Big Brother 8 Houseguests Playing Monopoly
A friend of ours just sent this to us on myspace. I loved it. Hope you do too.
Emmalee Hopper
SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
A friend of ours just sent this to us on myspace. I loved it. Hope you do too.
that was so funny!!!!! And so much like all of them.
wish i were that creative!
that was amazing. just goes to show you that we all pick up on their tendencies. and there was no mike or carol, surprise. and zach, someone who lasted till the end, and he still didnt show enough of his personality.
that was great
tj - i'd love to post your comment. could you take it easy on the caps please? it comes across as yelling.
That's frikkin funny!
That was freaking funny and cool! i love sims, and play it alot, but took a break from it to watch BB8 - I was thinking about making my own BB8 house in Sims2 - that gave me some great ideas. I am using the floor plans from BB8 to make my house too. I really enjoyed it, the creator got the characters right on!
LOL! Oh my goodness gracious me.I had to wipe the tears from my eyes on this one.Their actions were just like the real person.Amber's crying and Dick's cursing was super.Congrats to the person who made this video.
Thank you Emmalee Hopper for the great video.
Thank you Carolyn for posting this hilarious video.
That was really funny! Thanks for posting.
very funny! thanks for posting!
Zach is not flambouyont made for TV personality but from what I have seen someone who can be decent to dick after all the verbal disgust dick threw at him has some very good qualities inside.
studio - huh?
That was the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER seen! :)
~shell :)
LOL DEFINATELY my favorite video of all time involved BB8! Loved it. It must've took quite some work to get those little SIMS to do all of that. It was right on and I enjoyed it much! thanks!
That was adorable! I loved Jen,
"That is cool!"
All I can say is That was freaking funny as hell.
That was so funny! They really showed Amber's personality well. Crying over everything.
they got ambers facial impressions right while crying. lol great, i just wish we could have seen mike, carol and zach to top it off , made it a bit longer to see dick throwing the game everywhere too, hahaha.
anon@5:50pm - I'd love to be able to publish your comment, because you do make excellent points.
Can you please tweak it just a bit and leave out the attacks on other commenters and cursing?
That was freakin funny....Amber didn't have any teeth for most of the and I dunno why but that made me laugh more than anything :)And I think Jameka's shirt was see through, if that's possible with animations.
thanks it was great!
that was awesome!!! I loved it!! Thank you for posting!!!
My favorite part was Kail: "I own Oregon." :)
OMG....that was too frickin funny!!! I am a huge sims addict, and of course a BB addict....she got all the mannerisms right on. She even managed to make me laugh at Dick. Gold Star for Emmalee Hooper!
so funny!!!!!
"this is SO frustrating" haha so like daniele..
Funniest video ever!!! Wish the Houseguests could see it!!!!
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