Zach is Almost a Lock for Dick
UPDATED @ 5:40pm BBT
Zach works Jessica on Dick's behalf... He has promised Jessica his vote, but in an earlier conversation with Dick, he realized that by taking out Dustin, they create a power shift in the house, so he says he may be willing to go back on his word to Jessica.
Here's the clip:
1:55pm BBT
BACKYARD - Tanning
Zack: I just know Dustin is a huge pain in the as too Huge.
Jess: I think everyone has his number. I hope.
Zack: He's turning into the new Joe. Be on every side in with as many as possible. I just don't like it.
Jess: He's just burying himself.
Zack: I think he's already buried himself. Unless you guys believe his B.S. He's a loose cannon... He's just so boastful about being up on the block.
Jess: Yeah.
Zach: Just like Kail.
Jess: And look what happened to her.
Jess goes inside, up to her HoH room where Amber and Jameka are sleeping.
Zach moves over to the couch and joins Dick.
Zach: I might be okay just voting to keep you in. F' it. That'd be a risk I'd have to take... if I knew the votes were for sure to keep you in... You have to make Jess think your worth more than Dustin.
Dick: I gotta get in Eric's ear.
Zack: If ya can't, then you're goin' home. If ya can get Eric's vote, that would be sweet..
Eric came out, so this conversation ended. Zach and Dick have now moved inside to join Eric in some Beer Pong. A little socializing can work wonders...
Eric sneaks off to go talk to Jessica while Zach and Dick play a round. I strongly urge to you turn on the feeds, folks. It's gonna be a heck of a night.
5:40pm BBT
Eric has spent just about every moment since he went off to whisper with Jessica down-talking Dick with his alliance. :::sigh::: I really thought he'd gotten the message this time, but it appears not. Only time will tell, but at the moment and for the past 3 hours, he's been doggedly setting up someone, anyone but him as the fall guy for our vote.
Here he is this evening, setting up the explanation for the hinky vote with Jess.
It's still too early. There's still too much time. I can't believe anything these cats say until Wednesday night. There's just too much time!
And what about Jen, I heard some where she's faltering from D&D?
Why does Zach need the numbers in his favor to keep Dick? Does he really think that if he votes with the perceived majority that it's going to sway them into making him part of their group??
His only chance in the game is to keep Dick and unite as a foursome with the Donatos and Jen. Otherwise he's screwed. Right now their best play (regardless of whether or not they think they can pull another vote in the next couple days) is to vote as a block of 3 (Jen / Dani / Zach) and force Jess's hand when a 3-3 tie *wink* is expected.
He (as well as Jen) gains nothing by bowing down to the Turd Herders and giving them his vote to save Dustin. Because that's all he is to them. A vote. Next week he becomes expendable again.
Zach, stay with the people who've acknowledged your existence the entire time and not just when your vote became important.
Stay with the BDA/ODA/FSA!
Cecilia here--Eric told Jessica that Dick admitted to lying last week to get him evicted I don't think so!
In all honesty, if Zach would vote with his gut, then Dick would be safe. Jen, Danielle, Zach and AP. That's four. Of course they don't know it yet.
Tue 4:33 PM BBT Eric called to DR. comes back to bathroom and tells jameka they said he had audio problems:
right before being called into DR he was bashing dick and also saying how dick's going home no matter what.
Tue 4:15 PM BBT Eric & Jess whispering in WR:
Eric says "Thing is, I'm not going to make any of the same mistakes they're making and going after people too early."
Jess says "Yea, I'm going to listen to them but I'm not going to do anything against the group."
Ugh Jess, you are your blind loyalty--you're like Collie more than you are a BB HG!
And another thing, Eric was just saying he hates being on the outs of the LNC and about how Dustin is playing all sides, why won't he change his opinion. I hate how smug and stubborn he is.
Ok is it just me or did anyone else have a problem listening to Zach... cuz I like zoned out 1/2 through it.. He has that monotone voice that just drive me crazy.. It was like High Scool History class all over again, and it was only 9 min long..
lol, daniel
Mo - sorry that slipped through. It's gone now.
Thanks Carolyn! You're the best!
Let's try this again....
I wish all of you Donato worshippers would realize that when other HG do/say something againsts D&D, you all go off on them, but if they even teeter towards their side, everything is ok. Hmmmm.
Just a thought.
If this is NOT posted, I have an eerie feeling I know why!
mwah right back!
Re: Update-
I bet he'll blame America's vot on Waaamber or Jam, in addition to Jen and Zach.
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