SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?!
Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
10:51pm BBT Base of the HoH Stairs Jessica's in uber-cute mode...
Jess: As HoH, I command you to get into the jacuzzi! Jameka: Is that within her rights?
Eric goes over and hold Jess' hand for a moment.
Eric: Oh yeah. She was reading the manual earlier today.
He goes to change into swim trunks. So does Jess.
Here's a clip:
A little Eric-Jess update. Earlier today, Jessica said to Jameka, "I need my Eric time," and Jameka agreed to not stay up in her room so late at night. Jessica doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but she's definitely setting up some boundaries and letting her closest friend know the time has come to bugger off a bit.
As of 11:40pm BBT, They're all in the jacuzzi, and the uber cuteness continues... The girls have all ganged up on Eric to rip his pants off... He's not protesting too loudly.
Spark up the feeds, folks. They only get better as the night goes on.
Jess: Zach and Amber are really going at it.. Jameka: Mmm Hmm Jess: I was like, uhmmm.. Jameka: They always like play it off, though. Jess: Oh, yeah. Jameka: Yeah, but... it's gonna be interesting what Eric does... Jess: Mmm. Jameka: ...if anything. Jess: Even if Eric does save one of those two, we're still... Jameka: But that's ok... It leaves the target off of us. Jess: Yeah. Jameka: Maybe not a bad idea. Jess: (laughs) Jameka: Hmmm.. I don't know. Jess: Yeah. Jameka: Interesting. Jess: Interesting...
Dani: Zach came out of the DR and laid down face first on his pillow.. like someone shot him. Amber is so depressed. She's a wreck. Dick: Zach's been acting totally out of character... washing dishes. Dani: Zach told me he didn't pick you for houseguest choice because of your eye. Dick: Yeah, right. Dani: I was really glad Eric won. Amber is pissed, because she came in 2nd place again.
Zach comes outside.
CUT TO: HoH Room Jameka & Amber 7pm BBT
Amber: I'm so depressed. Jameka: I really think he's going to use it. Eric wants to be "that guy." He wants to be remembered for making power moves.
Jameka figures Eric will want to use the PoV to put up either Dick or Dani, because that is a huge power move. Jameka and Amber discuss different nomination combinations that don't include Amber...
Here's a clip, captured by romie1218:
Amber: Eric loves me. Jameka: Eric is very good at what he does. You have to look at everything he does. I don't think anyone but you and I are true to each other. Even Jess isn't 100% true to Eric. Amber: I need to figure out how to talk to Eric. Jameka: Just tell him you're true to the group. Hopefully, Eric will take it back to Jess. Amber: There is no group.***ahhh.. a moment of clarity.Jameka: Eric and Jess should be working on a power move.
Jess comes up to the HoH and Amber goes silent. After a couple minutes of pointless banter, Amber asks if they can talk later. Jess says sure.
CUT TO: Backyard Dick & Daniele Just After Jess left the Backyard and went to HoH Daniele: (fresh from the DR) "People" are saying things to make me nervous, and I'm starting to wonder if I should be.
Feeds Cut for a moment.
This season of HGs are more adept than most at coming up with new ways to talk about their DR sessions... Unfortunately, some of the folks in the control room are catching on too.
7:45pm BBT KITCHEN Dick & Dani & Zach Dick's preparing dinner. Dani's reading from the BB HG Rule Book. Dani: "A penalty nomination should not be used as part of your strategy..."
Another Twist of Some sort?? No, not at all. These rodents were all part of the Veto Comp, and it seems the HGs decided to keep them as "pets." While the HGs were napping, the guys in the control booth decided to zoom in on the new creatures and stir up some stuff:
TVHC reported: "Most if not all the HGs are sleeping. BB has just called Eric to the Diary Room.Some animals are noticed next to some of the HGs beds. There is a rat, as well as a dinosaur (or armadillo?) next to Zach's bed."
6:33pm BBT HOH ROOM Zach & Jameka (Jessica escaped a couple minutes ago) The two of them are talking about there being rats in the Veto Comp.. The HGs must've decided to keep some... Zach: Every rat that I found actually had answers that were applicable to the game. Jameka: That was lucky.
The feeds went to trivia again at 12:21pm BBT, and if they're still there by the time I finish writing this, I will proceed with under the notion we have a Veto Comp afoot. 45 minutes later and we still have trivia... yup, yup... The Veto Comp has got to be underway.
I'm armed with a colada (espresso, cuban rocket fuel style), and will be here to do the veto spoiler as soon as the feeds come back on.
In the meantime, let's get a consensus. Please take the poll below, and if you'd like, explain your answer here in the comment section.
As for me, I'm pulling for Dani and Eric to win it, and keep the nominations the same. I'd like to think Jess would keep the nominations the same as well, but I'm just not 100% sure.
2:02pmBBT Still Trivia... This time will be updated every few minutes until such time as the feeds come back, and we can post the veto spoiler.
In the meantime... Just to the left of this post (near the top of the blog) in the left sidebar are a bunch of things all-stars and current bb alums have up on ebay, both for charity (bekah) and personal gain. Go check em out. Nick's signed sweatshirt is going for CRAZY money... Have mercy. Also, Jessica's Booyah shirts are available, and the link for em is right there too, and, better yet, $$ to charity. If you find other cool BB related stuff, let me know, and I'll put it up... Your mission, should you choose to accept it...;)
Or... ya could do a personality profile for giggles... or more... Try Perfectmatch.com - The Best Approach to Finding the Right Person for You.
The Veto Players are: Jessica, Amber, Zach, Eric, Daniele and Jameka.
Thank you Eric and Jess for providing the info so quickly.
11:10am BBT HOH ROOM Eric & Jessica Eric: What was the big celebration from Jameka? Jess: I know. That was weird. Remember Amber's vision? She had this vision that she won something and Dick was really mad.. And Dick's hosting the veto. (That's what Jameka was so happy about) Eric: I don't really put a whole lot of faith in Amber's psychic abilities...
The Veto Comp Speculation Jessica thinks it will be endurance, Dani thinks it'll be a puzzle, Zach thinks the Cheshire Cat will somehow be involved...
CUT TO: 11:36am BBT BIG BDRM Amber & Jameka On all feeds... Amber: That's what I'll do next week.. I'll put up Eric and Jess, then I'll replace with Dick...
