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Monday, August 06, 2007

C=Venus Strikes Again

Has Dick Painted Himself into a Corner? Chop Artist C=Venus' latest would certainly suggest it. What's your take? Can he get out of the mess he's made? What will it take? Will the Nerd Herd 2 wake up sometime soon and realize they need to start thinking about who it's best to sit next to in the jury?

And on a lighter note... Bunny's Angels! :) The most unexpected alliance ever! Jen, Dick, Dani and Zach? Really.. who'd'a thunk it?!

To check out more of C=Venus' fantastic Big Brother chops, please visit her site:

It's 3:40am BBT as I post this... I'm off for a sunrise cycle along the beach. The overnight's will start going up around 8am BBT, if not a little earlier. Happy Monday!


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Blogger Chelle said...

C=venus is great.........True about Dick...the only bad thing is he is kinda right....but who is gonna believe him with all his yelling????? I believe the America's vote is messing Eric's game up.......Im torn....i like Dani and ED but i also like Jessica and Eric.....which side am i supposed to pull for now....Dani an ED are smarter than i have given them credit for thats for sure.....Happy Monday bb8dish are the best

7:10 AM  
Blogger Doc Rocket said...

So, Jen has basically betrayed Dani and Dick. Amber, right after he heart to heart with Dani, went downstairs and ratted her right out (Amber, promising someone's confidence and then telling everyone what they said is lying. Stop swearing on your daughter for goodness sakes!). Kail obviously can't see the greater picture and isn't doing anything to help Dick and Dani acquire votes (Hello Kail!!! You are going to go home if you keep up this obsession you have against Dick!!!). Dustin was out in the back telling Dick that he can trust him, while turning to the cameras and mocking Dick behind his back (Brave Dustin, real brave). Jameka knows something isn't right about Eric...she was teetering until Dick blew up at Eric. Now I believe Dick's aggressive game play will push her to vote for Eric to stay. Zach has a side deal with Dustin (none of us know whether it is genuine or not). Jessica is heavily under Eric's spell and is living through her greatest fear without knowing it (being played by a guy in the house)!!

Dani and Dick have somehow figured out that Eric is the one casting the phantom votes (I'm sure the banner helped out). They are trying to push the house to vote him out...and the house, while it would be the best move for all, are all looking towards personal affinities rather than strategic removal for this week's vote. Eric is s sly talker and plays the roll of a puppet master with stealth. He is very convincing and comes up with logical fluff to glaze over his strategic moves. He wasn't told by America to vote out Nick, yet he went on his own campaign and pushed heavily for it. Obviously he doesn't care what America thinks...he even confirmed this when he got snooty with us in the DR, complaining that we didn't do what he wanted (your mesmerism doesn't work through the TV screen, Eric!). The house will lose the phantom voter, and a power player if they collectively vote him out this week.

A lot can happen between now and evictions. Eric has been acting very strange and shifty. People might turn on him (especially in this house where loyalty lasts for three seconds!) or people might get so fed up with Dick's flip-outs that they will be blinded by personal comfort and vote to keep him.

The fact remains that Eric is strong player. They will eventually have to back door him to get him out, why not just do it now...let Dick and Dani take the heat and silently vote him the heck out of there! Strategy dictates his eviction as the best choice. We can only hope these HG's realize this and take action!!!

7:52 AM  

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