30 Minute Warning till the Janelle Chat
The Live Chat with Janelle begins at 9pm Eastern! This is an exclusive chat for subscribers to the live feeds only. It can be viewed on feed #4.

Janelle Chat
Spark up the feeds and get to #4.
For beautiful screen shots from the Janelle Chat, please check out our screencaps site: bb8dishcaps. DDugo just posted some beauties!
**Added Thursday morning: To watch the Janelle interview again, bb8dish recommends the following 2 youtubers: Quirkydude and Romie1218. You've seen their work here on bb8dish MANY times, and both have posted the entire interview. Give em a click!
Am I supposed to see Janie on Feed 4?
omg it keeps saying CONNECTION TO SERVER HAS BEEN LOST!!!!
anyone else getting this??
im~ yes.
brook - i'm watching.. no probs.
carolyn, will you recap the chat for us? i'm to lazy to switch off the quads and F4 is muted so... :)
sorry, im~ not gonna happen.
i'm enjoying it right along with everyone else. :)
OMG. I love her. She is level headed and fair at the same time.
Happy... Happy!
ugh...i am so sad....i totally thought it was 9 central for some reason...forgot that my time isnt the same for everyone...tuned in two minutes ago and its been over for a while lol...well thats how it goes i guess but damn i am sad lol..
That chat was the best! Janelle added a great perspective. ...and I couldn't agree more with her take on Eric. ...each one of the HGs for that matter.
And rather Jess in the F3, than Jameka or Zack.
I know that Carolyn has already said she won't recount the chat, but can you give a brief overview of Janelle's take on the HGs.
I had to put my boys to bed and couldn't watch.
Oh how I love Jedi Janie <3
I'm sorry but I've had enough of Dick's behavior..This has nothing to do with game the way he treats people..He mentioned moments ago on the live feed what they were talking about jen that she needs a hard slap across the face, she needs to die, seriously, a very painful slow death, it would do the world a lot of good if her uterus rotted out and she couldn't have any children b/c i cannot even imagine what her children would be like.I hope Jen bring a lawsuit against me for defamation
this youtube user has some parts of janelles chat up..
<3 Nicole
Carolyn...FYI...your bb8dishcaps link is bad...
Thanks for all the updates!
thanks for the heads up :) all better now... I'm fadin fast..
that comment at 7:38 should have said I hope Jen brings a lawsuit against Dick for defamation .now he's saying that they should throw Jamekia's ass off the balcony..this is terrible.He has no respect for women
Janelle's chat recap is on Morty's. You have to "Click Here" at the 6PM post.
You can sure tell they are very bored -- they are getting downright mean about others!
Caroline - sorry, just got back here. Looks like you have some good resources tho from Nicole & Anon @ 7:55.
It's worth watching the whole thing.
sorry guys... i'm just too pooped to pop tonight.
anon @ 7:51
I have seen many posters on various sites write that Dick "doesn't respect women".
Where does this assumption come from?
Surely you do not believe that Jen, Amber, and/or Jameka represent all women?
I do not particularly respect any one of these specific women. Does that mean I, too, somehow have no respect for women?
Jen never presented herself as a very respectable person,... on any level.
Jameka comes across as a total hypocrit and completely (and undeservingly) self-righteous.
And Amber... eh...
I have a very base level respect for them as human beings.. but I can understand and empathize with how very frustrating and maddening it must be to live with such characters. I also know how easy it is to become very demonstrative and over exaggerate, in the heat of the moment.
Maybe some are so cool-headed that they can claim they have never thought or expressed "I could just kill that person" or "i wish that person would just die", but I think it would be very few.
It doesn't mean you genuinely feel that way. It is just an expression of frustration, irritance, and anger.
Just because the most irritating (to Dick) people on this season happen to be female does not make him a misogynist or sexist or even disrespectful of women.
I do not see how one can come to this equation.
You are mistaken. Saint Dick is a paragon of virtue with only the noblest feelings about women which are greater than that of the knights of yore. Surely you must be referring to somebody else.
you tube links added to the bottom of the post ;)
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