Then they go over some BB8 stats... and talk about all the cat related songs this morning, speculating about the veto comp... "Cat & Mouse... "
Amber: I'm so good at mazes. Jameka: Are you? Good. Amber: I think it's gonna be a big ball of yarn, with like hundreds of knots, and you just have to go at it... Jameka, I love you. Jameka: Mmm Hmm!!
11:45am BBT BB: Dick, please come to the Diary Room.***Since Dick is hosting the Veto Comp, this could be a very good sign. Let's get it on, AGP.
The Houseguests have received their wake up call. Zach's in the shower. Jess & Eric are up in the HoH room, groggy, but awake. Jess is getting ready, but Eric said he wants to stay in bed until they say it's time to pick who's gonna play for veto. Jameka and Amber are also in the bathroom, speaking in hushed tones... Dani's just joined the bathroom crew...
Happy Veto Comp Day!
HOH ROOM 10:06am BBT Eric & Jess Jess: I bet Amber just death stares me this morning, but I don't really care, because when I beat her it'll just be that much nicer.
Eric and Jess agree that no one else needs to know how late they were up. They're going to pretend they aren't tired at all and go kick some butt in the comp. Eric warns Jess not to drink her Red Bull too early, so she doesn't crash.
10:14am BBT Jess: You take all the prizes, and I'll put the house on everything.. and then you can share the prizes with me! :)
CUT TO: 10:14am BBT BIG BEDROOM Amber & Jameka Amber: I trust God. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.
CUT TO: 10:41am BB: Jessica, please come to the Diary Room. Eric: Yayy!
A moment later the feeds went to Trivia... Veto Comp Player selection is likely in progress. All hail the mighty magic ping pong ball.
CUT TO: 11:07am BBT Feeds are Back! Waiting to learn who the veto players are...
The feeds cut to Jameka praying and crying up in the HoH room around 10:30pm BBT last night. At 11:10pm BBT, Jessica went up to the HoH and asked if she was ok... They stayed up there talking for quite a while.
In total, Jameka spent over 5 hours c-blocking up in the HoH room with Jessica and Eric, until FINALLY at 4:19am BBT, she left to go to bed. Now, she wasn't only c-blocking, she also took the opportunity to call Eric's intentions and honesty into question whenever she and Jess were alone in there. There was some subtlety to her tactic, but not much.
Still and all, it seems her diligent efforts were to no avail. Jess and Eric finally got their alone time, hashed out the Eric GF issue, and cutting to the chase, Jess said, "We're in Love." Eric blushed and stammered.
Before the mushy stuff started, Eric took the opportunity to push once again for keeping Dick and Dani for the final 4... Counting the both of them as final 2 votes for Jessica in the end-game... Here are some clips:
Video #2 Eric: Did I expect to come here and have feelings for someone? No. Jess: Awwwww... Eric: But I do... Jess: I do have feelings for your too, but the situation is so weird... Being here..
Really Excellent Conversation "We're In Love" Captured by Romie1218
Meanwhile in the land of the Donatos, father and daughter are getting on quite swimmingly this evening... Dani's still having some trust issues in terms of sticking with Eric and Jessica until the final four, and Dick's still 100% committed. Here's a clip from Dick & Dani around 2am...
Boy o Boy did I oversleep! Sorry about that... I did wake up around 5:45am eastern to get to work on the overnight report, but my brain and my body staged a coup, and they won. I've now hooked up the caffeine IV and set it to free flow, and the key points of the overnight's will follow in a post above this one.
The Feeds went to Trivia just a moment ago at 5:58pm BBT. We believe the Nomination Ceremony is currently underway. The nomination spoiler will be placed here in this post as soon as possible when the feeds come back on.
Until then, please have a look at the posts below for all your update needs.
If you've yet to experience the live feeds, we really can't recommend them strongly enough. There are links aplenty here on the blog to hook you up with the 2 weeks free deal... Oh look! Here's another one!
You know you wanna... All the cool kids are doing it. ;)
SPOILER ** Amber & Zach
have been nominated for eviction
HOH ROOM 6:54pm BBT Jess, Jameka & Eric Jess: I feel bad for Amber, but it's the truth. I felt like it's so horrible.. saying to someone... you're dream might be up. Jameka: I don't think Zach was expecting it at all. Eric: I actually really liked everything you said...
Enter Dani..
Dani: Are you ok? Jess: Yeah, it's just hard. Dani: Zach was almost in tears. Jess: I think he'll hate me from now on... I'll talk to them if they wanna talk, but they can approach me.. Dani: Zach's working out.. he's gonna pull a Jen.. 20 miles. I think he's just surprised and sad. Eric: The fact is, at this point, there aren't that many people here...
CUT TO: Small Bedroom 6:58pm BBT Amber is folding her new clothes... Dick comes in. They whisper. Dick: Zach is the target. Amber: I know...
Almost the moment Dick leaves the room, Amber lays down and starts praying... and tears...
2:52pm BBT HOH ROOM Jess, Eric & Zach Please insert Mmm Hmm's where you feel they are appropriate.
Zach: I've heard this free floating idea that Jameka and Amber will go up, and I think that's a really awful idea. It's going to be harder to get the stronger players out as time goes on. If you want me, you've got me, you don't even have to say anything, and Thursday you can say, boom, and I'll vote how you say, or you can tell Eric, and he'll tell me. I just think it's highly advantageous cuz you've got 3 votes that can sway a major... I feel like I've already proved myself to you, so you don't have to feel like I'm going to be unloyal to you.. I just know this games' gonna be really hard, if it's just a dead weight that goes every week. then the HoH's become very important... I don't really have any loyalty to anybody... You don't have to ask me for my vote, I'm giving it to you freely, just like I told Jameka. I will always come up to somebody and say what I mean. It's beyond this game. It's who I am as a person.. I know you're put in an odd position... If you really think about it, say it's us 3 and D&D, then it gets really hard. Eric: Not to mention, playing at the final 5, means you can't play (for HoH) at the final 4. And the person who wins the final 4 does get to play at the final 3... Zach: If you have all the strong people at the end, I can't see how thats a smart move. Eric: Well what would you do if you had HoH this week? Zach: I see a couple of clear options... One, you put up 2 people who are dead weight... the problem is, if you put up dead weight that are guaranteed votes for you, then you're screwing yourself. But if you put dead weight up, make sure they aren't going to hurt you. If you put up 2 people who are highly competitive... Dick and Daniele, there's an excellent chance that one will win PoV, but one will go home. Eric: You don't view the 2 of them as your closest allies in the house? Zach: it's all about me. You can only trust so much. The thing that bothers me is that's a weighted vote on that side.. There are 2 people... There gonna vote for each other.. i find them very dangerous in the end game. I don't side with them. i side with whoever is going to get me further in the end game. I mean, are you gonna get heat from throwing those two up? Sure. You can put dead weight up, and that's fine, but what you're doing is making the game harder for yourself. Someone in this game is gonna eventually have to take a stand. I'm not saying it has to be you. Everyone's been getting shafted by the PoV. Eric: Since week 2, every single person who has gone home has been back-doored, and I was supposed to be. Zach: I'm a person with numbers.. All I can say is, the more people that stay in here that are winning sh-t.. Neither of us have won anything... Things I excel at outside of this house, I boned. I discredit the advantages I have in this game... I'm just saying you have 2 choices... Jess: So why not put up dead weight and then back-door a competitor? Zach: The problem with that is then you're putting up a friend, and you risk that. I find you in a position that is an incredible opportunity because there are 7 people in the house... The thing is, you'll have one person pissed off and one person not bother you... Even if you've made sub agreements, it seems to me that you can only trust people so much to get you farther on a weekly basis. I'm worried about the end game. This stuff in the middle is what really makes a difference. You have a chance to really make a difference. Jess: Mm Hmm Zach: The solid thing is, you know you have 3 votes if you don't put Jameka, Amber or myself up.
