This Makes Me Nervous
I've been waging an internal battle all day over whether or not to do a live show spoiler for the finale. The potential for an AP Vote during the finale has solved my dilemma. I will be doing it. Here's the link: Live Finale Spoiler. I've only given out the numbers to text once this season. Tonight will be a 2nd time...

This is what makes me think they're going to have a text only, and therefor Eastern & Central time zones only, AP Vote tonight. Not if we can help it... In the event of an AP vote tonight, the west coast will be included with the live spoiler post.
Should this vote come into play, I will include the numbers for texting. Here's the link for the Live Show Spoilers:
I thought the vote after Thurday night's show was for Eric was going to campaign and vote for. I could be wrong though.
Thanks for posting the numbers for us West Coasters!
We were allowed to vote on the computer during the commercial break, so hopefully we'll be able to again. No cell phone here....
vote for what? I'm confused?!
Last Thursday's vote question was:
Who do you want Eric to campaign and vote for to win Big Brother 8?
FYI: All AP vote questions, options, results are well tracked on Wikipedia.
- KC
Hi Carolyn...
Am I understanding this right? West Coast doesn't get to vote?
So the Finale' won't be on the feeds? that the West Coast CAN vote?
I'm feelin' my 60's-activist-self beginning to stir! Grrr.....
Voting closed on Saturday for the final America's Player task. Eric will be voting tonight in the same manner in which he was instructed by America to campaign. Over. Done. Finito.
There won't be another live vote tonight todecide this season's winner.
By the way, most America's Player tasks included some verbal gymnastics in the phrasing of the questions.
I'd like to also point out that Carolyn's polls on this blog have been quite accurate in predicting the way most Big Brother fans are thinking. As a result, I'm positive that tonight we'll watch Eric cast America's vote in favor of Dick.
I think you are mistaken. The CBS site only says Watch Tuesday to see how America voted. Nothing about a vote tonight.
Carolyn, I'm confused by your post...on the CBS website it says on the Big Brother 8 front page that the "Voting is now closed. Tune in Tuesday to find out how America voted."
True enough, if you click on that picture, it takes you to the page you linked to and it the picture and statement that you show here on your blog, but think (hope) we already cast our vote and don't really expect there to be a 'live' vote...hope there isn't anyway. I didn't like the way the last one came out!
Yikes!!! Is this so we can see the Jury questions, round table, decisions, etc before making our actual Vote?
I think it would be pretty lame for America to have him campaigning for one person and actually voting for the other....
I'm pretty sure I'll still be texting for ED!
"He has one more task to accomplish" is the current text on the CBS website. Previously they would advertise that "we" had another task to give him.
AP voting is done for viewers. Now it's just up to Eric to finish and see if he can add to his $40,000.
What I want to know is if Dani will whine about Eric winning almost as much money as she'll end up with.
- KC
KC -- re: Dani -- I'd put $$ on it!
You take such good care of us West Coasters!
kc & codi - i hope you're right... but just in case, i'll be doing the spoiler all the same.
There's no texting today, the polls closed on Saturday night, before they did the jury questions, that way Eric could have time to persuade the jury from saturday til today.
Carolyn - i was wondering if you might be able to answer a question i have.
on the Real livefeed thing tonight ... what exactly is being covered ? ... as in after the live show airs ... on the livefeed the coverage continues? until when?
(my mother was asking me all these questions and i just do not have the answers lol)
thank you : )!!
Carolyn, I'm pretty sure both kc and codi are right and I didn't even rewatch AG on House Calls-LOL!!
She also said, for those interested, that the AP reveal will be AFTER voting, but BEFORE the vote reveal.
Gosh I hope I can get in on the east coast live feed tonight or I'll be a darn wreck by 8 PST.
Deb in WA
DUDE! Don't mess with the west coasters like that! Say it's not so!
And BTW thank so much for this awesome blog, you guys do an amazing job. Can't wait till next season.
It's like a weight on my chest that doesn't go away. This D/D finale. I hope after the vote I will accept it and move on.
I'm in the BB House? When? I deny everything!
Is it safe to assume we will have no feeds until after the east coast show?
Only an hour and forty five minutes to go! I'm so excited!
Ya know, I didn't know they were doing the live vote last time. I scrambled to my computer and got one vote in for Dani before it closed. I was pissed. I would've voted more if I had know it was coming. I'm too cheap to text vote. Anyway, I will have the AP page up on my computer just in case we get to vote for something, lol. They won't get me again. I'm ready this time!
Ok, no one bash me for saying this, but if they do show guests at the finalie, I sure hope Sweets is there for Zach.
He showed so much grace in his loss, my heart really reached opened up to him. That would make it all worth it for him if she was there.
Geez I'm getting mushy in my old age. Must be all the love on this blog today.
Thank you for keeping me entertained today and the whole season! You're the best!
OOOOOOHHHHHH! Feeds have gone from trivia to BB8 finale banner. Is something fixing to happen?
Yippee, let's hope something is about to happen. That means I won't have to wait till 8 to watch it or worry about trying to be one of the first 1,000 in on the live feeds for the east coast.
This is like Christmas morning and I'm all wound up-LOL!
Deb in WA
Rain just knocked out my satalite! I am going to miss the reveal of the votes!!!!!!!!!!! Ahh!
I see from your profile you are a Libra! Me too! Bet your Birthday is soon! Happy Birthday! Thanks for everything this season of BB8. It was my lifeline, and I even had the live feeds. :) Looking forward to normal life, and fall season beginning!
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