This Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoiler
is current as of
September 18th, 2007.
Otherwise, proceed at your own risk,
and don't write us whining that we spoiled something,
when you had to specifically come here to see it,
buried all the way at the bottom of the blog.
This is your last chance.
Post Big Brother 8 Live Show Commentary
will also remain in this spoiler area
just below the spoilers,
until the show has aired
on the West Coast.
September 18, 2007
Live Finale Spoiler
The finale has begun.
1st up - quick rehash of the season...
Now.. Zach's Arrival to the Jury
Dustin: I would absolutely love to see Dick or Daniele here.
Jen: I would most like to see Dick. Hes the worst person I've met in my entire life.
Enter Zach.
Eric: I don't know if this makes you feel better or worse,
you would've crushed either one of them
AP Task: America Chose Dick
Jen's fighting hard against Dick. Zach's calling Dani an amazing competitor. Dustin's agreeing.
Eric brings up Dick's 3 HoHs and 1 crucial Veto.
Zach and Jameka: Daniele was the brains, Dick was the muscle... (paraphrasing)
Jury Session:
Amber: Why should I give you a vote considering what you did to your boyfriend on national television?
Dani: If you're going to base your vote on my personal life, I don't want it, bc it has nothing to do with this game.
Jessica: (missed it)
Eric: Please tell me the reason each jury member would deserve to be in the final 2.
Dick: (paraphrasing) none of you do... except Eric (best player, period) and Zach.. played great games.
Zach: What will you take out of this game? What have you learned from others here?
Jameka: What do you credit yourself for in terms of the biggest moves?
Jen: I obviously don't respect either of you as people in the real world, but I have to vote for one of you. Dick, do you think this experience has helped to build your relationship with Daniele?
From Jury straight into Daniele's mini-rant on Dick... barely 30 seconds of the 18 hour freeze out.. no biggie for the tv only's
Julie Chats with Dick and Daniele.
Dani's being a big sweetheart about her dad and spending time with him.
VOTING is about to take place.
As the HGs Vote, they make a statement...
Jameka: Congratulations Donatos. My vote will be going to someone who possibly is getting my respect.
Dustin: I'm basing my vote on strategic action, not just words.
Jen: I'd prefer to vote for anyone besides either one of you, but I have no choice.
Zach: I was in the house longest with you...
Amber: Congrats to both of you. I'm basing my decision on game, strategic purpose.
Jessica: Congrats D & D. I'm voting for the person I enjoyed more in the house.
~Commercial Break~
Vincent and Charlotte (grandma) Donato
on stage with Julie
Welcoming the 1st 5 evicted HGs
Nick gets to say hi to Dani.
Carol talks about Jessica.
Joe has curly hair now...
Mike was rooting for Zach
Kail - Not surprised at all with D&D in the Final 2
AP Reveal!!!!
The HGs are allllll taking it very well.
Jessica too.
Next up:
America's Vote to Win,
followed by the rest of the jurors.
The Votes:
America: Dick
Jameka: Daniele
Dustin: Dick
Jen: Daniele
Zach: Dick
Amber: Dick
Dick Donato
is the winner
of Big Brother 8!!
Interview with Julie..
Jessica also voted for Dick.
And it's ovah!
September 13th Spoiler
OK guys, you know the drill..
Live show spoilers as they happen.
As soon as they happen...
Here we go...
1st up - Showing the Endurance Comp...
(some of Dick's rant... only what's network appropriate though, so...)
Oy.. let's get real.
If you're on this spoiler post,
you already know Zach wins the endurance comp,
and Dick wins part 2...
So let's just wait for the Final HoH
I'll letcha know as soon as it comes along.
OK.. The 2nd part is done.
Julie's talking to them Live...
Gonna Have a Jury House Segment with Eric & Jessica
After the commercial... then Final HoH
The winner of the Final HoH Comp
Final HoH for Big Brother 8 is:
As Final HoH, Dick
has chosen to evict
Ladies and Gentlemen...
~Your Big Brother 8 Final 2~
Dick & Daniele
That's Big D, little o-n-a-t-o
September 6th Spoiler
Per Julie:
AP is Still on Tonight
America will control Eric's Vote
In the 2nd Elimination.
2nd Julie Tells the Houseguests:
(prior to the 1st vote)
"It's Big Brother Fast Forward.
2 of you will be leaving tonight."
Voting Now:
Votes to Evict:
Eric: Evict Jameka
Dick: Evict Jessica
Daniele: Evict Jessica
1st Evicted Houseguest:
by a vote of
2 to 1
Has Been Evicted from the Big Brother House.