Zach goes on to talk about how he'll defend Jess' honor if Dick gets aggressive with her... yada yada yada...
CUT TO: Round Room 3:16pm BBT Dick & Daniele Dani: I'm kinda nervous... Dick: I went up there last night to congratulate her... (whispering) Dani: I don't know.. I'm just getting kinda nervous... They could get rid of one of us this week... Dick: Did you talk to her at all? Dani: Not about the votes... and I think Zach's upstairs right now.. kissing their butt. Dick: I'm so over him.
Turn on the feeds folks!! It's getting very intense. Both of these conversations are happening simultaneously...
3:37pm BBT Zach leaves... Eric trashes Zach... Calls out all the flaws in his theories to Jess... I'm loving Eric right now... After a couple minutes, Dani walks in and they tell her what Zach was up to. Here's the clip:
Captured by xx2000xx
Eric: His goal is completely obvious. Jess: But he claims he's a floater. Dani: Cuz he'll float your way, or my way... Is he trying to find someone who'll make a deal with him? Like, what's his goal? Eric: He said, "there's part of me you've never seen before..." Dani: He told me if he got HoH, he'd put up Amber and Jameka. Eric: And he told us, that's a weak move. he's basically trying to intimidate us, which is ridiculous...
Good clip - I highly recommend you give it a look and a listen.
1:38pm BBT And it looks like the Comp is Still on!!
Turn em on folks!
The guys are all watching, wearing robes... The girls are inside the house, tearing through clothing racks, putting on as much as possible... This rings more of a bonus luxury comp than a food comp.
Here's a clip, captured by auntjulie:
A buzzer goes off...
Eric: I'm so glad you girls won... Dick: And I'm so glad Jen wasn't here to enjoy it... Eric: That dress looks like a Thursday nighter right there...
1:42pm BBT CUT to Blue
OK.. ther was no food comp this week. Instead, it was a Luxury Comp for a shopping spree, and the girls team won. They guys are being very good sports about it, saying they are glad the girls won, because this is definitely a luxury they appreciate more. The girls are oohing and aahing over all their new goodies.
Jess got a manikin too. She's dancing around the backyard with him...
2:04pm BBT As we learn more, the guys got completely creamed by the girls. Eric is ashamed of how badly the men did.
Bonus: They all get to keep their cushy new robes too. The guys got brown, the girls - pink.
Dani: Well, all those 55 days of trying to hide under the covers to change - gone down the tubes. Eric: Oh yeah.. the cameras didn't come near any of us. I don't know what you guys did, but we were all pretty much naked immediately. Dani: Yeah. Us too. Eric: Was it awkward? Dani: At first we were trying to cover ourselves, but then we were like, who cares... and now we're all much closer friends. Eric: I was on the wrong team. I'll tell you that much. All we got was our butts kicked, to see Dick and Zach's penises again and no luxury.
No Food Comp, so... No One is on Slop this week.
2:30pm BBT HOH ROOM Jessica & Eric
After a wee bit of conferring on the Nomination Ceremony, and Eric gently reaffirming the need for Amber and Zach to go up, Jess & Eric return to laughing about the naked food comp. Both are grateful the food comp was segregated down gender lines...
Meanwhile, downstairs in the small bedroom, Amber, Jameka and Daniele are all trying on their new clothes.
The feeds went to trivia about 25 minutes ago now, so it should be pretty safe to proceed under the notion we've got a food comp in action. What's say we all get off our collective tushies for a few minutes and do some standing Pilates work? Hmmm? Even mat work would be acceptable. ;) A little stretch, maybe?
UPDATED @ 12:30pm BBT Dick's still in his happy place... After several minutes of the feeds going to Blue Rabbit Hole, we came back to Dick lying in bed singing, "Tiny Bubbles." hehehe. Talk about an incongruous image...
Jess is up in the HoH bathroom, fluffing her hair...
10:01am BBT BB: Good morning, houseguests. It's time to get up for the day. Dick: (good naturedly) Ah. Eat me.
After another few minutes of Blue Rabbit hole, the feeds are back, the HGs are waking up, and everyone's still in a fine mood, talking about the wake up music, Zach's showering, Dani & Jess are getting pretty for the food comp (tv time), Dick's still walking on air...
11:00am BBT KITCHEN Zach, Jameka, Dani... Amber joins too. They're talking about the upcoming food comp... They hope it's for specific foods on specific days of the week. Dani and Zach want sushi. Based on the wake up songs, Tiny Bubbles, Rubber Ducky, Car Wash & Dirty Laundry, the houseguests believe the food comp will involve getting wet and possibly washing cars.. maybe even roller skates.
The conversation moves on to live show questions from Julie, who gets the most, why and what. Zach says, "I don't think she even knows I'm in the game." Zach says he's only gotten one. Jameka's right behind him with 4 questions...
The mood on the live feeds is terrific.
Jess is alone up in the HoH room listening to music and thinking about her options...
Dick is off camera.
A few minutes ago, Jameka and Amber were able to grab a moment alone together to talk about their conversations with Jessica last night. Both feel good about their talks and their safety for the week...
