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Thursday, September 20, 2007

According to Andy's Blog
Amber has been Fired

Andy Cohen from Andy's Blog, got the dish on Amber and wrote about it on his blog Wednesday, September 19th. If you're wondering who Andy is, he's the flippin' genius at Bravo responsible for overseeing their production slate. Bravo, Andy!! I LOVE Bravo!

Here's his insider info about Amber. Many thanks to Shan & Cliff for the heads up about this piece and the link to it on Andy's Blog!
    "Wednesday Ramble"
    My plane arrived an hour late and so I missed the curtain for a friend's play, which both took the wind outta my sails and gave me the opportunity to watch the finale of "Big Brother 8" live. The show was interesting for two reasons. First of all, each and every lady was SLATHERED in glitter. Layers of glitter upon glitter coated the chest plates of everyone from Julie Chen to America's Favorite Anti Semite, aka Amber.

    Secondly, they left Chen's mic open at the end of the show so you could hear her conversation with Danielle. As credits rolled, Julie asked Dick and Danielle if they were thinking of going on "Amazing Race" (a genius idea unless it means an Emmy at "Runway"/"Chef" expense). They didn't seem to answer, but they seemed enthused. Then Danielle asked Chen if she was going to the wrap party and Chen said she had to split, but that the wrap party was Thursday night. Then they got into the minutia of when they would be seeing Julie over the next 48 hours. It was the best part of the show.

    I got some good Amber scoop on the BB8 set last week: Amber doesn't know it yet but while in the house she was fired from her cocktail waitress job in Vegas because of her vocal hatred of Jews. (Actually by the time you read this she's probably in tears... then again she's always in tears...) I am glad that with the removal of Amber and conclusion of Celine Dion's three year run, Vegas has finally rid itself of the last traces of anti Semitism. (I am kidding about Celine, of course.)

To read the rest of the blog, please click on the source link below to the right.

Source: Andy's Blog

Click here to return to the top of the blog
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Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

I still don't understand how
she can be fired without being notified. Is that really possible?

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She doesn't need her cocktail waitress job! She's going to be on Top Model!! Right?

11:10 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

heidi - i dunno. hopefully, i'll get the chance to ask her directly.

11:17 AM  
Blogger Shana May said...

carolyn...I SO hope you get to do an interview with her :) I can't wait for it :)

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Vegas has/is "at will" employment like here in Illinois, they do not ANY reason to terminate her. I am glad she is suffering consequences for her actions on TV. If you are going to say ignorant things on national TV, its the least she deserves.

I have Tyra Banks and her show as a MySpace friend, should I email her Wamber's information and hopes/wishes to be on her show.... lmao

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoW, I wonder if Jen got fired too lol. WooHoo Celine Dion is the best, just thought I would throw that one in hehehehehehhee!!! have a great day everyone.

12:00 PM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Not that what she said was right, But they cant Fire her w/o letting her know and what she said on the show was not representing the place she worked at. But, what do I know??

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really didn't expect anything more from Amber's apology than she gave.

Don't get me wrong, what she said is not excusable. I could be totally wrong, but I don't believe she has the capacity to understand the ramifications of what she said and how she has acted. She still sees all of her actions as ok.

In the interview, even when asked about her religious beliefs, it sounded like she was simply regurgitating what she "thought" she heard someone else say. I think she is truly trying in her own misguided way to be "good", but doesn't really get what that means.

I am disappointed not only that someone with her mental capacity (or should I say lack thereof) was cast on the show. I am even more disappointed that those close to her (family, etc) were not able to recognize the damage that was going to be done to and by her and the impact that is going to have on her and her daughter's future. Surely they already knew what took us just a very short while to see.

It is all just very very sad to me.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really sad... she needs to work to make a living.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

I really don't see Amber changing her views on any of her actions.
I agree with Anon 2:23.
As for her job-I really can't see how it could even be legal.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


* dances in a circle

is about time she got what she deserves ....while i would feel bad if this happen to anyone else , i have abs. not one speck of sympathy for amber

4:31 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Amber was indeed fired legally. This was taken from the NV Office of the Labor Commisioner's Web Site

Q. Can my employer fire me without a reason?

A. Yes. Nevada is an "employment-at-will" state, meaning that an employer may terminate the relationship at any time and without any reason. The employer cannot discriminate based on sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, or disability. For information on discrimination claims, please contact the Nevada Equal Rights Commission.

Q. Does my employer have to give me notice when he fires me? Do I have to give notice when I quit?

A. NO. Notice is not required by either party.

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They dont need a reason to fire her, she does work in vegas and there are alot of jewish people who live there and work there. If anyone sees her at her job at a famous casino there might be some major problems. That to me is reason enough to fire her! Her own fault for being so ignorant.Oh and her apology was so fake it made me me throw up a little in my mouth when I read it. It sounded like something her family made her say. I dont believe for a second that she was sincere. Lets not forget her family are bigots as well.

Carolyn thanks for another great year.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How exactly did Celine Dion's name get into this?

...attached to Amber?"

What do you know that I don't?

Help me Carolyn?


12:57 AM  

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