Jessica refuses to acknowledge both Dick & Dani.
Eric to Dick:
"I'm not surprised. I understand. The only thing is, Daniele when I asked, you could have told me... There was nothing we could have done to change it... I would just have liked to know, so I could've had that time..."
Jessica with Julie:
"I love Eric."
Eric's Goodbye:
"Jessica, I love you."
(he said more, but that's the crux)
Who do you want Eric to Get Nominated?
1 for Daniele
2 for Dick
3 for Jameka
4 for Zach
to 81818
Daniele was chosen by people who text...
Good luck with that, Eric.
Fast Forward HoH Winner:
HoH is Before or After
(what came before or after...)
is the new
(for a few minutes, anyway)
Jameka & Eric
(AP Task - Not so much)
The Veto Competition is beginning...
Jameka's DISQUALIFIED for putting a blue ball in her tube when she was supposed to be collecting only green balls... She pleads with Julie...
Jameka: "I didn't put it there! Please check the tapes."
Veto Winner:
Veto Meeting Now...
Zach Chooses to Not Use the Power of Veto.
The Nominations remain:
Eric & Jameka
Votes to Evict:
Zach: Eric (omg!)
Dick: (if necessary)
2nd Evictee:
Eric is a gentleman on his departure.
Sporting to one and all.
We have a final 4!
Expect the unexpected.
Oh my goodness!
I'm sad to see Eric go. I felt for his plight as America's Player as the game wore on, and I do hope he'll get to participate in an All-Stars 2, if there is one, and under his own power.
With Jameka now past her 5th HoH, I gotta say, I'm nervous she will be winning the next one. It's just too poetic not to happen. Oh boy... The next few days are going to be nuts.
As of 9:17pm Eastern/ 6:17pm BBT the feeds are still on trivia... perhaps to give us all a few minutes to catch our collective breath???
Evicted Houseguest:
By a vote of
3 to 1
Has Been Evicted from the Big Brother House.
Votes to Evict:
Jameka: Zach
AmEricA: Amber
Dick: Amber
Daniele: Amber

"The Big Brother Tea Party"
The cups hold only 3 ounces and the containers are several gallons...
This is an endurance comp, folks.

Spark up The Live Feeds!!
New HoH
is the New HoH
Party on the Live Feeds!!
America's Choice - New Task
Who should Eric Get Nominated?
Click Here to Vote Until Midnight Pacific Time
August 23rd Spoiler
Votes to Evict:
BB Penalty Vote: Evict Jen
Amber: Evict Jen
Dick: Evict Jen
AmERICa: Evict Jen
Zach: Evict Jen
Jessica: Evict Jen
Evicted Houseguest:
By a vote of
6 to 0
Has Been Evicted from the Big Brother House.
This is the 1st unanimous vote of the season.
As of 8:45Eastern,
we have a commercial break, and
HoH will begin right after...
New HoH
is the New HoH
Party on the Live Feeds!!
He just got back from Iraq... Today!
America's Choice - New Task
Who should Eric Get Nominated?
Click Here to Vote Until Midnight Pacific Time
Needless to say, the Live Feeds are going to be on fire tonight!
I can't even begin to imagine how I would feel if my brother was in Iraq... much less if I had no contact with the outside world and no knowledge of his well-being for 3 months.
The mood in the house right now is positively jubilant. Everyone's happy and celebrating. No one has received the news of Jessica's HoH as impending doom... they haven't moved on to that level yet. They're still celebrating Jen being gone.
In terms of likely nominees, Jess spoke earlier in the week to Eric about wanting to go back on the deal and put up Dick and Dani. It's not a sure thing, but it's definitely something she was considering. I really don't know what to think at this point... I'm hoping that's not her decision - for one, I like the Donatos, and for 2, I'd just like to see one alliance not crumble instantaneously this season.
All I know is we have a house full of very content HGs, and they're about to be fed In N Out Burgers, which is always a great thing.
Fingers crossed for Jess that this production company is as on the ball as I hope they are. C'mon guys... get her a letter from Dean... and a new picture. It's what she most wants in this world, and on your end... Talk about creating a great tv moment...
On a JEric showmance tip, here's a clip of Amber and Jessica from just a few minutes ago... Seems Jen wanted to cause just a little more trouble on her departure.
Votes to Evict:
Amber - Dick
Eric - Dustin
Jameka - Dick
Daniele - Dustin
(commercial break!)
Zach - DUSTIN!!!!
Jen - DUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!
