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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Big Brother - A House Divided

UPDATED @ 10:55am BBT
10am BBT

Dani's getting camera ready, putting makeup on. Jameka's reading her bible. Zach's rubbing lotion all over himself.

Sat 10:09am BBT

Zach heads downstairs, grabs some pills and heads out of the storage room to find Jameka. He finds her in the small room, reading her Bible.

Zach: Morning. You ready for today?
Jameka: Mmmm
Zach: I would like to pray today.
Jameka: Of course. I'll be up in a few minutes.
Zach: No rush.

Zach returns to the HoH, makes his bed and waits for Jameka to pray and go over some BB facts with him...

Zach: (talking to himself) It's not about friends, it's about odds. Tough sh-t, Donatos. Tough sh-t.

Dick & Dani

Dick: Wheres the panty munching pervert?
Dani: Upstairs.
Dick: (whispering) The DR made me promise not to use the N word.

10:18am BBT
Zach & Jameka
HoH Room

They're studying for the comp, as best they can, and discussing what type of comp they think it'll be, and of course, like so many before them, plotting the downfall of the Donatos...

Zach: I came up with this analogy: Good vs Evil.
Jameka: Isn't that something?
Zach: It's time. It's time to really set them straight. I don't like the way that he plays. I just wanna shut them up. I can't wait. I'm so ready.
Jameka: I know. I'm the same way.

10:45am BBT
Dick and Dani are downstairs at the kitchen counter. All feeds are on them as they talk about the day ahead...

Dick's getting more and more antsy with no information from BB about when the Veto Comp will begin. Dani's in good spirits...

Jameka was called to the DR a little while ago. Dani's commenting that "it's a long DR for the morning," and Dick said he's sick of all the DRs and sick of talking about that "dick-head." I can only assume he's referring to Zach.

10:52am BBT
Jameka's out of the DR. Zach's called in... Jameka tells Dick and Dani the DR said they still don't know anything about how the HGs should dress for the Veto Comp. Dick's response about the DR folks: "Liars."

Dani and Dick continue to discuss the upcoming Zach-Attack.
Dani: When you talk about his ex-girlfriend, remember to call her Sweets.
Dick: Oh yeah...

Dani reminds Dick they need to keep an eye on Jameka today too. Dick agrees, saying not to "let her slip through the cracks."
    ***Carolyn reminds Dick: You did that for 5 HoHs... Why stop now? :::Sigh:::
Dick has more nervous energy than he can contain within his body today... It's gonna be a scorcher.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Argh I have a list of stuff I want to accomplish today but I'm glued to the updates and the Dish! I'm decided I'm going to get active when the trivia and FoTH comes on. I hope the PoV is fast and furious and not take long.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, No, No! My husband wants to see a movie! What to do, what to do? I'm a little scared to leave... husband or BB?

I guess I'll have to go.


10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like to DR is a real big instigator. So, do you think they are telling Zach that Dick is probably going to yell at him again and stuff? Didn't they tell him to make some drama last night!

They really need to get the show on the road already.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i would totally register but i'm lazy. I really hope the Donatos don't make it to the final 2. I feel guilty saying this, because with out Dick the feeds would be really, really boring. I love to hate him. I hate him more than any houseguest ever but i'm glued to his every action. Is this wrong?

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nervously waiting for POV and hoping that Dick or Dani win. Zach has gotten on my last nerve with this all of a sudden religion thing with Jam. I hope Dick lets him have it and hopefully Jam will go with the DiNato's and get his butt out of there. Goooooo Dick and Dani.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@10:57: It's a game, have fun! Do what ya want... register, schmegister! It's Saturday, it's BB, it's ALL good.


Go Donatos!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This waiting is killing me, come on now. I'm hoping Dick and Dani pull this one off and Zach gets what he deserves. Gooooo DiNato's.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anon 10.57 AM.

It's not wrong to be mixed about people in the house.

Let's face it... Dick has been pure Gold this BB season. The ratings are up and people love or love to hate the guy. I love him as a Player... because I see the distinction between game and life.

If a person went at somebody verbally in real life... I'd be there looking out for the one attacked and also calm down the situation. This is not it. This is GAME and STRATEGY. It's like a hockey game where there is always one on the team... trying to cause some unrest. Or any other Game for that matter.

Is Dick this person in real life. I have no clue? I don't know him. But I do know that he has many loyal life long friends and doubt it. Does he call people out. Yes. But so do I and others I know. I can't stand double standards.

So, in this Game I am rooting for the most entertaining player of the season. He has had benefits and drawbacks for having been there under the circumstances he has. They all have something to deal with.

I'll tell you one thing though...

without all the attention the Donatos have received from fans and haters and other HGs... this season would not have been what it is without them in it. It would have been a snore-fest and the producers and casting people know it. It's not for naught.

Will ED's tactics work... depends and we will know soon. If not... there is still a chance for F2 for one of them.

Phil in Chicago

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick is missing one of the key ingredients of winning gamesmanship... the element of unpredictable surprize.

He's oblivious to it. He's too predictable, and after this length of time in the house, so it's never a surprize...

That provides Zack & Meka the advantage of READINESS - an ability to ignore Dick! And Dick's energy is now wasted/weakened for his own POV game!

He's already pacing, and the air has thickened...clue #1.

My stomach is a wreck!!!


11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon @10:57 - you're being jen-like...

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil in Chicago - Well said!! I agree 100%.

"I just can't" feel right about this years BB without Dick & Dani as the F2.


ps - what a contrast, huh? Z&J praying in the HOH, and D&D amping up in the kitchen!

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one has an idea of what the game would have been like if Dick hasn't been chosen. Maybe the person who has been chosen instead, would have been as entertaining, but so unlike Dick. Even if Dick had not being there and everyone was, the dynamic and game would have different. Would it have been worse, less entertainin, boring, etc.? The truth is no one can say.

Watching a grown man, fart, spit, curse, rambling to himself, and try to bully others, isn't entertaining.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

I said in the last post, but todavĂ­a estoy dando chispas (still giving off sparks) over how incredibly upset I am over this.

Clearly from what Dick said he wants to at least bring up the n-word and the producers are preventing him.

The producers have apparently felt that for this personality, this "character," this shudder cretin may use the most horrible slurs about women in attacks on a woman. He can throw around the most vile invective I have seen on television, but, of course, they have their limits!

Dick and the producers all know that he can do all he's done so far and still be soooo loved by America, but if he touches *this* button or says *that* word and all bets are off.

I am disgusted with him, with the producers for allowing it and for his apologists, who are legion.


2:08 PM  

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