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SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Big Brother Live Show Spoilers

Good Evening Big Brother Lovers!!

Apologies for the banner up top... I was so excited when it happened - I completely forgot about the time difference, and posted it immediately... I had made up 3 possible banners this morning before I left for Rosh HaShana... thereby making the whole spoiler post a moot point.

Funny, since I left my family dinner for 90 minutes to do the whole thing.. on my aunt's mac (on safari... which stinks for blogger, btw) and then i blew it by putting up the banner. OOPS!

For tonight's Live Show Spoilers, please click: Live Show Spoiler Link. All of the spoilers will be hidden down there... until the show airs on the west coast.

Who will be the Final 2?? Who will be leaving the Big Brother House??

Here's that link again:


TONIGHT is America's "Campaign for _____"Vote!!
Who do you want Eric to Campaign for??

Click Here to Vote

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LINK & INFO for EAST COAST live feed:

User name: private
Password: finaltwo

It will close when there's 1,000 in there.

Deb in WA

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not closed yet and the feed is already really choppy. For those who can't get on this one, there will be a repeat of it right after the live one is over.

Deb in WA

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Dick!!! Take it all the way for you and Dani!!!

4:56 PM  
Blogger Sher said...

I have it all crossed... everything. Fingers, toes, hair, eyes, legs, anything else that can be crossed.

Go Donatos!

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's go.....


5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The triumphant hero music really sucks.

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Zach: you may have broken Dick physically but NOT HIS SPIRIT. and thanks to you, i've never seen a more poignant moment from father & daughter until tonight. that just made me cry...

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG... I cried like a baby during the endurance comp and the interactions between dad and daughter.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the exact quote from Dustin? Oh my...

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooh. I am ready to throw up. Nervousing here?

If not D& D, make it Dick and Zach.

The beginning of the show had me all verklempt.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and that folks, is our fairytale ending...


we love BB8Dish!!!


5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5:44 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

YEAH BABY!!!! This one will go down in the books!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg omg omg, I am shaking trying to type, I am so thrilled for D&D Wahoooooo!!!!!!!! I can't believe that Zach missed the easiest question in the game...I kept yelling a Dick what letter to put for Dick, I hope he wins it all. I am glad he shook Zacks hand and didn't get up in his face...wahooooo again, my pick from the beginning actually made it :)

5:45 PM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...


GO DOCK!!!!! I think I broke my fingers with allt hat stress!!!!!

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so excited, I'm running a fever!!hxqcdaz

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is kind of my opinion on life (and Zach): there are leaders and
followers. One can’t exist without the other. I’m probably more of a follower – a person
who would rather support others than stand in the spotlight myself. I suppose
in the BB world it would look like I wasn’t playing the game – but that’s my
personality (and that’s how I would play the game. And it would probably be
misinterpreted as floating). D&D condemned Zach because they felt that they have
carried him along for most of the game. It’s probably true. But one thing they
forget. In the same way that followers need leaders to guide them? Leaders
need followers; they need their support to get where they are (how else do
Presidents and their ilk get elected?). Do D&D think they would be in the
position they are today if they didn’t have Zach as an early supporter? It seems D&D were okay with Zach as long as he followed, but as
soon as he assumed a leadership role – they were threatened. As someone who
would probably be considered a follower, I feel Zach’s played just as well as
the leaders. He deserved to be there. By the way, yay Dick! (see,
us followers like strong leaders! lol). I just had to put in my two cents for

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is a God... and it's my cat.

I have never been this happy in a BB final.

Screw those bitter Jurors.

Carolyn... my bonus is coming.

I'm going to drink now.

Cheers baby, cheers.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D&D FINAL TWO!

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh! I won't post a spoiler here, but I am so excited about the f2!!!!!!!

The best BB8 season ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:47 PM  
Blogger LCardinale71 said...

OMG....Yes! Im so excited about this.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good scripting will get you a great story like this... ED vs Zach, 2 who have faced off various times this season, doing battle 1 last time before ED wins and brings his little whining witch of a daughter into the finals. ED had better win, cause HE not HER deserves it, of those 2 left. She was ready to go home as soon as he quit the 1st part of the HOH comp... and whined and whined and whined about it! She makes me so sick, it's really nothing, cause come next Tuesday, my life goes on and no matter who wins, it didnt/wont/wouldnt have ever effected my life.. but strange how we all get so wrapped up in while its going on.

