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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wake Up Big Brother Houseguests!

BB started the wake-up music at 10:20am BBT. He's still workin' on it. A few are up, but most have opted for the snooze button.

BB: Hello Houseguests. Tonight is the Live broadcast. Please tidy the house.

BB: Dick, please remove your things from the Head of Household room, so we can prepare it for the new Head of Household. You have one hour.

And starring in the role of HG who needs to win HoH most, but may not realize it:

Please save Carolyn's eye candy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick could be in trouble, but I think Zach would go before he does.

I really would like to see Kail go tonight!

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Nick is wanted out just as much as Zach. He might be cute but he is sneaky and very untrustworthy and a little loony because if Daniele.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be happy if Nick went home in the next week or 2. He's really not playing the game and I would love to see Danielle and Dick be foreced to communicate more.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i honestly don't know what i'll do if nick leaves...i think he is so funny! so what if he's a playboy. he's very entertaining to watch. i agree with you the eye candy!!!

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do they have it out for my boy Nick!!!? Who is the leader of this bandwagon... and let's tell Eric to work on getting rid of THAT houseguest! Nick can't go home. I'm with you Carolyn... don't lose the eye candy!!!

2:13 PM  
Blogger Sher said...

I WISH the CBS AP task would be to tell Eric who is the most "honest player".. which of course we would all vote for our mancandy Nick!!!!! Wouldn't that really set Eric back a little for us to tell him who we see on this side as a true player!?

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure into your eye candy too. Nick just started singing Mika's Grace Kelly - and it is so fitting for his relationship with Daniele. You should incorporate that song somehow in the showmance page.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure hope the house doesn't vote to evict Nick or there will be no reason for me to watch the feeds anymore. I am soooo sad. I believe he sincerely likes Daniele.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really starting to dislike Eric, he is such a LIAR!! I can't believe how good he is at being manipulative. I know he is our representative but, oh my goodness.

9:48 PM  

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