's inside.
Kail: Oh, I didn't know that.
Jen: Yeah.. I'm gonna get in trouble, I think.
And cut momentarily to blue...
poor, poor papa smurf.
While we're on the blue screen, in addition to all the lovely links on the left sidebar, take a look at this one! Kail's modeling career... CLICK ME
yeah, we must have been typing at the same exact time! I refreshed as soon as I sent that. You are too good! You know what I just thought...Double eviction week!
Too bad Kail didn't bring any of these nice-looking clothes to the Big Brother house with her.
so dani and jess were picked?? sounds like it...
Kail is hot!
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