The America's Player Reveal
A lot of you have been asking when the America's Player twist will be revealed to the other houseguests, so I thought it best to post it here at the top of the blog. I've been listening to the Housecalls interview with Alison Grodner, and according to the woman in charge:
- "The AP reveal will happen after the vote, but before the winner is announced. Eric is very nervous about it, mostly because of his relationship with Jessica..."
Also, does Eric have to vote as we say?
- "Yes. If he were to not vote with America, he is breaking a 'contract with America' (and the production company), and will lose his stipend and his 40,000."
The interview is excellent. I strongly urge you all to give it a listen.
GMTA... I just posted this info in a comment on the poll. Really enjoyed the info and interview from Alison on HC.
lol, and i just posted a gmta on that comment. ;)
Thanks for the info on when Ap would be revealed.I sure as heck don't want to miss it.
Thanks for that Carolyn.
Just finished watching the episode. Is it just me or does Allison Grodner strike anybody else as a cool lady?
As I was watching it though it was interesting that she never answered that part about the coded letter but she did answer about the blue ball controversy.
Can't wait to hear about the jury questions tonight.
Thanks for everything, Carolyn.
Questions lurking in my head...
Will Jessica be able to forgive AmErica's Player?
(I know *I'll* be watching her face - and her face alone, when it is revealed!!)
Will they or won't they be together outside of BB8?
...this is still fun!
I feel like with all the "private" time that Eric and Jessica are sharing, with no cameras, he has probably told her by now what his deal was.
anon@4:48 - I was trying not to say that - lol - because that led to yet *another* question!
Did he? ("or Didn't he?") tell Jessica in secret?
But if we know the answer in the affirmative, he loses all the $$!
So...we're not gonna know that one til the $$ is safely in the bank.
I fully believe she knows and possible has already told her "good" friends. The way the sequester clip was shown the other night, the other guests led us to believe Eric and Jessica are truely "together" and to think he wouldn't have told her is ridiculous. The only ones that probably don't know is Zach, Dick, and Danielle.
Anon 4:48
I don't think it should matter if everyone in the jury house knows now...obviously rules don't mean much in this game so what the heck. Maybe next year bb9 will have more than one intimidator with blood relatives and we can actually see some physical fighting to go along with the bullying.
anon 4:48
If he told her (which I'm sure if not the AP itself, then he's revealed more secrets) she wouldn't tell anyone else. She never told anyone about his other confessions. She'd keep his secret.
If he tells, he loses his money. Period. I haven't heard the Grodner interview yet if she says otherwise I'd be shocked, but why would the producers risk their "big twist" being ruined before the final show?? Showing the HG reactions is all they've got left in terms of surprises. I bet the strongest language in his contract refers more to not *telling* anyone about his role even more than being required to *do* what America asks.
Don't think they aren't monitoring what's going on in that house just because we can't watch it on a 24/7 live feed. If he even broached the subject I'm sure they would intervene. As much as Eric WANTS to tell Jess, I believe he respects BB and his role this year, and would not tell her.
At most he may have said "look, when this is all over you might find out some things about me that might surprise you, but I want you to know that it doesn't affect our relationship so just give me a chance to discuss anything that comes up ok? I'm sorry I can't discuss it yet, but I need you to trust me on this" and phrase it some vague way like she might find out he was once in jail or still has a girlfriend etc.
Eric also respects the BB game enough that hopefully, even head over heels smitten with Jess, he would realize that telling her could mean the other houseguests find out too, and not only would that make his remaining days miserable, it could influence their voting in the game (i.e. you are voting for Dick so I'm countering with Dani, or, America must know something so I'm voting for Dick too). He wouldn't want to risk the integrity of the game, he wouldn't want Jess potentially alienated any sooner than necessary, and he wouldn't want to risk his money.
So, no way he's said anything.
-RF in Denver
(btw, yes I heard the mustard confession and explanation for wacky votes, but those were lies to cover his tracks and protect his role. That's not the same as admitting to accepting money to give his girlfriend the silent treatment or to kiss her... that's going to be a hard one for her...)
where can i find the interview you are refering to
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