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12:25pm BBT The feeds cut out just a few minutes ago... I'm hoping (and thinking) this means the food com is afoot. The mood has been quite chipper all morning. Here's a clip of some of the kitchen table talk the HGs have been enjoying for the past little while.
To say the house was very happy with Jen's eviction could be the understatement of the season. Shortly after Jen's Eviction and several times throughout the night, Dick was in such a state of glee, he was actually dancing. Here's a very quick clip of that, captured by chip228:
Jameka got in on the celebratory dancing as well, also cap'd by chip228:
Starting around 10:30pm BBT, Jameka went to work on Jess, encouraging her to put up Dick and Daniele. Jameka stayed up there in HoH with Jessica for hours. Here's is the gist of their conversation, followed by a clip.
HOH ROOM 10:34pm BBT Jess & Jameka
Jess: I wonder if ED would us the PoV on Daniele again. Jameka: Mmm Hmm. Jess: Yeah, I'd much rather see her go than him, but I'm just trying to figure out how to make that work... Jameka: Mm Hmm. Jess, between me n you, honestly, you're either gonna have to put up both, or neither... I know my situation, so I would understand. It's your HoH week.. Jess: I'm not gonna put you up. I have to put up either both or neither... but if one wins PoV, then there's a chance neither one'll go home... Jameka: You have more people fighting for whatever you want.. It never seems to work out. Jess: It just sucks not being able to compete for HoH the week after, cuz if one or both of them stay, you know? Jameka: ..but then you still have Zach.. so that's still 3 against one, either way. yeah, that's true.. And Eric didn't give you his opinion yet? Jess: I feel like you 2 are the only ones who will give me unbiased input... He wanted to wait till tomorrow to talk and just let me enjoy tonight, but I wanna get it over with... ***He'll be up soon, Jess.Jess: I wanna win PoV bad, just cuz I haven't won it, and my mom said in my letter...
Zach also made an appearance in the HoH room, but he wasn't able to get any alone face time with Jess, due to Eric and Jameka being there as well...
CUT TO: 1:08am BBT HOH ROOM Jess & Eric
Eric is fresh from the Diary Room - Seems as though America chose Amber to push for eviction, and Eric is happy to oblige...
Jess: Dick was saying, if we put Zach up, he needs to go.. He was saying, why don't you backdoor him?
Eric: I most wanna see Amber nominated, for sure, because I think it's the easiest one to get away with of anyone, at this point. Umm, and then if the 2 of them are sitting there, and even if it stays the same, I think they're both solid options...then whichever one that doesn't go this week is gonna go next week anyway. Jess: Then Jameka said to me tonight, she's like, "Why wouldn't you nominate Dick and Daniele?" She's like, "Amber said to me this week, she'd never nominate you, Zach would never put you up. Why would you go and try to make those enemies when you know they'd never put you up?" Eric: I know.. but there is an actual reason. Jess: I know, but then she's all, "Unless Eric has a deal with them or something." Eric: Well, why me and not you? Jess:I don't know.. I don't know.. Let's change the subject... Eric: Well, that just goes to show why you're gonna win the game.
When Jessica mentions putting up Dick or Daniele, Eric advises her to "at least give herself the weekend off and wait to do it until the Veto Ceremony." As the conversation progresses over the next couple for hours they have alone together, Eric applies gentle pressure to keep up the alliance with Dick and Daniele... very gentle. He expresses his own sense of failure in not winning anything... And he lets her know about his conversation with Amber... All seems good in the land of the budding JEric showmance...
Captured by TRD2006
CUT TO: HOH ROOM Eric & Jess 3:15am BBT Eric: I am going to bed. Jess: Go to bed. Eric: I think it's nice that we have already lived together... Jess: ...55 days.***I think it's nice they're finishing each others sentences.Eric: It could be months, or even years, before people feel like this.. Jess: It feels like I have known you for years. Eric: I have spent more time talking to you in 55 days than all my friends in years... (being cute) that is why you have feelings for me that are growing by the minute. Jess: By the second!!
CUT TO: 6:15am BBT Dick - All over the house.
Dick had been asleep, but he's so happy and excited about Jen being gone, he can barely contain himself. He keeps smiling and laughing... for about an hour and a half... all the way through 7:30am BBT when he says, "I'm so excited that I can't go back to sleep."
Incidentally, Eric told Jess earlier that he thinks he's even more excited than Dick...
Good Morning and Happy Friday! The Overnight Report will go up between 9-10am BBT today. The party atmosphere has returned to the live feeds, with Jen out of the house and Jessica installed as the new HoH. So much so that I've got that morning after party grogginess going... and I'm desperately hooking up the caffeine IV as we speak.
Caffeine and exercise - See you back here with the overnight report in just a bit!
The Mood in the house has changed drastically since Jen got evicted and Jess won HoH. Everyone's on a huge high, fueled by the best fast food on the planet - In N Out...
Spark up the live feeds, folks. The House guests are really at their best tonight. What remains to be seen is whether or not Eric's in the HoH or the doghouse, due to Jen's parting shot about his girlfriend.
Friday, we'll be having a food comp and a nomination ceremony. Will the alliance of 4 stick together for another week? Will everyone maintain their cool? These and many more questions will be answered as the day progresses tomorrow.
For now, enjoy the feeds. Happy times are here again!
Here's a clip from just after 9pm BBT. Dick & Jess up in HoH, planning the week...
9:06pm BBT HOH ROOM Dick & Jessica Dick's up in HoH with Jessica, and they're discussing the end game and how perfect it all is... and trashing Jen just a little more.
Meanwhile, Eric is doing a little damage control with Amber outside on the double lounger - perhaps to secure her final vote?
On a personal note, I couldn't be any happier for Jess. This was the perfect HoH for her to win. Perfect. Her parents flew out to California yesterday to meet Jessica's brother Dean upon his return from Iraq. To my understanding Dean is here in America now, and it is my strongest wish that the Big Brother Production Coordinator was on top of this situation and either had someone go to the family to take pictures and get a letter upon his arrival, or had their fastest P.A. ready and waiting at their hotel to confirm her win, and get a letter from him for Jessica.***I stand corrected, and I owe the PC a public apology and acknowledgement... While Jess' parents are already in California waiting to see Dean, they will not actually get to see him until friday...
I can't even begin to imagine how I would feel if my brother was in Iraq... much less if I had no contact with the outside world and no knowledge of his well-being for 3 months.
