Big Brother Interviews Galore
Good morning, Big Brother Lovers!
To see the Julie Chen's interview of Dick and Daniele Donato from this morning on the Early Show, please Click Here!
For oodles of post show interviews with all the houseguests, please check out DreamersVids on youtube.
And one more look at the final moments, captured by scootie668:
When does the rest of that interview get posted? Do you know, Carolyn?
ugh.... who is that "interviewer"? He has to be the most unprofessional, annoying interviewer ever... squealing and talking fast and erratically!
He also fed Whaaambore's delusions by telling her she was a good role model for her daughter on the show and that America loved that she cried all the time!
Way to set her up for an even harder fall. (~_^)d
Poor woman.
You'd do a far better job, Carolyn.
I can't wait to read what you come up with.
Hi Carolyn,
Love the dish... have been lurking all season--
Just found some post finale interviews at this site - you may want to share w/ all the great fans here.
guess that now i've come out of hiding, maybe i'll post again...? i've been lurking everywhere for years (for any/all reality shows), i've just never posted before!
i feel safe here... thx for your patience with all of us.
Thank you SO SO SO much for those links!!! Carolyn is still working for us, America!
Now go to the Spa!
There are 2 vids on you have one listed and here is the other one
Carolyn...have you seen any interviews with Eric or Jessica? I was at the finale last night and Jessica did not seem to happy with Eric. I'm dying to hear!!!
Do we know yet if there has been any backlash at Amber? Oooooh I hope she gets it good. She needs to be put in her place.
I am so glad that the Donatos made it to the final 2!
is there going to be something on F4 today?
i'm paranoid i'm going to miss something.
Psssst... you're supposed to be next door!
I can't figure out how to find the post show interviews on the link you put up? Do I have to subscribe?
Also, THANK YOU for being my second addiction this summer (bb live feeds being the first)
another audio interview...
I followed your link to dreamersvids and there weren't any interview videos there--just some from when they were still in the house. Just thought you'd like to know.
Thanks for posting everything Carolyn. The only show I miss all year and it was the finale!
Okay, is there another source for the Early Show interview with D&D? I've tried it about 4 times now in both IE and Netscape and it is just too choppy to be able to watch! It is driving me NUTS! I don't usually have trouble watching vids online -- but it reminds me of the old dial-up days -- it's THAT bad! HELP?!
does it keep cutting out for everyone else?
when do they announce bb9 officialy if it is to be? may? June? earlier?
Carolyn, did anyone catch the stuff that was said after the cbs show or can anyone give us a run down of what happend on the web after the early show??i would love to know :) thanks
nevermind you just posted the you tubes LOL thank you!
Does anyone know how Daniele got Janelle's dress? Janelle wore that same black dress with gold trim last year for the final.
See video of Janelle wearing that dress at this link.
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