America's Player Task
Finally, we know! Thursday night, America voted for Eric to get Jen nominated for Eviction. Mission Accomplished. That should make 10k for Eric, with 5 successful tasks.
Tonight's America's Player Task:
Which catch phrase should Eric Start in the BB House:
- Sweet Chicken
- Booyakah
- I'd do that for a dollar.
Y'all are divided...
Personally, I'm all over Booooooyakah! Mainly cuz it's funny sounding.
Let's make it happen :)
I'd do that for a dollar!
I am almost certain the one about the dollar is a variation of a phrase from 'Robocop' Something like "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
(correct or not?)
I have heard it seep into other films and tv shows since then.
The HGS wouldn't notice it being odd.
So I say "Sweet Chicken!"
I'd do that phrase for a dollar!
What a lame task! CBS and BB are giving their cash away!
How cute were Jess and Jam during the food comp? I think that has to be my fave comp yet.
"id do that for a dollar"
just cause booyakah is too close too "booyah" which what jess says all the time, so shes just gonna tell eric that hes saying it wrong haha
I wonder if we have to still tell him who to get evicted, if we do we all should push hard for Kail, voting over and over again to make it happen. I think people would stop liking Eric if he said, "I'd do that for a dollar" 'cause they'd start to think he was all about money and we know how the house guests feel about that after the Veto comp. He would definitely get on my nerves saying that.
:) i just can't get excited about this one...
Booyakah is definitely the funniest but I want ERIC to look like the A$$H*L@ he really is. And basically he has proved he would do almost anything for MONEY!
The task is a dull one. Yet,
I would love to see how Eric could even try to get the phrase "Sweet Chicken!" into use.
The show is really not using Eric. They seem to lack
imagination in this area.
we need to come up with some better ideas for the sunday night tasks...
if we build it, they will come. ;)
just like last year...
lame task. serves no purpose.
lets make eric develop a romance... with jessica!
ok.. in search of less lame sunday night tasks (this WILL become a main blog post once we flesh it out together)... One thing: it can't be "who should Eric push as a replacement nominee," because that would spoil the show for the tv only's - they don't know on Sunday that veto's already been played... Let's hear em, folks.
Who should Eric touch inappropriately?
lol.. you know everyone would vote for zach, elizabeth!
What odd middle of the night behaviour should Eric start doing to wake up the house guests?
anonymous - re romance with jess...
not bad.. he's already laying the groundwork...
lmao, elizabeth.. uncontrollable farting?
Dick would totally go home if he were put up this week against Kail.
carolyn - re romance with jess...
(im the one who posted the comment earlier)
i vote for romance! theyre too cute together
I'm voting for SWEET CHICKEN!
It is so Eric, and not something to be mixed up with the other 2 that already have variations.
"Sweet Chicken!"
What is Eric The Fonz or something that he needs a catch-phrase? This challenge blows!
PS: Ouch Elizabeth from Canada re: calling Eric an a-hole.
He totally is an A-hole, I have NEVER seen such a canniving schemer in my life! Good for BB and America's player but BAD for Humanity. Nick is SOOOO cute, LOOOOVVVEEE him. Danielle is so cute to. What totally straight guy would let his nails be painted bright red - one that loves the touch of the woman painting them ;0)
What disgusting habit should Eric take up to disgust the other house guests. Picking his nose and eating it. Digging at his butt crack inside his pants. Digging the belly button lint out of other house guests bellies and eating it. I am on a roll.
It is too easy and predictable for him to get a romance with Jessica, this task needs to be entertaining and for goodness sake lets make him earn his money - the hard way, not hooking up with a chick that is WAY out of his league (Jessica).
Nah, the romance should have to be with either Dustin or Kail. Now, THAT would be funny!
And could you imagine if America told him to start a Showmance with Dick?!
Ha! Sweet Chicken!
Ya know, that phrase is catching on already!
Elizabeth from Canada whats ur thing with Eric? Its CBS's fault that he is so lame not his!!!!!
Dont they have BB Canada or something?
What's your thing with defending him, America encompases Canada, just in case you didn't know. CBS and America choose his tasks, the fact is that he is excellent at carrying out his devious tasks and that shows who he is, CBS has nothing to do with his abilities at carrying out his tasks. That is unless he took some covert CBS, spy training or something. His abilities speak to HIS character, and I frankly, think it is sad that someone can be so manipulative and actually enjoy it. Hence why I root for Nick.
Plus, it is fun to joke around, he he.
sorry i haven't been moderating as closely as i usually do.. there's been a bit of a blogger emergency, in that we recently discovered some cheap-ass-thief has been stealing just about every word i write and pic i post and posting them as his own on another site.. i'm trying to do what i can to amass a small fierce army or sorts and get him banned...
please play nice with eachother.
i want to just let everything get through tonight, so i can deal with the word thief.
but i can't tolerate animosity on here... make nice!
I am certainly sorry if I personally offended anyone with my comments regarding Eric, I do not expect everyone agrees with me, my opinions are definitely my own. I am just trying to come up with some funny acts that might spice up the BB8 show. Please accept my sincere apology.
I am ALLLLLLLL over I'd Do That For A Dollar!
Hey girls, it really sucks that someone would be that lazy to just copy the other sites, but im happy that you found out, i know i would be really mad if i were you, i know how hard you work now!! Anyhow, I was just reading the comments and saw the one where you said something about giving cbs an idea, well, here is an idea that we should all send to cbs and maybe next year they will make it happen. I think when the HoH gets to do their Diary, they should do like an hour where we can talk to them online and be interactive in the house. That would be so freakin awesome!!!
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