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Sunday, July 29, 2007

BB8 Jen and Kail are Up and Gaming

Kail and Jen are laying out back, the only HGs awake this 11am BBT Sunday morning. The ladies are discussing all the HGs and slamming them pretty hard.

Wake up and snipe on a Sunday morning. Reap what you sow, Kail.

Kail (about Jessica): I wish I could just sleep and do nothing all day and have no enemies.

You get the drift.

Jen: I think next week if I get HoH, I'm putting up Evel and Dustin.
Kail: Don't whisper that to a soul. If I get HoH, I'm putting up Evel and Daniele.
Jen: Yeah, but then, one of them will win it again, and neither will go home.
    ***Dizzying intellect, per usual.

Kail: Better to do Evel and Jessica. Jessica's never gonna win a competition.
Jen: I don't wanna make another enemy. She'd never put me up. I know she wants to do acting and modeling and stuff, and she knows I have the contacts, and I'd never help her in a million years if she puts me up.

The girls have no inkling about Nick being the replacement nominee. Not a single word about it. If they do know, they're keeping it from each other.They've moved back inside now, to the kitchen and have moved on to discussing their weight, BB telling them how fat they've gotten, and the preparation of slop. Jen's adding mayo to hers, and remarking how her last boyfriend was always telling her, "You're too skinny."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The HG's are idiots if they don't evict Kail this week!

11:46 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

This just goes to show how big a mistake it is to leave Kail in the house. What a bunch of stupid people.

I really hope there is a group that goes against voting Nick out and they wind up with the votes for Kail to leave. Also I think Eric dug himself a grave last night with all the " once we agree, it's Nick to leave no going back on it" when he will have to try and convince the HG's to get Kail out for APV.

2:22 PM  
Blogger ravisrain said...

Hi all BB8 watchers and bloggers,

This is my first time here. I had to get on here and totally agree with the fact that the HG's are idiots. Kail must go this week. I can't stand her.

As far as Dick goes...I love him. He makes this season. He'll never replace Chilltown but he is right up there.

Later BB8 lovers keep watching

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ravisrain, I like this season too. It makes me optimistic that starting from BB8 there's going to be a whole new batch of All-Stars. They're like Star Trek the Next Gen. Plus I love that they are so many fans of the show on the show (Eric, Dani, Kail, and ED) so they're learning from past mistakes (to an extent, now that they're going to keep Kail) and bringing whole new games.

3:04 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Well, Kail's an idiot. Flat out. A big annoying idiot.

And that's probably the biggest reason that each of them are secretly hoping she stays in for the long haul since ...

a.) No one likes her.

b.) She's being (secretly) carried along by the rest of the HG's and ...

c.) No one of them would vote for her to win, knowing that she just made it to the end as an unsuspecting pawn of everyone else's (see Survivor, seasons 1 - 89).

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cliff, are you emplying Kail is a great person to bring to final 2 ? if so, i never thought of it that way, she is a great person for final 2, no one will vote for her to win the grand prize.....

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you think that the people want Kail out, perhaps they actually want Nick out because I thought Kail was America's choice for last week? I can't believe BB would tell them they are getting fat. What the F*%k are they supposed to do about it, they pile in the junk food and then give them nothing to do all day. I know they have a gym but they'd all have to be in there 24/7 with all that junk they are giving them to eat.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Yep, Bianca. I'm thinking that Kail is everyone's secret "I want to be sitting next to her in the finals" person and then everyone can let rip on her how everything she did was useless and she just rode everyone's coattails to get to the end.

10:32 PM  

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