To the ladies of BB8Dish... THANK YOU for such a great season, the show is ovah as far as I am concerned, so I look forward to it next year!!


5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the Donato's House.


Dick rules!!!

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Game Over!!!! They did it!!! I am laughing, crying, dancing around...I screamed so loud!!!!!!
I am going to have withdrawals after Tuesday... Is there a BB Anonymous place we can go to???

Thank you Carolyn and Carla. We love you!!!

Diane :)

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I am in the minority after reading all these comments. I HATE IT THAT DICK WON. I don't know what to do with myself. I am in destress. NOOOOOOOO!!!! This should have never happened.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so happy that Zach is gone. DANI AND DICK ALL THE WAY. I jumped up for joy when Dick won HOH

6:02 PM  
Blogger AMPK03 said...

MY LIFDE IS COMPLETE. i could have never asked for a better final two. this has been one of the best summers ever!!!!!


6:03 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Fairy tale ending it is.

ok.. back to my family gathering and driving all the old folks home from it i go...

see ya in a bit!~

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the only season where my favorite HG/s won.

im~ i think Dustin said something like, the walls may be thick in the jury house but they still hear the moaning - referring to JEric...

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most poignant relationship & happy ending EVER in reality tv...*ever*


6:04 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...


I am so ecstatic! Final two! Can't stop smiling :):)

AND..I was so happy that Dani said I love you twice!

6:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Boring--but completely expected--thanks BB8 producers for your hand picked horrible two. Can't wait for the reaming they will get from the jury. Dick will win hopefully--not his whiny spawn.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I truly hope Dani wins so that Dick won't see a dime. :lol:

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With America's Player's vote, who do we vote for? A brat or an a**hole? I think I'll abstain.

6:08 PM  
Blogger hoppiness said...

Well, that bites. I won't bother checking in until the broadcast days now... one can only take so much self-adulation before puking, ya know. :|

I urge everyone to vote for Danielle, even though she is a whiney, spoiled, self-centered little girl at least she didn't cheat, or set out to cheat, like Daddy Dick. Ya gotta wonder what the other HGs will think when they hear about that, considering how po'd they were about Jen just eating, eh?

Oh, well... *sigh* I am not a happy camper at all.

Thank You again, Carolyn for providing such a wonderful site.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! I couldn't bear to listen to it so I was listening to a Bach cello sutie that calms me down and just glancing at the screen to see the score. I saw that Dick was one ahead so I just kept hoping that he would put up the same answers as Zach. I glanced up again and saw Dani running to hug her dad and screamed!

This is so awesome. Because I was listening to that song at another HOH comp that I hoped Dick or Dani would win, and did win, it is now officailly my lucky song.

Sorry for sharing so much, I am just so darn excited!!!


6:10 PM  
Blogger bobbi said...

I remember Dick coming in the house wanting to establish a relationship with his daughter - and as a father he did what he did to protect his daughter whether it was get in someone's face, yell rude/crude things - he did all that for his daughter . My heart hurt when I watched the pain on his face & the hurt when he only had thoughts of letting his daughter down. Any parent will go to whatever steps to protect their child & the love he showed her was to me so emotional. A lot of people didnt like his tactics & how crude he was but he was just playing the game. You have to remember its a game and they played awesome!

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also cried with a huge smile on my face!!! I have never been so touched by BB ever!! Great ending to the best season ever.
Thank you Carolyn for all that you have done for all of us here:) I hope to see you back next year! I think BB should pay you a nice salary for your great work!!!

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omgggggggggggggggggg DICK AND DANI IN THE END THE WAY IT SHOULD BE WOOO HOOOOOOOOOO FINALLY A FINAL 2 IN BIGBROTHER THAT DESERVE TO BE THERE IN THE END UNLIKE THE LAST 2 SEASONS. LOL I jumped up and down and ran all around my apartment like a lunatic I am so happy. Ha Ha Zackass is gone that's what he gets that big woose hehhehheheeeeeeeee

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang this site is partial, could take some lessons from other non-partial sites

6:13 PM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

BOOYAH! to all the bitter jurors! This is their biggest nightmare! And my fairytale ending! This is definitely the best Big Brother Finale ever! I knew Dick could pull it off! I'm so happy, I laughed, I cried, I yelled, I lost my voice! GO DONATOS!!!!!!!!!

