Wake Up Houseguests!
9:15am BBT
A moment ago we were on sleeping HGs, and then the blue swirly & music came up. Since it's live show day, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say BB is waking them up...
9:28am BBT
LMAO - Well 13 minutes later, the feeds are back, and BB is being extra kind for the HoH Lockdown today. Slumber Party, lights out, up in HoH.. punctuated by some serious toots - I can almost smell them over here. The HGs are begging for clean air... Not gonna happen, kids.

I am so very glad that I have school to keep me occupied today.... yeh.. like thats going to happen... I'm not going to get anything done! *sigh*
this day is gonna drag by!! My kids started school today so I don't even have them to distract me!! This is without a doubt the best season in YEARS!! I am nervous, anxious and excited in anticipation of how this is all going to go down!!
thanks BB8Dish for feeding my addiction!!!
Quick, spray the Lysol.
What are they feeding them?
I'm sitting at work and time is still slow! I can't wait till tonight!
~♥~ Veronica
Who is missing from this slumber party? I see four on the floor and one in the bed.???
singing "Smelly Dick! Smelly Dick! What are they feeding you?""
Thanks EG (and Phoebe Buffay) for the inspiration!
Oh and random question: I thought they were on indoor lockdown while stuff was being put together in the back yard last night. How was it that Saint Dick Spittyface got let out to smoke? Did they cover up part of the yard with something?
LOL their toots are wild aren't they?? hehehheheeeeeeeeeeeee They should give them some plug ins haha. I can't wait for tonight.
Twas the morning before eviction when all through the house, not a HG was stirring not even an ant; the keys were hung by the memory wall with care, it hopes that Julie Chain would soon be there. The HG were nestled all snug in there beds, while visions of veto’s danced in their heads; And Jessica in her nightshirt and zack in his cap, had just settled there brains for a long midday nap, When all of a sudden a voice came on,” Hg it’s time to get up, so get a move on.” Away to the door they flew like a flash tore open the sliding glass door with a loud bash. The key on the breast of the new hoh, gave a luster of envy to those who were left. When what to there ears should a voice appears,” HG don’t get comfy there are to many of you here. They knew in a moment this wasn’t going to be quick and hurried to make some new deals quick.
Helen- That's great!
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