Dani HoH Moments - Compare & Contrast
Dani's Meeting with Kail just prior to the Nomination Ceremony:
Dani's Meeting with Jen at 9:30pm BBT
Dani: Remember when my dad told you that Kail threw you under the bus? You should believe him. Kail may be your friend in the house but she wont protect you. She will do anything to stay in the game.
Dani: It would in your interest to win the veto. Convince her she is safe. You have my word, I have not lied to you or Kail this week. There's a much bigger picture than what's going on right now. Just don't trust Kail when it comes to being an ally.
Jen: Do you know who the extra vote is?
Dani: Yes.
Jen: How do you know?
Dani: I had an epiphany. I'm not going to tell you everything, but just do your best to win the veto. If it stays the same, you don't have the votes.
Jen processes and seems to accept this.
Jen: I dunno what your thinking, but you do know you have a much better chance at winning this if your Dad isn't on the jury. Obviously Amber and Dustin are secondary, but everyone is after you two. I hope we become friends. I think together we could do real well. Your dad came to me, but I couldn't, I wouldn't want to work with him. ...I cant wait to see how everything went down...
- ***I've deleted the Likelikelikes for your sanity and mine.
oh LIKE i want to thank you LIKE for being LIKE considerate of LIKE us... =)
seriously - THANKS MUCH!!!
Good job Dani. You know how to say the less and still get your point across.
Deb in NY
This is so complicated for me!
I, like, want, you know, Jen to make it, but, like, I, you know (eye roll), Dick. I h-a-a-t-e him.
(Wow, all this punctuation is really tiring!)
Anhyoo, Jen needs to win this POV today. After that, I really don't care *that* much who gets back doored.
I kinda like Dustin (sans Ambrasia), but even seeing him being all, um, shall we say superior? working out with Eeyore made me say, "Aw screw it. Send him home."
But not Eric! Please, not our Metal Detector-Challanged Elf!
I hope Dani truly listens to Jen's words (re: the part of everyone being after them).
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