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can we discus the spoilers?

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!! That's SO AWESOME!!!! I am so excited they are the FIANL 2!!


6:15 PM  
Blogger The Sage Advisor's said...

Well I hope the D/D fan's and CBS are happy. Now we have two lame duck no suspense shows left. Might as well had the finale tonight. It's all over. Congratulations Donato's.

Whats left of intrest for the last two shows? They serve no real important purpose.

6:15 PM  
Blogger JudyD said...

Yes they did it.So glad it ended this way.Hope Dick wins it all.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was so strange. How the hell did two people related get this far? The questions with the jury should be unbelievably funny - a bunch of people who could never muster enough energy to get rid of either of the Donato's.

Amber and Jameka are likely to become alchoholic atheists now.

How staged were all the scenes with the jury!?!? I would just like to see a few scenes that really tell how these losers feel.

Congratulations to the most interesting duo to ever win this show, and no matter what happens, it was a team effort.

Carolyn, Dick's son Vincent has to know about your blog you have to get an interview with him. I'd really like to hear his thoughts on his old man and his estranged sister's ride to the end.

Damn it Jessica, all you needed to do was make A SINGLE DECISION on your own!

6:17 PM  
Blogger bake said...


6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay- that was weird - i was trying to comment and couldn't .. sorry if you got them ... annyway YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!




6:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


One question one DICK took the lead. Watch every answer after that, he waits for Zack to answer... Looks to his right catching a reflection of a big WHITE or BLACK card (easy to do with 2 flat screen tv's infront of you and mirrors everywhere) and answers the same as Zach (whether right or wrong) maintaining his lead!

PLEASE CBS, watch the tape, every single answer he waits, looks to his right, then answers the same as zack... he cheated!

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally, the tension of the past 2 weeks are gone. i feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. but how can i ease back to my post-BB life?

Carolyn, you need to put up a BB Anonymous website. we need a 12-step program. seriously.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha-le-f-in-lu-ya! GO DONATOS!!!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Dani! she has her whole life ahead of her.. Dick will party this money away.. shoot who ever wins this is gonna make even more family problems haha

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the most fun things to come

Jen has to vote for either Dick or Danielle... BWAHAHAHAHAH!!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

It's been really great interacting with y'all this summer! Hope you stay in touch any way you can!

Best wishes!

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who are we voting for for AP to pick? I'm thinking Dick because I know he'll share it with both kids. I'm not sure Dani will give Vincent anything. That's the only reason I'm leaning towards Dick, otherwise they're even Steven to me.

Carolyn, any chance you'll have time to do a poll on this when you get back so we can get feedback?

Thanks for all this and I hope you had a good Rosh Hashana.

Deb in WA

6:42 PM  
Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

What a nice guy.=)

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I am sorry but CBS's editing of this whole first part of the HOH i call foul!! PLEASE!!!! And that music of valor when Dick was done give me a break!!

YES he did that for his kid and it was nice for him to do it! I give him credit there.( Here that credit) But you know CBS went to far.She did not sit there for hrs cheering him on and her touching message was at the bitter end why didnt they show her talking BEHIND the glass doors or when he looked she was not there.
Why not show her drinking tea and eating cookies!! Oh wait according to CBS she was... That just stinks be factual if your gonna do something..This just showed CBS ovious bias when it came to these two.

And Dani's goodbye message to Zach i am sorry what a hypocrite! "You hurt my feeling with the stuff you said" what about all the feeling you egged daddy on to hurt and helped him think up?? What happend to what we say no hard feelings its only a game ?? Oh wait she did say that in the end then she should know that should go for her as well. I am sick at this ending just sick....

And how come in all that time of us watching those feeds none of us caught the I LOVE YOU mouthed to him ?? In fact we had a whole discusion about if he heard that that would mean all the world to him and that surely would of been one of the things Carolyn would of posted about that night it was never in the joker feeds either i read them. I bet CBS told her to do it during one of our triva black outs. So they could get it on tape I also never heard her say it in the house either.Notice she didnt say it tonight when he took her to the final 2 either.

I think Dick could of learned something from Zach on how to be a winner. Again Dick showed his maturity rubbing it in peoples face yes you can be excited but that was bull!

