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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

45 Minutes till the Live Show

5:14pm BBT
Feeds are Back.
Jameka & Zach
Jameka: Good luck. Seems pretty fair. No one has to know anything.
    ***Oh, dear.
Dick passes through frame, says nothing.

Jameka: Alrighty, what am I gonna do?

5:25pm BBT
Dick and Dani both separately approach Jameka to offer their best wishes to her, and messages of apology/it was not personal/just strategy to Eric and Jess. Jameka is a champ.

Jameka: No, no, no. It's on me. I didn't do enough to be here. You all play your game, and do your best.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

what?? do you think he offered her bribe?

5:23 PM  
Blogger Cambik said...

This is rather Interesting as they don't normally show the feeds until after the show is over. Something must have happened. This makes me a little nervous.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the heck is that all about????

5:24 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

cambik.. don't forget, the show airs at 9pm eastern tonight.

5:25 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

monyc & angie - i have no clue.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a bribe to do what? sway the jury? thats about all Jam could do for Zack at this point--and I doubt they are going to need much swaying

5:27 PM  
Blogger Cambik said...

Ok I feel much better now. Dick is saying it is only game.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...

Oh, this could be really bad.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Cambik said...

Actually I am in CST so it starts here in 30 minutes.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and zach just going to th DR... did ED get punished?

5:30 PM  
Blogger BryanLovesHisAngela said...

I'm tired of dick's antics. He's cheated and lied. I hope he gets penalized for cheating.

5:32 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

gotta shower
back by the live show.

5:35 PM  
Blogger BryanLovesHisAngela said...

if it comes down to dick and his daughter I won't be watching the finale. I hope next year is better.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan, do you mean because of the letter from Vincent? I think if they were going to punish ED they would have done something by now--like with Jen eating.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe noone has to know about his freak out all over Zach and perhaps there has been a change in the compition one can hope right?? i am sorry but earlier was just wrong on so many levels. And sad!! Maybe this will be the thing all Dick fans have waited for the de construction of Dick's mouth!!

I just hear Dick say no hard feelings? He didnt want to be rude, Jameka PLEASE!!!!A little late for that and a little late for A$$ kissing. I can't believe they said were not like zach kissing butt no you are doing that!! Wow these two really think shes dumb do they not ??

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This makes me a little excited!

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zach suddenly got b@lls now??? what's up with his DRs???

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dick your simply amazing. i love u.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dick has shown all u haters just how good he is. i thought he had no chance in the endurance comp when it started. i swore it would be up to dani 2 defeat zach. boy was i wrong.i admit, i was a huge dick fan b4 the comp, but now i totally adore and worship him. once dani fell, dick was in it 4 the long haul, and long it was! i have never seen such heart and drive in a man like i saw dick have last night. while he didn't ultimately win, he definitely won alot more support and admiration from america. if u loved him b4, u love him more now! if u hated him b4, u still gotta give him props for lasting so long. he was amazing, unbelievable, and down right hard core to the end. his body gave up on him and he still hung on for 3 more hours. dani, when she was outside, gave him just enough encouragement to keep fighting. i saw a real change in dani last night!for once i think she realized thats her dad. 2 watch him suffer the way he did, i saw her see him in a new light. she hated 2 see her dad in pain and i think she finally realized she loves him alot more than she thought she did. she truly was concerned for him. when the comp stopped she went into instant nurse mode, caring for dick any way she could. i hope this memory stays w/ her when times between them get rough. dick loves dani 2 pieces & would do anything 4 her. the past is the past. he's your dad and u love him. if anything, dick & dani won the best prize there is to offer=eachother! i am so proud of dick regardless if he lost, he's a true winner in my book. all u dick haters need to back off b/c i have a feeling the pattern of karma is still in effect this season and dick n dani will turn this right around and get to the final 2 2gether! that is if production doesn't stack the deck against them in the 3rd comp, like last night! dick marry me would ya! i am in my 20's and i find him irresistable! no joke folks!

10:22 AM  

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