The mood in the house right now is positively jubilant. Everyone's happy and celebrating. No one has received the news of Jessica's HoH as impending doom... they haven't moved on to that level yet. They're still celebrating Jen being gone.
In terms of likely nominees, Jess spoke earlier in the week to Eric about wanting to go back on the deal and put up Dick and Dani. It's not a sure thing, but it's definitely something she was considering. I really don't know what to think at this point... I'm hoping that's not her decision - for one, I like the Donatos, and for 2, I'd just like to see one alliance not crumble instantaneously this season.
All I know is we have a house full of very content HGs, and they're about to be fed In N Out Burgers, which is always a great thing.
Fingers crossed for Jess that this production company is as on the ball as I hope they are. C'mon guys... get her a letter from Dean... and a new picture. It's what she most wants in this world, and on your end... Talk about creating a great tv moment...***I wrote this before she got the room... Unfortunately, they weren't able to pull it off for her. Such a shame.
On a JEric showmance tip, here's a clip of Amber and Jessica from just a few minutes ago... Seems Jen wanted to cause just a little more trouble on her departure.
Spark em up, folks. There's a new HoH in town... ;) What will happen is anyone's guess...
Nothing indicating the winner of HoH will be posted to the top of the blog until the live show airs on the west coast. Instead, everything will be attached to the spoiler post... then transfered up here later.
Commentary & video has been added to the spoiler post. Please check it out. The commentary is right below the current spoiler.
The Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoiler is all set and ready to go.
If you're on the west coast, or in one of the MANY cities that wont be getting their BB on time tonight due to pre-season football (Go Fins! GO Trojans!), all you need to do is Click Here: Live Show Spoiler, and refresh it frequently after about 8:25pm Eastern.
We post the live show spoilers as they happen every week.
Post Live Show Commentary and Rants (when necessary) are also housed there until the show airs on the west coast.
Lockdown is over, and the HGs "are free to move about the house." Jen heads straight for the kitchen to prepare some food. Jess gets back into her own bed.
Although the HGs were thinking they'd go back downstairs to find one of the bedrooms closed off, nothing seems to have changed inside the house... so far as we can tell.
12:55pm BBT Cut to Rabbit Hole...
1:07pm BBT Houseguests are cleaning...
Welcome to Thursday afternoon in the Big Brother house. ;) The kids are cleaning up, socializing, and thus far having a light afternoon before they all get prettied up for the live show.
The good news is, the doldrums will officially lift at about 5:55pm BBT when the new HoH is crowned and all the new scrambling for position begins. Even better, Dustin's still out of the house, and what a more pleasant place it is without him. Can't wait to see who the new HoH will be and how the chips will fall tonight on the feeds.
I really didn't expect to see Jen go out this way... without a fight, without some hail mary pass of a negotiation session. Though Jen really grew on me as the season progressed, I'm a bit disappointed in her game this week - she had none.
Eric and Dick are the standout players in that regard thus far this season, and Daniele to a degree as well. Eric's comeback 2 weeks ago was something for the record books - after a complete & public character assassination (engineered by Dick and delivered by Amber) that turned his own alliance against him, he was able to save himself and stay in the game.
Dick's comeback last week, in the 2nd foiled double Donato nomination of the season, was equally impressive. That neither he nor Daniele were eliminated when sitting on the block next to each other twice, while both being huge targets in the minds of every other house guest, phenomenal. Yes, America and Eric helped, but as we've learned in prior weeks (Nick), Eric isn't America's bitch, and Dick needs to receive credit for formulating the plan.
I was hoping for and expecting the same from Jen... Instead we got a total meltdown from which she never made much of an effort to recover.
During next week's episode of POWER OF 10, current BIG BROTHER 8 Houseguests Daniele Donato and Amber Siyavus will compete against each other in the two-person game, allowing the winner to move on for a chance to play for $10 million, Tuesday, Aug. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Daniele and Amber, the top two winners of a Power of Veto competition, won a luxury reward and were flown to New York to appear on the CBS game show POWER OF TEN.
POWER OF 10, hosted by Drew Carey, is a high-stakes primetime game show where contestants compete for the chance to win $10 million. Michael Davies is the executive producer for Embassy Row in association with Sony Pictures Television.
UPDATED 9:27am BBT - Blue Rabbit Hole - Wake up HGs??!! 9:34am BBT - Ummm, nope. 9:52am BBT - Blue Rabbit Hole.... quickly back to feeds... another psych out. 9:59am BBT - Jen's Up. 10:09am BBT Blue Rabbit Hole... 10:21am BBT - HoH Lockdown.
It's 8:30am Thursday in the Big Brother House, and Jessica's been up long enough to work out, shower, get into her swim suit and begin blow-drying her hair.
The rest of the HGs are still sleeping... for the moment.
Dani: Stop holding it over my head. I'm not saying I'm not thankful. I've thanked you a million times. You didn't have to do it. That has nothing to do with it. If I go and say something to Amber, and say well you can't put him up on the block either, and then you get HoH & throw her up on the block, how does that make me look? Dick: Would I have made a deal for you and me? Dani: Please answer me. Please answer me. Please answer me... Dick: Would you throw her n the block Dani: Please answer me.. Dick: So don't make a deal for me and let me go up on the block. Do you think I would have made a deal that.. Dani: Oh my God. Dick: Just answer my question... Dani: No. You wont answer my question... Dick: Do you think if the roles were reversed I would have made a deal that would have likely thrown you up on the block?
It starts here and devolves quickly into another all out war.
Dani: You wanna know what I'm so upset about? how rude you speak to me... You have no relationship with... etc., etc... **You really have to listen to it live to get the impact.Here's the clip:
CUT TO: 1:30am BBT Dick & Daniele Kitchen Counter Calmer, in a public space, then more fireworks... Dick's tone and approach are quite gentle throughout.
Dick: If you're gonna yell at me, please talk to me in specifics... Dani: One thing, you're touching on my personal life. My relationship with my brother, nothing to do with you. My relationship with your mother's ex-husband, nothing to do with you. Dick: It's a pattern. Dani: I'm sorry I wasn't brought up in a happy close family.. Dick: I'm sorry I couldn't give that to you..
Dick: You haven't let people be there for you. There's a difference. Dani: OMG, Wow.
