Pics from the Finale
Without giving anything away here on the main page before it airs on the west coast... Here are some screen caps I just captured from the replay of the finale.

Reactions to the America's Player Twist:

Nick talking to Dani for the 1st time...

Dick and Daniele's first steps through the door of the Big Brother House and into freedom!

Jess looking absolutely stunning and poised while Carol speaks about her.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!! And I do think Jessica looked gorgeous!!! Jen was her usual annoying self!!! And I hope that Jess and Eric can have a relationship after this, they are too darn cute together!!! That's all for now, I'm sure I will have more later.
These are GREAT!!!
...10 minutes to go here!
Great pictures! Anon 8:47- I agree. Jess looked radiant.
I just want to say thank you for keeping everyone up to date. You're site was my main feed for what was going on in the BB house this year, and I can't wait for BB9!
And I absolutely loved the finale, good for Dick! I was shocked at Amber's attack on Daniele about her love life; completely uncalled for. Eric's video was hilarious. A light, happy ending to a dramatic show!
thanks guys :)
much love,
p.s. seriously thinking about riding my bike over to 7-11 for a crystal light slurpee... i think i've earned it.
Ride like the wind! You soooo deserve it!
ok... i'm off then.. i'll be back :)
As we hear a "Christopher Cross" tune playing in the background........
They showed Dick's mom & son Vincent, but what about the mother of Daniele & Vincent?- Any news about her?
Biskit- LOL! That's funny. I wasn't even thinking of that when I wrote it but...I'm hearing it playing now! That song will be in my head for days. And I've got such a long way to go.....
mmmmm... slurpee
C-I would have asked you to bring me one but it woulda melted before it got here ;)
"Till I make it to the border of Mexico....." HAHAHAHA!
Mmmmmmm.....SWEET TEA!!!!
to be free again...
:) i'm pretty proud of myself, actually. i devised a way to get a big slurpee home on my bike, in a bag, without spilling a drop.
That's awesome! I can't walk with one let alone ride a bike. You go! I was always the kid whose ice cream fell off the cone.
omg.. i haven't felt this relaxed in 3 months
ok guys, i preferred nick the way he looked when he came into the house. anybody else agree ? its not the hair-cut itself, i think i didnt like the low trimmed mustache....
bianca - how about tonight? i'd say a definite return to yummyliscious-ness.
/omg.. i haven't felt this relaxed in 3 months/
Are you having a slurpee or a wine cooler? ;) I think I'll have to go to 7-11 for one now tomorrow lol.
You know there was really no "yummyliciousness" too me as far as the girls. much as I hate to admit it, I thought Amber was HOT when it first started...but that RAPIDLY declined!!!
carol - it's a slurpee :)
biskit - i remember you had a thing for amber!! wow...
Oh yeah, in the beginning...but as I said, that RAPIDLY declined, like s!@# through a goose!
biskit, do you and bake do the same job?
Well, beddy-bye for Biskit, gotta be at work in 4 1/2 hours to keep the "kiddies" in line! HAHAHA!!
Good night!
be safe, biskit.
Nooooooooo, where he works Sales for the station we sports announce for, I do the "fun" job!
lol.. trying to imagine the result if any of your "kiddies" ever heard you say "beddy bye for biskit"
Oh good Lord!!! Id have to QUIT!!
I started announcing 4 years ago with a different broadcast partner. Then he quit, and brought my brother on board and we have been doing it ever since.
How do I put this, my brother doesn't have the "temperament" for my occupation, and has admitted it.
Well, g'night
I am so so Happy DICK WON! I could not have hoped for a better ending. I'm just hoping that because he won... Daniele won't be bitter and mean. In all the seasons Dick is by far my favorite player ever!! I'm going to go through D&D withdrawls now. The jury memembers seemed a little shocked that AMERICA LOVES DICK! I loved it. Thank you ladies for making this season so wonderful!! I didn't find this site until this season and I'm promising you I will never go to another site ever. Much love
nite nite, biskit.
Jessica hands down looked the BEST!! She looked so gorgeous!!!!
Jess looked amazing! I really hope things with ehr and Eric work out! I wish they ahd a follow-up episode!!!
Nick looked so good!(so did Dani)
Thank you,thank you for this blog!
Here is what I ultimately do not understand. If the Jury thinks that Daniele was behind many of Dick's comments, then didn't she deserve the win for strategy? They can't have it both ways, either Dick was a master strategist and owns his comments, and Dani was falsely accused by the jurors, or Dani is the master manipulator and should have been rewarded with the win. Either way, I have never seen a pettier jury -- the bitter bus rides again.
I truly believe it comes down to the point that neither Jessica or Amber wanted a "girl" to win. Sad for the Sisterhood. Congratulations Dick!
I wonder if Kris is still in Danielle's life?
I know I'm a little late on this. But, yes Jessica was absolutely gorgeous. I thought that the moment she walked out.
Did anyone else notice how much Vincent and Dick's mother seemed to be "deer in headlights" when they were standing next to Julie Chen? It was commical. I'm totally suprised you got a screenie of them actually smiling, they looked so scared and nervous I felt bad for them LOL.
I can understand why they wouldn't want Danielle's (ex?) boyfriend to be there..."AAWWWKKWARD" as she says hehe
I see they touched up Daniele's roots for the finale.
I was just wondering how BB9 could top this year. I think this year had the best cast ever!!!!
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