Final 4 Table
11:27am BBT - The Lockdown is Over and the Final 4 Table is revealed. The HGs are about as impressed with it as I am...
- ***Note to the art department - the final 4 table's a really key piece. You blew it on this one.

SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
11:27am BBT - The Lockdown is Over and the Final 4 Table is revealed. The HGs are about as impressed with it as I am...
Does the table Really have to be that small? My kitchen table only seats four, and it is way bigger...and more fun to look at!
That table is really ugly. They could have at least thrown a tablecloth and some flowers on the sad lookin thing.
Carolyn -- They couldn't do anyting too nice with the table cuz it will be ruined anyway.
Can you imagine what the last table looked like with all the dings in it from the quarters being slammed down?
Gosh, can you tell I'm a Mom or what?
Soooo, I've been meaning to ask you... and this seems like the perfect opportunity... do you feel like BB has blown a lot of things this season? Where were all the luxury competitions? America's Choice? Did the "Alice in Wonderland" house even matter, or was it just fun decor for the art department? It seems like there weren't many twists. Sure there's the America's Player thing, but I feel like in past seasons BB has constantly slammed the HGs with crazy surprises. What do you think? Maybe I'm just holding too high of expectations this season. :)
I agree--this season seems "weak" compared to past seasons.
What is wrong with the Final 4 table? And why is it so important?
What's wrong with the table? How did they "blow" it?
It's official! He's putting up D/D! Dani's not happy!
Can't believe it. Just can't believe it's almost over.
Carolyn, what do think about a campaign to have BB twice a year instead of once? I hate when the season is over. Such a void in my tv schedule when it's done.
Do you think they can make it 'til tomorrow for the Veto Comp before killing each other?
THe more I think about it, Danielle is such a brat I don't think she WOULD win. I hope it's Zach and Jameka in the final 2. And I hope that child wins an HOH!
On one hand I see Zach taking Jameka to the final 2, but on the other he can't possibly think he can win? Did I miss something? Jameka is the only one that hasn't upset the jury house - correct?
What time is the nomination ceremony? D&D fans, remember if they both go up there is still the PoV!
Wow! I am proud of Zach! I think putting up D&D is a very smart move!
I agree with other posters not much extra stuff for them this year. Actually they took stuff away. 5 hoh, 250,000, hot water ect..
Can't believe I can't get the feeds now (at work). Why is Dani mad?
I mean I would be mad to be on the block too, but just in general. Is she thinking Zach was supposed to honor some type of agreement or something?
Don't mean this in jest -- seriously wonder what she is saying about it.
I'm stuck at work for another hour and 20 mins. and can't see the feeds!! What's happening?!?!?! What is D/D reaction???
Anon12:21- I am looking for at least one more big ED blow up before all is said and done. I almost wanna see Zach go off, he always seems so passive.
Ok, I can't contain myself any longer. This is the first time I've blogged since...maybe 2 or 3yrs. Anyway, this is by far the BEST site EVER!! Everyone here is sooo funny and seems to get along so well. I'm always so excited to see what you guys have to say. So, thanks for the different points of view and most importantly the laughs!
Jaime M
Woohoo! Who was it that said you reap what you sow?
Looks like he has been taking notes all season and is now trying to ensure that those who sowed reap the same.
Is it true?! Zach is putting D & D up?? Say it ain't soo .. ohh please Dick has to win!
I have to agree this season lacked a lot of things. What was the whole point of the singers and bunnies!? as dani would say "this sucks"
~♥~ Veronica
RE: People saying Weak Season
At first I would have agreed with you guys but remember, the season right BEFORE this one was ALL STAR season. All the people there had done the game before and to prevent things from happening as people planned them OUTSIDE the house (since they all knew eachother) BB had to onslaught (sp?) them with new powers, new twists to make sure that it was all mixed up. The all star season HAD to have lots of different stuff... now we are back to a regular season.. I think last night's double eviction and the America's Player (which actually did effect the game ALOT) were pretty decent when compared to non all stars seasons. Just my 2 cents! :-)
Not everyone is a fan of Jameka...I think Jen will vote accordingly and so will Dustin....Jessica will vote for Jameka and Amber.....We decide Eric's vote...and if Dani and Dick are in the jury house I think they will vote for Zack won't lose it to Jameka I think if he takes her to the final 2....
He could win against a Donoto too..everyone is so angry with them they won't get many votes in the jury house.... esp. Dick he took things too personal.... and twisted them in the game....
What choice does Zack have...any point her knows that if he doesn't put up both Donotos they will try to take him he must strike is better D is better than both....
Here is to Zack winning VETO
I don't think that this season was weak. It did some big twists but not a lot of little ones. I think our expectations have grown. I really do hope that CBS listens to some of our ideas and incorporates them into the next season.
I would have only liked to see the theme be used a lot more...they did have some reference to the theme with the names of the comps but that was it. And I really thought that the Mad Hatter would visit again. Also, I would like to know if those phrases meant anything? (Yes I still can't forget that day with the surprise visitors)
I really think that Canadians should be able to become HGs on Big Brother. It sucks...because I sooooooooooo want to get on it.
evel girl -- Looks like the Dick meltdown is starting now and the blow up is soon to follow.
I am really surprised he's this upset ... thought he would expect this and handle via manipulation which has worked for him so far. But he's not doing that, he's actually melting down. Oh no!
I think that they were saying that the season has been weak prize-, twist-, and production values- wise, but I think that the lively cast made up for it big time. From Cragnus to Quarters, they've worked with what they were given--big time!
Nominations don't mean anything at final 4. It all comes down to POV. So whom ever he nominates it doesn't really matter. The only reason to win HOH in F4 is to make sure you are in F3. Other than that, it is pointless because it all rests in the POV. In F4 POV is MUCH more powerful than HOH.
This season had a lot of stuff happening. Let's see...We had the whole relationship twist. Then we had the whole America's Player twist. Then people won stuff, like dick won a tv, dustin won a trip and $5k. The girls got clothes, which I haven't actually see any of them wear??!! Jessica got the phone call via Eric. Daniele and Amber went to the Power of 10. Am I missing something else? That seems like a lot of stuff to me. But yeah, the little table does suck. Oh, I almost forgot. The final 3 comps will have more prizes and stuff going on. So looking forward to that!!
If Zach gets D&D out of the house...I think him and Jameka have a 50/50 chance against each other.
Well, that's made me feel a little better.
Cooooome on, High Priestess Of The Ping-Pong Balls, it's all on you!
The High Priestess will judge, and Her judgement will be SWIFT and righteous!
How in the world is jameka still here? i dont like any of the final four at all!!! well... the only person that i like in there is Dani. the others are just and i dont see anything wrong wit the final four table other than it is really small. wat is wrong wit it?really annoying!!!
Not impressed either.
It should have been really whimsical... so at least something this season could support the Alice in Wonderland theme.
I was sooo excited, at the beginning of the season when the theme was reveiled. They totally dropped the ball...
Also... was it only in All-star or all previous seasons that they decorated the HOH room specific to the reigning HOH?
(I am a relatively new BB watcher.)
They could have, at the very least, made the HOH room really eccentric and fantastical (Wonderland-ish) --- it is SO bland.
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