This Makes Me Proud
Please go and check out ddugo's tribute to Dick & Daniele on bb8dishcaps. A picture's worth a thousand words, and ddugo's caps are priceless.
Bravo Dawn!
SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Please go and check out ddugo's tribute to Dick & Daniele on bb8dishcaps. A picture's worth a thousand words, and ddugo's caps are priceless.
You make me proud! It has been my pleasure dishcapping for you! I hope you all enjoy the video it's my very 1st!
BB8dish is a place I call home!
Luv ya Carolyn, thank you for everything you do!
Great job on the videos and all the dishcaps! I have really enjoyed them.
A quick note to THANK YOU as I’m sure many others have done. I wanted to Thank You for the hours of dedication, sleepless nights, a deprived boyfriend and family members. Thank You for your continued humor, compassion to haters, and the occasional rant. Thank you for being the sounding board for all of us who swore we would never watch again only to come back 2 minutes later loving the game all over again. Thank You for creating a community that we all could embraces. ( Even Cliff ) Thank You for making me have to buy a new keyboard because my refresh button is now wore out !! Thank you for making my summer weekdays enjoyable, and most of all Thank You !!
Live Well, Love Often and Laugh Much
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