I never thought i would say this in a million years but Dick should get the money only because if Dani gets it she will run like the wind away from him turn on him and put all the blame on him for what happend in the house. Even though they have been playing together since day one! She will again start saying she had nothing to do with anything he did or said and she didnt control him. No but you sure egged him on. I am sure she will burn through that 50,000 quick and then hit dear Daddy up for cash. Maybe he can get her in to counceling so they can work this all out! But I don't see her changing over this just getting worse!

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm - your banner on top says who the final two are and it hasn't aired on the West coast yet.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

All I have to say is BOOYAH, ummmhmmmm, Thank You Magic Ping Pong Ball Goddess, Muscle This , I’d do that for a $1.00, Eat that Turkey, hooked on phonics needing, gonorrhea giving Jury Members !! OMPG !! Doin the Happy Dance !! Happy Dance !! , Happy Dance, !! I so need Help !! Hell its almost like I Won BB8 !! My 2 Cents 8-)

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!!!! Yes!!!!!

Go Dick.. Go Dani...

The Donato's win!!! YES!!!

Debi (-:

6:55 PM  
Blogger Ida Reilly Dunno said...

Yes I am very excited at the results but I think I am even happier at the connection that Dani and Dick have now; I really hope this will help patch up what had happened in their past- it may never erase but........
Anyway the look in Dicks eyes was something that is so strong with a parent and child and I am happy that they will have that once again!

As I go to find another box of tissues and duck my hubby so he does not say....... are you really crying over this~ ummmmmm some men will just never know/understand ;p

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm soooooo happy!!


7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

qkSo who are we voting for for AP to pick? I'm thinking Dick because I know he'll share it with both kids. I'm not sure Dani will give Vincent anything. That's the only reason I'm leaning towards Dick, otherwise they're even Steven to me.

Carolyn, any chance you'll have time to do a poll on this when you get back so we can get feedback?

Thanks for all this and I hope you had a good Rosh Hashana.

Deb in WA

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


BY FAAAARRRRRRrrrrr Dick and Dani deserve the final two; what a feat!!!! WOW! *SO Happy*


~Stacey from Canada

7:07 PM  
Blogger Biskit said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! As a father of 2 daughters you do not know HOW touching it was to see the interaction between D&D tonight after all that has happened. My daughters are not as old as is close, but to see a FATHER and DAUGHTER team make it is truly inspirational. Past is past, and hopefully all that is behind hem now and they can move on with their lives together.

And to all you "nay-sayers, name-callers, negative" people out there, if the ending to the endurance comp didn't at the LEAST pull at your "heart-strings" just a little, you have no heart. The bond between a father and a daughter is one of the MOST precious things on this earth and to see an estranged father and daughter reunite in this fashion and with the words spoken and the feelings shared between the two it is TRULY a INSPIRATION!!

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* o well =/ it's only a over it. I'll probably forget about these 2 the day after it is all over. Donatos swear they are sooo popular. It's not like alot of ppl watches Big Brother, so I don't think they'd be needing security...they swear they will be celebs when they get out..pshhh

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So THIS is what it feels like to be happy about the Final 2! I never thought in a millions years it would happen. It never works out the way you want it to does it? Not on Big Brother! BUT, this year it did. SO HAPPY!

How come they didn't get scooters like Maggie and Ivette?


7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really mean this in the nicest way possible...

SUXS IT HATERZ!!!111!!!one!!111

THA DONATOS FTW!!!!?!!!!11!!

Never thought it would happen. But I couldn't really be much more satisfied about season-ending HOH. Finally. The two best players in the game make it to the jury vote. Go figure. It's been years since that was the case.

Seeing Douchetin's face on Tuesday will probably outdo the look we saw when he was evicted. He's still a smug ass in the jury house, so forcing him to hold his nose and vote for one of "Tha Donatos" will definitely not suck.

7:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


**I am SO happy for Dick AND Danielle - they both equally deserve it and kicked booty at the game!**

I, like many others, let out a big hugggeee scream of excitement and jump for joy when they made it! I am so glad that Dick won so that Danielle could not be disappointed by her father. The way he loves her is so real and heart warming...I hope she sees it especially after BB is over. :)

Now, it's really a question of who do you think the jury is going to vote for? On one hand, Danielle was an excellent competitor....On another hand, Dick's intimidation and "his own way" of doing things... I know amERICa will vote for Dick most likely, but I honestly wonder who the jury will choose!

