Houseguests This is a Lockdown
2:20pm BBT
All HGs Outside
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please get up immediately and go inside. I need to see everyone getting up now, and going inside.
Dick: Demanding...
The HGs have just moved from exterior to interior lockdown. Jameka had been called to the diary room while they were outside. The Veto Ceremony will be happening very shortly, and I, for one, am really hoping Jameka gets another message from G-d, but this time telling her to keep the nominations the same!
2:23pm BBT
And we have flames for a few moments. Feeds come back on and everyone is up in HoH.
It's a good time to turn em on, folks. It's about to hit the fan...
Dustin: So, what, is Jameka gonna come into the HoH room and say, "Hey guys!! It's time for.. Hey, what're you all doing in here?"
Not a whole lot of talking happening right now. The tension is thick.
2:33 Blue Screen
I wonder how long before it is done? How long does it usually take Carolyn?
I hope she uses the veto and Dustin changes his mind and puts up Dick. haha That would be hilarious! Especially since he wants to put up Amber and Dustin the next time he gets HOH. BE SMART DUSTIN!
Elizabeth, it's usually about an hour for the Veto Ceremony..
Well, I have not watched the other BB's so I can only speculate that Daniele and Nick's showmance will go down as the best showmance ever. They are so cute together. Too bad "it's all over but the crying" or so it seems to be.
Heh, I have a new catch phrase, "I'd do Nick for a dollar" now that would be funny!
Amber is such a fake, attention seeking BIT%H, Oh how I hate her. He will know soon enough when he watches the stuff when he gets out.
Hon', I'm guessing we all would do Nick for (less than) a dollar!
Cliff do I sense some jealousy? Nick is HOT! Bottom line.
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