The Big Brother 8 Dick at Night Show
Finally, at 5:35am, all the other feeds have gone quiet, and the Dick at Night show truly begins.
5:35am BBT
Dick: What a drama filled day, and who's dead center of it again? I gotta get that bitch outta the house, man. She brings out the worst in me... not the worst. The best of the worst. (long pause) I'm getting kinda tired. It was a very long day.. and a drama filled day. (he moves to cover the jacuzzi) "yes I was, yes I was" No you weren't. Effin dumb bitch. Jen needs to go. Zach. Kail. (pause) Love to throw this house on its ass by putting Amber and Dustin up.
- ***He's already done the laundry outside, and now Dick has moved inside to finish up his bar manager nightly duties with the dishes.
Dick: Effin' Amber.
And with that, he goes to bed.
I'll be working on the overnight report now: everything after midnight BBT. Anything important that happened before that is already on the blog in several posts below, and there was plenty!
Please check back for the Big Brother 8 Overnight Report between 9:30am-10am BBT.
If Jameka didn't use the POV.. I really can't understand why Jen isn't a target...
Jennifer.. jameka did use the pov.. jen's off the block. nick's the replacement nom.
where ya been, girl? ;)
Dick is angry at the wrong people. He keeps blaming Jen. Jameka is the one who said God told her to use the veto and Dustin is the one who put Nick up... They are driving me crazy!!! Dick and Dani allowing and/or encouraging Dustin to put Nick up is a Marcellas move if I've ever seen one. Sort of like when Howie made a deal with Maggie and put up James!!! Did I mention Dick is driving me CRAZY!!! All of a sudden I'm a Kail and Jen fan. Thanks Dick, for showing your true colors.
Rah rah!
And one of the things I can't stand the most about all of this is that the idea of Dick being SUCH a jerk that he's making me root for Kail, who I really don't like either.
Like Dick said himself...
People may not like to hear him say what he says most times, but they are all thinking it too. At least he puts it all out there for everyone to see, if they would just open their eyes.
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