BB8 Nick and Dustin Talk in HoH Room
2:00pm BBT
Dustin & Nick
Nick: Do you think Jameka is gonna use the veto?
Dustin: Yes, I'm pretty sure, because she is a woman of her word.
Nick: Who would you want to put up?
Dustin: Zach.
- ***lying sac of hooey.
Dustin: This has been a really easy HoH so far. Jen is a box of rocks, and Kail is a basketcase, 'cause she thinks she's going home.
Nick: So are you putting Zach up?
Dustin: I'm pretty sure.
Nick: Who do we send home? We can't let Kail or Jen win HoH next week.
Dustin: If one of us wins it again, Jen & Kail will go up again.
Dustin & Nick laugh
- ***grumble, grumble.
At the moment, 2:50pm BBT, Zach is up in the HoH trying to work Dustin. I'm sitting here hoping he annoys Dustin enough to change the course of events... but Dustin tends not to be quite as reactionary a player as I'd prefer given the situation.
Poor poor Nick.
I'll console him, darlin'!
Dustin has put a bad taste in my mouth after this...poor Nicky boy..
I don't like Dustin and Amber anymore....Amber reminds of the girl in highschool everyone hated because she talks behind EVERYONES back.
Anything can change in the next couple of days... Hopefully they will realize what a "Loaf" Kail is and send her on her way...And we can have another week with Cutie Nick.
Has Daniele not told Nick, I think he will be more mad that she didn't tell him than if she voted him out. At least she should leet him know what is going on. If everyone weren't sheep it would be easy for him to get the votes. Damn Sheep, one mind shared between the bunch of 'um.
If Nick goes I go....cya BB
We all need to vote on same catch phrase! lol I like "I'll do that for a dollar!"
This is season is so disappointing... I seriously may stop watching if Nick goes.
If Nick or Zach go, I hope the other get HOH! It will lower the LNC crew down a peg!
I think Eric probably be safe with either one of those!
And while we're at it, how can he create a new catch phrase when they already created the inconguous "selling somebody under the bus." (Sweet chicken, There isn't much room there to do that is there?)
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