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YIPEE!!!!!!! They played the game and now get paid. I just hope they give the money to Dick - just so he gets his share. I still don't think Dani would share much. Great game!!! Thanks for all of your hard work BB8Dishers!!
See ya next year!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

Yay, it's been a family day all around -- for the Donatos and for Carolyn!

I, for one, am glad that Dick won and took Daniele with him, rather than the other way around. I think that everyone was kind and gracious in the end. I'm really happy for Dick being able to do that for his daughter. I'm voting for Eric to campaign for and vote for Dick to win so that he can give that gift to Daniele!

(Actually, either way America votes, it will be his easiest task yet... well 2nd easiest after kissing Jessica! Dani excelled at the comps and Dick excelled in game play. You could really argue for either one.)

7:27 PM  
Blogger Beth (and Eric) said...

YAY YAY YAY for getting to see the Jury House!!! I was excited to see Eric & Jess being as sweet to each other as ever. And, Amber saying they're in love. And, Dustin's comment about hearing everything made me laugh. :)

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the final that I was hoping for, but I have to saay zach took it like a real man....I want dick to win it all... Jan

7:46 PM  
Blogger bake said...

I think it's funny that even in the jury house Dustin's arrogance is so bad that he even has Jameka rolling her eyes at his comments.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I had a meeting tonight that I couldn't get out of .... can anyone help me find the episode on the net somewhere???/


7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Im soo happy for D&D!! Good for them....Im a bit torn on the AP vote...what is the opinion around here?

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to see both Dick & Dani receive 1st place... and both win $500k.

But how do we tell AmERICa's Player?

Dick & Dani made it there *because* each other. They became two halves of a whole.

They never betrayed one another, never threw each other under the bus & became impenetrable as a team - in spite of their respective starting positions!


I think by both being rewarded with 1st place/$500k, they could continue on the outide of the house, with a new respect & the *level playing field* they so carefully established in the game.

Congratulations Dick & Dani!!!

WOW! ...fairy tale ending is right!!


8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, my daughter and I felt so bad for Dani when they showed the endurance... the shivering, and then how upset she was when she fell! Our hearts broke! But THEY WON!!! I am so so happy for them! I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of those in the jury house! Their worst nightmare came true! lol! Go Donato's Go!!!

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I scared the crap out of my kids I screamed so hard when Dick won it!!! I have NEVER been this happy with a final 2! Thank GOD! It finally happened - people that earned it winning!!!

Zach: You two have dominated the game, and that is SO UNFAIR!
Dani: laughing!

Guess they continue to dominate Zach - and you know why? Because they can play better than you!!! You beat Dick physically because you are younger and in better shape - but he kicked your a** every time that it really mattered!!!


8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cecilia here-Oh this is the first time in 8 years that the person who I want to win is in the final 2 I am so happy me and my baby where screaming like maniacs (well she was screaming and jumping because she is 15 months old and mommy was) I don't think I breathed the entire final comp! oh joy oh joy I just can't express how happy I am. Say what you want about D&D but they came in and the entire game they brought it! They totally deserve this!

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you bother having a whole other "spoiler post" when right at the top is a HUGE banner saying "DICK AND DANI FINAL 2"

Thats the spoiler right there at the top, first thing you see when you read the blog. Sort of stupid.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Dick and Danielle for a job well done and a game masterfully played!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW she is one ungrateful little girl all she has been doing it exactly what i said she would do crab and whine about how hard it was for her and steal Dick's thunder never once did she tell him to stop in the middle of those verbal disputes. He said i did alot to people in for you... She just does not get it and its sad!!
cbs cant edit feedsthe facts are right there people the fruit does not fall far from the tree how sad!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best finale ever... the best team to win... because every year there has been teams and not even Boogie and Will made it to F2. Amazing. Best Gamer and Best Player.

Daniele has less enemies and will most likely win. Hopefully they will share with each other.

I am so incredibly happy!!!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We won everything. We won it all"

The best sentence this summer.

And Dani's I love You during the veto comp had me crying buckets.

OOOOh. Don't want to leave out those bitter Jurors. They will vote personal. For sure.


8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Dick and Danielle - "we did it. We won it all" and they did - together as a team, no matter the ups and downs they were always the perfect team. It will be hard for me to vote for one or the other because without each other neither would be there! Good Job D&D!