Dick: You don't take responsibility for any part of any of the breakdowns of the relationships in your life.. Dani: (groan) Dick: Have you ever taken any responsibility for the breakdown of our relationship? Dani: Yes. I have. Numerous times.... Don't look at me like that... Dick: You never have once. Dani: OK.. (snarky)
Dick: Since you have attitude and shake your head and say I'm this horrible person... Dani: Am I saying that?? No. You're saying I'm a horrible person... Yeah, you know that cuz you know me so well... That's all you ever say. Dick: I also tell you how proud I am of you, what an amazing person you are, and a whole lot of other stuff. There's a 1000 things positive that I tell you to one thing you take negative. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a great home and family... but I never left. I never abandoned you. It was your choice. Dani: I can't do this.
Deep sigh.
Dick: You always quit.
Dani runs away, up to HoH...
Dani: You see things from your side. No! I don't think you've always been there for me. I don't take people out of my life for no reason. Dick: Like 30 phone calls when I was trying to get ahold of you. That's a reason to take someone out of your life for 2 years? Dani: Yeah.. that's why. Dick: Well, that's what you said... Dani: (Under her breath) Go f yourself. (disappears into HoH)
Dick takes refuge, cocooning himself under the covers in the Hookah Room.
CUT TO: 1:39am BBT Dani & Amber HoH Room Dani cries to Amber about her dad... Oh, Dani...
Amber: You're so strong, you're so smart, you're a good person... I don't know anybody else who could deal with this in this house... Dani: (crying and being mothered by Amber) Amber: You're such a good person... You're such a smart girl too..
Dani: yesterday, he was like, "Did you make a deal with Amber? Did you make a deal with Amber?" I'm like "NO!" He's all, "I've done so much for you in this game, and you can't even watch my back." I'm so over him, and then he turns from that to personal stuff, about family.. I'm sorry I didn't grow up with a family.. I'm so sick of him being here.. Amber: Do you want him out of here. I'm asking as a friend.. Dani: Honestly no.. because strategically in the game, that doesn't help me at all, and that's what's so hard. Going from not talking to someone to seeing them all the time... Him calling me too many times is NOT the reason.. he did HORRIBLE things to me, and I'm not gonna get into it on National Television... Going from that to acting like we're best friends. It's too much... Et Tu, Daniele?
CUT TO: 3:21am BBT HOH ROOM Dani & Amber, still
Dani: The one thing I regret in this game was the Nick thing, but other than that, I do not regret anything at all. You gotta do what you gotta do. The past is the past... Amber: Who do you think Eric would put up if he got it? Dani: Probably Zach and Jameka. Eric wants Zach out of here. Amber: I can totally see that. I totally want HoH... Dani: It's so much more stressful than you would think. But this was the easiest HoH week this season, just because of everything that happened, and everyone's happy at the end... and there's an extra vote... that makes me a little happy. The first zero vote. That'll make a lot of people happy. I just think it's kind of ironic that she put me up week 2, and not even for game reasons, and I'm the one sending her home, and not at all for personal reasons.
Dani: What do you think people think of her? Amber: I bet a lot of people like her, cuz she comes off as ballsy.
Dani: I see my dad as being the person people love to hate. Amber: Your dad. He is something else. He's funny.
Entertainment Weekly asked exec producer Allison Grodner about a decision to punish rule-breaking Jen, how exactly America's Player works, and more...
By Lynette Rice
Say it ain't so — Big Brother 8 is more than halfway over! We asked executive producer Allison Grodner to take a time out from refereeing the latest fight between Dick and Jen to talk about America's Player, the overuse of the back-door strategy, and what makes this season so craptastically better than the others.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Anyone who watched Big Brother: After Dark this week saw how Jen went off slop to eat burgers and cottage cheese. Why did you penalize her? (Jen's punishment will be revealed on tonight's show.)
ALLISON GRODNER: We always reserve the right to give penalty nominations when rules are broken that are not safety violations or something so extreme that you should be ejected. But this was unprecedented [someone who was already nominated breaking a rule].
Why not give her a penalty nomination next week? At this point, our feeling is that the offender should be penalized within the week the offense took place. So this is a new way of dealing with rule violations by the nominees themselves.
What else is unprecedented about this season? The unprecedented use of the veto, especially the [subsequent] eviction of the replacement nominee. Jen has been on the block four times. The amount of arguments and fights in the house on a regular basis. We've had very dramatic turnarounds over the years, but this season we've seen even bigger surprises — the Dustin eviction, for one. What's also incredibly unprecedented about this season is America's Player [the contestant, Eric, secretly performs tasks mandated by viewers at home for money]. The viewers are involved, and he's still in the house.
Have you thought about changing the rules to avoid back-dooring (targeting a replacement nominee for eviction)? It really puts strong players at a disadvantage. It's possible. One of the adjustments that was made last year was the random drawing of ping-pong balls [to choose players for the veto competition]. That encouraged people from back-dooring. This year, people just seem to be getting lucky in terms of the ping-pong balls! It's hard to say how much we'll change. Nakomis coming up with the whole six-finger plan back in BB5 was genius. These people are playing like that and we've had more HOHs change their mind [about who should be on the chopping block] midway through the week than we've ever had before — though I don't think it was always their intent to back-door somebody.
What about making the rule that if you win the veto, you can only use it to save yourself? I feel like that takes some of the strategy out of the game. People have alliances and friends in the house. This is what is so interesting about the veto — what happens if you use it or don't use it if you aren't on the block. We wouldn't have had Jameka saving Jen, or Dick saving Daniele — another thing that's unprecedented about this season. Was Jen admonished for destroying Dick's cigarettes? There is a rule about destroying personal property in the house. It would be a big mess [if allowed to continue], so we have to have some rules to prevent all hell from breaking loose. But how do you justify admonishing Jen when her shirt was vandalized with mustard? Obviously it was an America's Player situation [Eric was told to do it]. She was able to wash it and it was fine. If that had been a situation in the house, we probably would have admonished the person who did it. But Jen doesn't know who did it! Jen was contending that she was admonished for destroying Dick's cigarettes, yet Dick was never admonished for his foul behavior toward her. Is that true? That's not necessarily true. By the way, we don't discuss who is admonished and so forth in the Diary Room. But I will tell you as an overall note that when people are close to crossing the line in terms of violence in the house, they are warned. Jen doesn't necessarily know [what, if anything, happened to Dick]. They don't know what happened with her with regards to the cigarettes. We don't discuss people's Diary Room visits with the other houseguests.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Fans watching the feeds see the houseguests come out of the Diary Room and start talking about how the producers attempted to sway their vote. Cynical viewers think you are trying to strong-arm the houseguests into doing your bidding. How do you respond to that?