Evicted Houseguest
By a vote 4 of to 2
Has Been Evicted from the Big Brother House.
~the best courtesy flush ever~

the look on his face: priceless
Needless to say, the Live Feeds are going to be on fire tonight!
New HoH
is the New HoH
the Birthday Hoh!
OMG! Could this week have gone any better?!?!!?
Party on the Live Feeds!!
America's Choice - New Task
Who should Eric Get Nominated?
Click Here to Vote Until Midnight Pacific Time
Another Double Donato Nomination Foiled!
I'm so stoked.
Evicted Houseguest
By a vote of to
Has Been Evicted from the Big Brother House.
Dick Kept his cool...he's steaming, but not on fire
Dustin just lied and told Dick, "it wasn't me, I voted to Evict Eric."
Votes to Evict:
so far....
Dick - Eric
Jen - Eric
Jessica - Kail
~commercial break~
Zach - Eric
Jameka - Kail
Pompous Buffoon-aka- Dustin - Kail
Amber - Kail
They've had one too many servings of Dustin's Kool-Aid
Needless to say, the Live Feeds are going to be on fire tonight!
America's Choice for Eric as Handmaiden
(does anyone care?)
New HoH
Gooo Zach, Dick & Jen!!!!!
please please please
Dustin's Out
Zach's Out
Eric's Out
Dick's Out
Amber's Out
Jessica or Jen???
JESSICA is the New HoH
America's Choice - New Task
Who should Eric Get Nominated?
Click Here to Vote Until Midnight Pacific Time
Spoilers for the Live Show on August 2nd
America's Choice for Eviction
(with the biggest BS edit for the
tv only audience I've ever seen!)
The 4th Houseguest Evicted From the
Big Brother 8 House is...
(dor please!!!!!)
(OMG... No DoR??? But.. But...)
(shit shit shit!!!!!!)
Votes to Evict:
Jen - Nick
Zach - Kail
Jameka - Nick
Jessica - Nick
Amber - Nick
Dick - Nick
Daniele - Nick
Am-Eric-a - Kail
(stop pandering. we know the truth)
The Winner of the
HoH Competition
and new BB8 HoH
is unknown...
It looks like a big Endurance Comp...
Could be a while Folks.
We'll letcha know as soon as it's over.
Then again...
You could just turn on the feeds! ;)
The HGs are all hanging upside down on grown up sized perches.
____DANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS HOH___
to get someone nominated as soon as the show's over
and until midnight pacific.
Here's The Link.
Unfortunately, we can't make him get himself nominated.
Amber, however is on the list, as is Kail.
While we wait for the feeds to come back on, I'm gonna vent. Am I disappointed Nick's gone? Definitely. He's a terrific, genuine guy, and he will be sorely missed. I was, however, very touched, as was he, by Daniele's goodbye... and I'm really hoping she wins the HoH tonight. He didn't deserve the cards he was dealt. Not one bit.
Am I stunned they leaked Kail's DoR to the live feeds, and completely duped all of us? More than stunned. Pissed. Beyond.
It's just been a stupid week. Stupid of Eric to betray America. Stupid of CBS to talk Kail out of walking out today- cuz Nick definitely means WAY bigger ratings. Ridiculously stupid of Amber to stab Nick in the back, cause his nomination, make all of us ill with her pity-me crying routine, all the while cognizant of Dustin building side alliances that don't include her, one of which is with Kail... Just stupid. She allowed Dustin to take down someone who was on her side. Infuriatingly, ridiculously stupid.
Speaking of Eric and CBS, how much did you guys want to scream over the positive spin edit they gave Eric, as if he ever spent an honest moment fighting for Nick. Complete and utter rubbish. This twist is partly to blame for Nick being gone too... America's Player (the missing vote) and Amber's baseless accusations.
9:37 eastern and the feeds aren't back on yet... More stupidity.
Jokers is reporting that at 6:38pm BBT, a banner plane is circling the Big Brother House. The Banner says: WE *HEART* NICK! AMBER & ERIC ARE LIARS!- the LNC are NH
Gotta Love it! The Late Night Crew are Nerd Herd. Hit em where it hurts, kids.
I'm really hoping the HGs saw it. Really, really a lot.
Jokers has now pulled the banner post from updates and replaced it with the following:
I just spoke to a production person at Grodner Productions, she spoke to Alison's assistant and called me back. They are having technical problems with the comp. The comp has been halted. When the problems are fixed the comp and the feeds will resume.
So.. sounds like the banners missed their targets again.
Could be a very long night, folks.
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