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to see a poll asking who will win the finale... Its proven true here before, let's give it one more whirl!

8:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, I came here before it aired on the west coast. And the first thing I saw was the banner for Dick & Dani BB8 final two? WTH?

Thanks. Your blog still has the link for the spoiler page. That ruined it.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to give Zach kudos... he has more sense then most in there, especially the Jury. He can also respect a good Game Player when he sees one. Not bitter at all.

I wish him lots of success.

If nothing else... I hope Dick and Danick takes him out for some serious partying. They all deserve it.


First time commenter... all summer reader. ;-)

8:54 PM  
Blogger anonymous said...

Dick is the biggest winner in BB history, the money doesnt matter, he has repaired his relationship with his daughter, and that is probably the best thing to come from this season of BB8.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8.50PM

Why didn't you just wait if it was that important not to know.

Just saying...

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Donatos swear they are sooo popular. It's not like alot of ppl watches Big Brother, so I don't think they'd be needing security...they swear they will be celebs when they get out..pshhh"

Have you been watching the feeds. These two are more in reality about what will happen after the show than the others. For goodness sake... Jessica thinks it will help her become and anchor woman, Eric thinks he's going to get speaking engagements and on and on...

These two are not delusional.

Jim in TO

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, congrats to Dick and Dani, they truly deserve it. They played hard all summer, and now they will see the fruits of their labor!
I was very impressed with Zach's gracious attitude. He went out with alot of class and dignity, I think that really shows alot about his character. I am looking forward to the jury reaction!

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you anons complaining about the banner with Final 2...

Give the girl (well, woman, it's Carolyn after all) a break. It's New Years for her and she has had family obligations as well as having been a nervous wreck for this competition.

Y'all can make a mistake, can't you? I know I can... especially when stressed out.

Finally, I think I wrote Happy 5758 on another comment. I mean 5768... what's another decade on a great day like today.

Note to Dani... Please STFU... be grateful and show your dad some loving.

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@5:56 PM said:

You'd better have someone hide the firearms, hon. Dick AND Dani have won.
They'll be splitting the money, see?

The jury votes are moot. I hope that if the jury members get haughty and talk down to them, D&D just tell them to piss off!
They can say and do whatever they want at this point. It doesn't matter.

It will be delicious to see the evicted HGs' faces when they find out that all their votes (and all the $) goes to D&D. :D

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm soooo happy the Donato's won!!!! (If only Janelle had had one of her relatives in the house with her...LOL)

Even tho I love the Donato's, I really really felt bad for Zach. He seems like a great guy, and all the mean things Dick was saying I know were getting to him. He tried to make it look like it didn't bother him, but I could tell from his facial expressions they were bothering him. :( Poor Zach. I just wanted to give him a hug! LOL.

And the person that said Dani never said she loved Dick during the comp...well, you don't know that. She could have said it one of the many times the feeds went out to trivia or blue swirlies, you never know.


9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sore losers
Sore commenters
Sore haters

All suck.

I have to say though that even if I haven't agreed with many fans of other HGs on this blog... we all are mostly civil.

This is a happy day for great Game Play.

This is the first year my favorite wins (I don't care which one) so I know what it is to not have your fave in F2.

Next year, we may all meet here again and have different favorites and not so... maybe we all will change sides. Let's be happy that we are living in a free country and can express ourselves.


9:49 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@9:49 MWAH!

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Carolyn!

9:53 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Thanks, Buxom :)

9:53 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

I'm almost through all the comments... phew

9:54 PM  
Blogger Biskit said...

Happy Rosh Hashanah!!!!

1/2 of your favorite Sports Commentators!!! ;)

9:56 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

thanks biskit :)
hi bake.. whereever you are.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the surge in popularity poll on CBS since Tuesday. Zach doubled his and even passed DIck who has been untouchable since early July.

Dang... I should have voted for Dick. ;-)

It's nice for Zach though... he's been about 2% most of the summer and this last one he's at 30%. WOW.
Too bad he didn't start to play sooner.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do the juror's have the right to refuse to vote? wouldn't that be funny if Dick won on a vote of 1-0 (obviously America's player). revolt in the BB House.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it so funny that when D&D win .... people say what a boring finale! Without Dick this season would have sucked BIG time!