ALLISON GRODNER: [Sighs] We are the only show that is heavily scrutinized because of the live nature of the Internet, which is also what makes the show so terrific. We can't manipulate the houseguests because we know we have the viewers watching us. That's something that we are very much against here. We do ask the houseguests to talk to us in pros and cons so we can understand their line of thinking. It's important for us to do that in order to understand the strategy, which can get so complex. That's what is happening. We are very careful to ask balanced questions. We will ask them to weigh both sides.
Does Eric have to do everything America tells him to do? When it comes to the vote, yes — that's a given. He needs to make every effort to complete America's task to get credit for it. And if he says no? He has never done that, but he basically has a contract with America to be America's Player, which means he will do his absolute best to try to complete a task. How much has he earned so far for completing the tasks? He has his first $10,000. I think he's closing in on another $5,000. For every five tasks, he gets $10,000. He will have $30K if he completes all of his tasks this week.
If Eric makes it to the final two, will he be able to tell his fellow houseguests that he's America's Player? That would certainly be part of the finale, but I'm not saying when he'll be able to reveal it. That needs to be determined. He needs to be judged on how he played the game and how he's perceived. So the question is: Should he reveal it before or after? It's my opinion that it should be revealed after in order for him to have a fair shot of winning this game. But that has yet to be determined.
Why didn't Julie Chen tell Kail about Eric being America's Player during her exit interview? We had a tight show. It's live TV. Sometimes you have to make decisions about what's important. I believe she was told the next day on The Early Show. How did you feel about the banner flown over the house that accused Amber and Eric of lying and compared the Late Night Crew to BB6's Nerd Herd? It's great that there seem to be so many fans involved with the show who feel compelled to do something like that. I don't condone them whatsoever. They interfere with the game. Was this the most intrusive banner in BB history? No. Those occurred in BB2.
There is a rumor going around that Jen somehow managed to stumble upon an America's Player card in the Diary Room... I heard this. Where did that come from? We know better than that! What's fascinating is the conspiracy theories that fly through this house. I believe there was one moment — and the video is available on YouTube [of players talking about it] — where Eric leaves the Diary Room and Jen says, ''Mr. America!'' And he kinda goes, ''What?'' It was just her doing her thing. But that was exaggerated by viewers. We are very careful about America's Player envelopes.
Welcome to Power Shift Thursday. Tonight, as with every Thursday night, a new Head of Household will be crowned, and the mood in the house will take a dramatic shift, depending upon the winner. New dynamics, new butts to kiss, new HG to ostracize... It's a new game every Thursday.
As I write, it's 5am BBT. Dani's just now gone up to HoH to get some sleep. Dick's in the Diary Room for a moment. Amber and Jameka are up talking game and trash-talking everyone. Amber's HoH plans are still to put Eric and Jessica up - should she win HoH this evening... We shall see, We shall see...
The overnight report will go up around 10am BBT. In the meantime, Who do you think is most likely to win HoH tonight?
Jen completely throwing in the towel hasn't made for a very exciting evening... Fortunately, Zach has deigned to speak to Jen, and is playing Chess with her outside, as I write. Dani has woken up from her nap. Eric has stopped whining that everyone else is sleeping. Jameka's finished her hair...
But the thought that keep running through my head tonight is how much I wish they'd throw a live Gator into the house right about now. Or the return of the Little Guy. Or maybe a visit from a unicorn....
The good news is, tomorrow is Live Show Day. I strongly recommend you check your local listings to make sure BB will be airing live in your hometown Thursday night. There are quite a few live show delays already scheduled due to pre-season football.
If you're in one of those towns, and you just gotta know, fear not, we'll be here doing spoilers of the live show as they happen.
Ahhh, the live show. Eviction, New HoH, New Power Struggle... All tomorrow. Perhaps even a double eviction week.. wouldn't that be a nice way to shake things up?! Unless of course they like my live gator idea!
It's 8pm BBT, and the House Guests are coming back to life...
2:52pm BBT Kitchen A few minutes ago, Jen found one of her bags of clothing in the Jack Shack, and after bringing it back in, she went around the house looking for more.
The HGs have been completely ignoring her all day... and talking about her. It's been ugly. She walks into the kitchen, continuing to look for the clothing Dick hid, reaches up into a cabinet and oopsie...
Jen Loses Her Top BBFanz
CUT TO: 3:14pm BBT The HGs talk about credit, marriage, inappropriate married men and "bad asian tippers."
Dani says she'd never marry a guy with bad credit. Zach offers himself up - says he has a 790 credit score.
Captured by Quirkydude
CUT TO: 3:55pm BBT Dining Table Zach & Jen Zach shows Jen the humanity no one else has been able to muster.
Captured by Triziam
CUT TO: 4:10pm BBT BACKYARD Zach & Dick Zach gets under Dick's grill and tries to take credit for Dick's being in the house now...
Dick: You wanna convince me. Go ahead. Zach: I don't wanna convince you of shit. She got thrown on the block. She got backdoored. She ate food to make it easier for her. Dick: After she was begging to be on slop, that she was getting too fat, that it would put her on a diet. Zach: She's f'd and she knows it. Dick: I was f'd. You knew I was so much that you were able to go against me, and promise your vote to them to stay off the block... Zach: Run away.. Run away... Run aaway from problems. You're good at that.
Dick goes inside... Walks through dining room...
Dick: This m-f'er wants to take credit for me being here? Are you f'ing high? F'ing idiot. Oh Zach. (looks at Jen) 24 hours to go.. I can't wait. Jen: I hope you guys are all looking forward to that once I leave...
Cut back to Zach outside.
Zach: Big Brother. Put me in a house with a 12 year old. Why do you do these things?
2 minutes later... Dick comes back out.
Dick: Look, we see things 2 different ways. I think you're an alright guy. Can we just leave it at that? Zach: Sure.
Here's the clip, interestingly captured by Quirkydude:
Mike Boogie, winner of BB7 All-Stars, just made an appearance on Dr. 90210, starring BB2 Winner Dr. Will Kirby, aka Dr. Delicious. What was Mike's skin condition? Genital warts. Ohh yeah... tasty.
Here's the clip:
This Public Service Announcement Brought to you by BB8Dish.
12:48pm BBT Kitchen Jen enters, fresh out of the pool. Zach says, "They're asking for you in the DR. I think you're going to get the swimming merit badge." Jen says nothing in response.
