BB8 Nick Starcevic's Interview with Julie Chen
You didn't really think a full day would pass without me posting something about Nick, didja? ;) If you'd like to see the web exclusive cbs interview between Julie Chen and Nick Starcevic, Click here. Less sniping. Nerd Herd Free.
Purely Nick. Purely enjoyable!
everytime ive tried to watch this video it says i dont have the media players installed....even though i do and wont let me watch it. I really wanted to watch it! i love Nick! does it say anything terribly important?
Carolyn, you are very fond of nick, i see. I don't blame you. He is easy on the eyes. However, I have a few questions. What do you think about Nick posting on his Myspace and announcing that "A.C. Slater quite possibly could be the dreamiest guy ever." And posting a half naked picture of himself and stating "Hello all you single mens out there." Not to mention his blow job story and his list of top 5 men celebrities. Do you think he was playing Daniele as a strategy?
anonymous.. same thing happens to me when i try to watch housecalls. i wish i could help you out. :(
joann - i think he's more than easy on the eyes... i find him a lovely person all around. anyway.. the gay thing, i don't buy it. it's just his sense of humor.
daniele as strategy? not for a minute.
It is totally his sense of humour, he is a very funny guy. It came across very clear through the live feeds that he has an awesome personality and he is not afraid to laugh at himself and joke around. He likes to keep people on their toes about who they think he is (no stereotyping possible with Nick). Do you guys remember when he was in the storage room with Dani (after he cut the hawk) talking about how he could come up to a guy in an alley and scare him by pretending to be a robber but then break into showtunes. Very, very funny guy.
i miss nick :( they made a huge mistake voting him out. if ppl in the alliance wld have thought for themselves instead of going w/ the group he wld still be in the house. oh well, at least we can look forward to youtube clips of him when we get bored.
If you liked his interview with Julie... check out the House Calls from today with Nick as guest.
His genuine spirit and sense of humor shines through. If you like him... you'll be nicksited.
Nick is amazing. the show just isn't the same without him. There should be more guys like him out there, he has an amazing personality and he is super sexy. He is my favorite bigbrother house guest ever.
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