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! (:

5:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

omg, omg, omg omg He pulled it off! I am so excited for them 2. Watching the DR sesions & the endurance parts we didnt get to see on the feeds I was cryin like a baby! What a smuck I am! LOL At this point though I really dont care which one of them wins. I am just so excited that what I think is the "GOOD PEOPLE" finally have made it to the F2 & no matter what 1 of them will win the $500,000. Once again can I get a "HELL YEAH"!

Carolyn once again thank you so much for a wonderful well informed season! Job well done! Cant wait to spend the next season with you all!

Thanks again!

5:42 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Very Nice Bobbi

5:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Cliff's post.


5:58 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

OMG..Why did you guys come to the site if you didnt want to know what happened. Carolyn made an opps. It happens. Go figure, she makes mistakes. AND to anonymous 6:13 - One, Who are you, dont have the balls to leave your name and 2, there are SO many other sites that were anit-Dick and thats why all the D&D fans have came here all season because we dont have to feel attacked. And besides that, Carolyn has done a WONDERFULL job covering ALL players and their familys.

Thanks for a wonderfull season Carolyn. I cant wait to come back for more next year.

6:10 AM  
Blogger bake said...

I'm here! Just reading and seeing who is so upset they are taking their balls (or lack there of) and going home because things didn't go their way!

6:45 AM  
Blogger scorpio1109 said...

I have never been so happy with the final two.

Carolyn, I hope you had a great New Year!

They really did win it all, they won their relationship back most importantly, and they won all of the money.

For everyone saying they had an unfair advantage, that is craziness. Does anyone remember when Will and Boogie came on and they had there alliance locked down, plus they each had separate alliances with Erica and Janelle. It was only Dick and Danni; they didn’t have separate alliances, all they had was each other.

Also when you talk about arrogance, Boogie was so arrogant at the end of last season he just quit the final HOH, and stated "one of you have to take me."

Dick and Danni fought this out and they deserve it.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big deal, Carolyn, ONE mistake in a whole season? You rock!! And most ppl were too excited to care about the spoiler banner. Happy Rosh Hashana

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:49 & others~
So are you saying that the "SORE" losers/commenters/haters are not allowed to voice our feelings & opinions? So, if we are not happy with the F2 we should just not comment. WOW. The comments I read from the "bad people" have been civil.

And my comment here is civil and it is MY opinion on what will happen and I would say my thoughts would be the same even if they didn't make it to the F2.

To rain on the Donotofest parade, the truth of the matter is that y'alls fairytale ends after the show, when they go back to reality.

Yeah, their relationship may be a teensy-weensy bit better, but unfortunately the money will cause issues. Also, I predict Dani will return to her bitter, I do nothing wrong in the relationship, walk away from it self.

While I think it is great to witness an estranged father & daughter bond on tv, I am left wondering how much of it is real and how long it will last. Would Dani be so loving and caring if 1/2 million dollars wasn't in the picture? I don't think so.

Once this is over I see her reverting back to the Dani we saw earlier in the show that refuses to work things out or take any responsibility.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who think Dani's just putting on an act with her dad.. well, a little crazy. No matter the problems they've had, they all haven't been bad time!
I couldn't sleep one night so I ended up reading Dani's online journal. And go figure two years ago when they were on good terms, she talked VERY highly of him. So much as calling him her "BFFFFFFFFFF"(best friend forever....)
There is hope. Don't kid yourself. I might take some professional help, but I really do see it happening.
And sure she's a bit whiny and selfish... she is only human. I'm sure we've all had out whiny and selfish moments. Hers on TV, ours not. That makes the different.

Oh and are they my fave... eh.. not really. But they do deserve a little compassion.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krystal... from anon 9.49.

"I have to say though that even if I haven't agreed with many fans of other HGs on this blog... we all are mostly civil."

As I said in the previous post... I was not referring to people on this blog. I was referring to other boards that have very vile posters.

I value that we all can express ourselves... it is a free country that way.

This blog is great. Even the 'losers' who for the first time I am not part of. It's been 7 long years. So if you get defensive on that one... not my doing. It's not personal.

Have you checked the hate on the CBS boards? And the fact that there are so many sore losers who can't see good gameplay for what it is and they come up with one conspiracy theory after another.

Dani and Dick are F2 because they are the best players in the Game. And even Zach and Jameka would recognize that.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Can someone please explain how it is that you like these two?

Seriously. Dick is/was such an arrogant, obnoxious, rude, cruel person in his comments to others.