CUT TO: Small Bedroom Dani & Zach 12:50pm BBT Dani: FSA Already? Zach: I just came in here. Jen swam the mile. Dani: I know. I heard. Zach: Idiot. Dani: That's normal. Why did it say, "Houseguests, Remember"? Like, why did it say "remember"?***There's a sign where BB leaves messages for the House Guests.Zach: I don't know. Dani: Well apparently it's important... Either that or they wanted Jen to run it.
1:30pm BBT Jen's finally out of the Diary Room, and the camera is following her closely. She just went into the Storage Room to get some food... and satisfied with a banana, she went into the hookah room, then out to the kitchen and is making small talk with Zach.
UPDATED 11:30am BBT From the looks of things (trivia now), Big Brother means to see more of them awake and pronto.
Jen's up and swimming laps in the pool - she may make a mile yet. Dick's been up and down. His last words before the feeds went to trivia were: "One more f'in' day." Yup, I'd say he's a sure vote to evict Jen.
11:50am BBT Feeds are back. The houseguests are awake. Let the fireworks begin! ;)
12:10pm BBT
All of the house guests have been taking turns having a go at Jen while she's in the pool swimming laps. The joke is that she thinks she's going to win some power by swimming a mile. Amber & Jameka are legitimately concerned about it. Jameka thinks the producers will be pushing everyone to keep Jen, because she makes for better tv and ratings.
12:25pm BBT DINING ROOM/KITCHEN Zach, Eric & Dick Zach: Maybe she thinks you win the America's Choice if you swim the mile... Eric: I think America Choice would be to vote her out of here!
The guys laugh.
Dani passes through without a word.
Dick: I'm making you a waffle if you want one. Dani: No, thank you.
Dick follows her with his eyes. She never looks back.
Zach goes outside, and Jen announces she has finished the 440 laps, thereby swimming a mile.
Eric: You have my vote 100% to stay. Jen is gone. I just want you to know that for the rest of the week (to have that comfort).
Eric: The vote might be 4-2. It's hard to tell yet...
Based on the poll conducted here on bb8dish, with the Evict Jen option ringing in at 77%, I find it difficult to believe America chose to vote out Jameka, but Eric's 4-2 comment leaves me guessing.
Almost. She thinks it's Jen. Shortly after Daniele and Amber returned "home" to the BB house and got brought up to speed with the goings on of the 24 hours they were outside the house, Dani, Jess and Dick have a talk about Jen.
Dani: Unbelievable... Jess: Those kind of comments made me think she was paid to come in and do stuff... you make it to this week, you get this... you make it to this week, you get that... Dick: No... because if anyone ever found out about that, people would go insane. Jess: Maybe. You're right. Dani: And she would brag about it. Dick: But if it ever got out, it would compromise the integrity of the game, and they don't wanna do that.
Here's the clip, captured by adobostreak:
Around 2:30am BBT, Jameka and Amber settle in to the couch in the bathroom to discuss who Amber's planning on putting up when she wins HoH. She starts off thinking Dick and Eric, then switches to Eric and Jess, with Dick as the replacement and targeted goner. She will not go back on her word to Daniele. Here's the clip, captured by BBFanz:
CUT TO: 3:30am BBT Eric & Jess Her Bed Pillow Talk after a rough night that included a disagreement about him cutting her off and not allowing her to speak for herself... They're doing a pseudo Julie Chen interview... He's Julie, she's Jess. Very cute.
Jess: Maybe, just maybe, there was magic in the air between myself and Eric... Yes, I'd say I'm in love with him...
Captured by Quirkydude
CUT TO: 4am BBT BACKYARD Dani & Dick After what had been a very nice evening together, Dani and Dick's relationship takes an abrupt downward spiral... Dani: You know what pisses me off is that you get yourself involved in every one of my situations. Dick: Like what? Dani: Live EVERYTHING in this house. Like when I took her off the block, you went up to her and said, "Are you thankful? You better be thankful, and don't you forget it." Dick: That's not what I said... I said, Don't forget it...
Dani retorts, Dick as well, it devolves quickly, and Dani closes it with:
Dani:(under her breath, dripping sarcasm) You have issues. You're a great father...
Here's the clip:
Captured by BBFanz
CUT TO: 4:08am BBT HOH ROOM Dick & Dani The Argument Worsens.
Dick: Sorry, I'm telling you.. I told you exactly what I said.. Dani: I don't appreciate it, cause people take the things you say as threats... This is why I didn't want to come back here. Dick: Why? Because of me? Dani: No, because of all of this! I'm so sick of this! Do you think this is easy for me? No, it's not easy. How do you think it is going from not talking to you for 2 years to being around you every day... Dick: I'm trying as hard as I can. Dani: And I'm not?! Dick: Sometimes yes, sometimes no...
Dick: This is the problem with our relationship, in a nutshell, and this problem will never be solved without a.. Dani: I'm not talking about this. Dick: We can't obviously do it on our own. Dani: I'm not doing this. I'm going to bed. Dick: You wanted to talk. Did you just want me to sit here while you yelled at me?
Captured by BBFanz
The argument comes to a head after this, and it's so raw, I had difficulty staying focused to recap it. All I can think is how much pain both of them are in, and hope that some day Dani realizes that while this was a difficult experience for her, ultimately it was also a tremendous asset for her to have someone in the house who has so much unconditional love for her that he's not only willing to take it, and come back for more every single time, but to stick his neck out so far for her as to offer himself up as a sacrifice in her place in the house, and on the internet where he is vilified with judgmental glee.... The result of this argument is a good but very painful cry for Dani, and a father's breaking heart covered by minor bravado... very minor.
Captured by BBFanz
CUT TO: BACKYARD 4:15am BBT Dick & Amber Dick's cooling his heels after the argument with Dani and Amber's a willing ear... Thank goodness production replaced his smokes. Amber: Do you wanna talk? Dick: It's the same b.s. that's been up and down for 7 years. Amber: Why are you guys arguing right now? Dick: She can talk and say anything she wants, and treat me anyway she wants, and I'm not allowed to say boo. And she's the innocent, and I'm the a-hole, always. And sometimes... I'm not the a-hole, always. Amber: I know. Dick: Nothing has been worked out. Zip. Zero. It's just superficial b.s. and game, and that's ok with me, because at least it's something... I know it's hard. It's hard on me too, but I suck it up, and I try. She tries when it's ok, and doesn't when she doesn't feel like it... Amber: Mm Hmm.
SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?!
Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
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