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Monday, August 06, 2007

Waiting on the Veto Ceremony

We're waiting on the Veto Ceremony. At 2:20pm BBT, BB called an indoor lock-down. 5 minutes later, he called an outdoor lockdown. Apparently, it's mess with the HGs day.

Dick has just left the HoH where he was talking to Dani. She seems quite solid in her resolve to nominate Eric, and she recounted to her father that Amber is a very likely vote to evict him, due to the horrible info Eric has about her and is willing to spread when necessary, and the fact that she told Amber about it.

If Amber's resolve sticks - and who knows with Amber - then Dani has the necessary votes to evict Eric.

Personally, I'm still hoping for a last minute change of heart nomination of Dustin, so we can put him out of my misery, and we definitely have the votes.

Trivia since 2:54pm... The Veto Ceremony is underway.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too Sistah!!! Dustin needs to go now. Eric next week.

Deb in NY

2:43 PM  
Blogger Southern Sweetheart said...

Has anyone heard Dani or Dick make the argument to all the LNC that they (LNC) were willing to vote out Nick the week prior because he was thought to have been playing both sides - and why isn't the fact that Eric is doing the same any different? Why is it ok for Eric but not for Nick? What's different? I'd make that argument if I were D&D -- and that clearly there is proof from all sides that Eric is doing so -- more proof than they had or thought they had on Nick. Why are they willing to keep Eric this week when he's accused of doing the same thing?

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D&D voted Nick out based on Nick's blessings... Nick told them it was OK. Otherwise, I think Dani would have at least done the sympathy vote.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a LOT of them are playing both sides so that argument might not work?
I was wondering...does Amber know Eric told her "secret" or did she tell Daniele she told him? I actually like Eric but that was LOW even if she did share it wirh someone on a national tv show...


3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok so what happened for amber to switch all of a sudden to be bashing eric to jameka?

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope they put up Dustin so then we could *hopefully* use Eric's vote! I'd like to see Eric go home this week but who knows with Whammmber and how she will vote. Hopefully it's a short ceremony. How long does it usually take?? I have the feeds but I usually miss the feeds this time every week.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Seffie said...

I have missed something apparently. Who is it that you think would vote out Dustin? I thought he was solid to stay...

3:07 PM  
Blogger rpw said...

While waiting for the next bit of news, how about if the next task America asks Eric to do is 'shut up or we can find something to really make you cry.' Every time I see her crying I understand why parents say that.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

I guess this comment from earlier didn't post (probably my goof) so, I'm going to try it here, as it's apt.

I've been giving this a lot of thought. And this is what I've got:

I was wondering who is really to blame for all this trauma and I've come to the conclusion.

It's all Nick's fault!

Now, wait! Hear me out! (Stop hitting me! That hurts!)

See, the very last thing anybody was expecting in this game was someone -- particularly someone who fit his description -- who was sweet, charming, sincere and genuine (at least in his feelings about Dani.

Because of this freakish occurrence, he got mowed down. Because the odds were so long that one would find someone with honest intentions as stated in a game like this, Dick doubted him (which resulted in Dani's doubts).

Similarly, Dustin figured the guy can't be for real and nominated him. Eric saw in him someone who he thought was playing his same role and targeted him. And everyone else pretty much followed along on the same premise.

Damn you Nick for not being a hateful, scheming, backstabbing bastard! You ruined everything!

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Cliff, Its soo funny because I have the same opinions as you. I also blamed it on Nick, so I'm with you 100%.

- Jessica

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was really shocked and appalled that Eric gave out that secret information about Amber like that to Jess on National TV. You could tell Jess was intimitated by it and horrified that Eric was talking about it. I am disappointed in Eric.

5:17 PM  
Blogger MISSY said...

I am missing something what was the big secret about amber. I also think Eric deserves a repreve

6:16 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

missy, copy and paste that link... scroll down to "eric crosses the line"

6:21 PM  

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