For the Ultimate Nick & Dani Fan
Nuff said? Here's the link:
Get Nick's SUV!
Here's the ad copy:
Nick from BB8's 2001 Chevy Blazer... Excellent Condition... Buying car when I get to California so no need for 4 wheel drive SUV... Daniele and I can drop off at your residence if you live south or west of Minnesota en route to California... if you don't live south or west you can pick up at my house in Minnesota and drive back to you destination...
Any more questions feel free to ask...
Nick :D
Here are the links for all the BB8 HGs ebay sales: Daniele, Mike, Eric , Jen, Zach and Dustin.
Columbus Day Sale at Macy's.
Save 10 - 50% plus values. Valid 03-Oct-07 through 08-Oct-07.
that *truly* is for the ultimate fan - how fun!
so....i'm guessing that they're really an item now??? (and where do we get gossip on BB8 housemates???)
i know, right!!
i'll be doing interviews... i promise.. i've just wanted to give them all some breathing room. :)
DISH! ;)
hehehe :)
but of course. ;)
I think they'll be great interviews after they finally have a chance to reflect on their summer! We're looking forward to it all, Carolyn!
And, that SUV! Either Nick or Dani is a Marketing GENIUS! That's a great idea...
Oh gosh... next thing you know they are gonna put themselves on Ebay........... OH WAIT they already did... Oh well...
You're awesome Carolyn! The fun continues...
Yeah, ya gotta wait until they've had a chance to watch all the episodes. I'm curious to see what they think about the bits and pieces that made it onto air and if their opinions about certain people have changed.
Good stuff.
I'm really looking forward to the interviews. This blog and a few of their myspaces are still on my list to 'check daily'.
I love reading how the HG's have reacted to what they now know and how the show effected them.
Dani & Nice are so cute together. I hope both of them, and Dick, post on their myspaces about their travels and put up lots of pics.
Oh goodness! Here's the tiny url for some great pics of some of the BB8 HG's, Yau Man, former Survivors, etc. Be sure you visit all 4 pages or you'll miss some great ones of ED and YauMan. These are from the Red Carpet arrivals at the Fox Reality Channel Really Awards 2007 The program airs Oct 13.
From one of Dick's pics you can tell he hasn't changed a bit. He may have a fresh haircut, new shirt, and even a new wifebeater on, but you'll recognize the jeans from BB8. Gotta love the guy for continuing to be himself.
I guess things got more than a little out of hand when Danny Bonaduce decided to rearrange Jonny Fairplay's face with the floor as he (Jonny) was about to present an award and wound up being taken away in an ambulance. I doubt they'll show that on the 13th but if you got to or google it, I'm sure you'll see more than you want. Way to show how mature some of these guys can be........enough said. Gosh, I feel like a gossip columnist..........OH NO, what am I turning into?-LOL!!
OMG, I didn't know Nick lived in Kimball, MN. That is soooo close to where I live!! Like 25 miles or so!!
hey Carolyn! i just wanted to share this with you if someone still hasn't. take care!
What a steel Nick's blazer is! OMG 6100??? Puhlease! Whoever wins that is getting a major deal!
I haven't heard any dirt on these guys and I really miss it tons!
Can't wait for the interviews!
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