Really, tell me, how is this okay in your minds?

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. 9.49 AM

DITTO! This is why we come here. One is not attacked even if there are disagreements. I am also, for once, very happy with the ending. The other years, not so, and I still came back unlike those who now say that they will never watch this show again. Puhlease.


I have enjoyed your posts this summer and I know we have liked different people. I love the fact that you see beyond game play and see how this may bring D2 back into one another's lives. I myself have spent lots of time reading Dani's and Dick's own words from the past and much have been very sad... but given me some insight into this complex couple. I have taken this to heart and I do believe that with time and understanding and with maturity... they will be in each other's lives. Nobody is perfect. I do also wish that Dick, who is very introspective and a deep thinker (as well as bipolar) can allow himself some therapy for his daughter's sake. I actually do think he will do what he can to tone it down a bit. It's a different ball game when one sees oneself on camera. It brings it home, kind of.

This social experiment is almost over.


11:01 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

tella :)
word thingie all gone.
just for you.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon. 10.55

Why I like Dick...

He does not pretend to be something he is not.

He is crude, rude and sometimes hurtful. In the game, this intimidates like in many other games and parts of life we watch. Do you ever watch intimidation of any kind in sports, you watch? I do. Do I like it. Not really. But it's part of the game and every season has had it. He's real.

I personally prefer somebody saying sh*t to my face than behind my back. (I.e Eric, who said as disgusting things in there).

I love that he took care of others in the house... the cleaning and cooking, that wasn't seen on the show. You know, why many others like Jess, slept the time away.

I love Dick's sense of humor.

DIck is very loyal to his friends in life.

I love his vulnerability and sensitive side.

I think he is pure determination in physical games.

I actually think he's kind of hot (as I have always loved a rebel)... in spite of the tattoos and rings... along with his spitting and farting. I have yet to find a person with things that are not bothersome. Put us all in there for a while and we'll see what people think of our quirks.

I love that Dick is a person who travels and knows the world by experience. That's very attractive. He cares about people that are on the other side of this Globe. He gets involved.

I love that he is a thinker and does not follow the path all take.

... I could go on.

I like Dani because

having read her journal she is a survivor and I can relate.

I can't personally stand her whining, but know it's part of the age and lack of experience as well. She will change from this.

Dani is very loyal to her friends, and they like her.

She is really very young still. Having paid your own way in life since 18 does not make one mature faster emotionally.

She can be very funny.

She's very sensitive but covers it with sarcasm.

But more so...



Simple as that. It's a game.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Carolyn ;-)

I have been trying to work on my own issues...

Impatience and acceptance of that I don't like... like word thingies.

I have meditated on word thingies and alike.

Have to say... I failed.

Better use my gripes and energy on things that are real important.

Like feeding my God. (My cats.) J/K.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I came here last night before it aired on the west coast and saw the banner too.. So sad that it was spoiled like that for me. And for clarification, I came here to get an update on what had happened through out the day. Since I KNEW Carolyn hid the spoilers (which is very nice of her!) That's why I chose to come to *this* blog. So yeah, it was dissappointing. Don't hate.


11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:49 & 10:48~

I owe you an apology. I misread your original comment about being civil.

I have briefly been to other boards and you are right, there is a lot of HATE and that is why I stick to this blog.

Even tho I do not like D&D, more like I despise them, I can and will admit that they both did play a Hell of a game. But I still do not agree with the way Dick played and I am still annoyed with Dani.

Some of my bitterness has subsided and so I would like to say that I am happy for those of you who finally got the season and F2 you have always wanted. I hope next year my faves win!!

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following comment from Brittini
"I am so glad that Dick won so that Danielle could not be disappointed by her father."

This is exactly why I'm so over it.

Thanks so much for a wonderful season and look forward to blogging with you all next season.

Come on BB9!

Anon w/stones

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Who knows maybe we will have the same favorites next year...

Just curious, if you watched earlier years... who was your favorites then?


1. Jordan, Josh and Jee (spelling?)
2. Hardy and Nicole. (Will was a great 'player' though).
3. Roddy, Chiara and Jason
4. Justin, Nathan and Jack
5. Diane, Nakomis and Marvin
6. Janelle and Kaysar... S4
7. Janelle... S3
8. Nick (decent guy) and D&D

2:41 PM  

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