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BB8Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 8 is Finally Here!
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Big Brother 8 - The Only Known Fact

It's been a slow news week in the pre-bb8 world. Sure there've been rumors and myspace hacks (that actually weren't hacks at all, but complete imposters), and even a semi-finals bb8 hopeful spilling the beans about the process and what he perceived as the focus (high school, bullies, etc) for the season, for what that's worth. It's all speculation at this point.

The only fact is this: Big Brother 8 is now less than one month away!

Now there's something to cheer about. :)
  1. Who among you will be joining us watching the feeds?
  2. Any first timers?
  3. Do you have a room you like to go to?
  4. If so, where's the most drama: on the feeds or in the chat? ;)
  5. How psyched are we?!?!?
Please let us know here in the comments section of the blog.. see.. where it say comments right below this post... a little to the right. ;)

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Monday, June 04, 2007

Big Brother 8 Boot Camp

With now one month to go before Big Brother 8 begins, the speculation is really amping up. This morning, following yesterday's rumor about the Bully House, I'm wondering, "What would you most like to see?" in terms of a theme or possible twists for the house? The UK version of BB started a few days ago, with all women...

For me, the actual theme is irrelevant - a red herring to pull people in and create excitement.

What I'd like is to see Big Brother become much more of a presence, and a powerful, strict one at that. With Allstars, that was impossible, but with a house full of newbies, it's really do-able. For example, Big Brother could institute a 3Strikes rule, and any contestant who knowingly or unknowingly breaks 3 of the golden rules, is called to the DR and summarily dumped without a word to the other HGs, then replaced by an alternate HG. Strict lights out policy and wake up times. Serious regimentation. Chores. Etc.... Almost to the point where the season would be referred to as Big Brother Boot Camp.

I'd also love to see the house in a new location... say maybe South Beach. lol.. Big Brother in Casa Casuarina - Gianna Versace's old house - that would be a kick. All the HGs right on Ocean Drive where they can hear all the excitement, but they can't participate. Talk about torture. ;)

Your thoughts?

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Paris is in Jail

(CBS/AP) Always one to make the scene, Paris Hilton was on hand with other celebs at the MTV Movie Awards Sunday. But what she was talking about was jail — and her fears.

A few hours later, she began her sentence.

The 26-year-old heiress was booked at 11:38 p.m. Sunday into the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, an industrial area about five miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, according to the sheriff's inmate locator Web site.

According to, Hilton's lawyer picked her up at her parents' home and then drove her to the Men's Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles as a ruse to throw off the paparazzi.

The report says Hilton was then transferred to the Lynwood facility to begin serving her sentence.

Hilton expressed fear about her upcoming jail sentence while making a surprise visit to the MTV Movie Awards Sunday, saying she was "scared" but ready to do the time.

Hilton showed up wearing a black strapless dress and jewels in her long blond hair. The hotel heiress stopped briefly to pose for photos and speak to reporters.

"I am trying to be strong right now," Paris said of her jail time set to begin Tuesday. "I'm really scared but I'm ready to face my sentence."

"Even though it's a scary thing I'm using it in a positive way and when I come out, I can't wait to start my new life and be even stronger than I am now."
Paris Hilton
"I did have a choice to go to a pay jail," said Hilton, without giving details. "But I declined because I feel like the media portrays me in a way that I'm not and that's why I wanted to go to county, to show that I can do it and I'm going to be treated like everyone else. I'm going to do the time, I'm going to do it the right way."

Ashlan Gorse, editor at large at Life and Style Weekly magazine, caught up with Hilton on Saturday night.

"She was going all over the city. I met up with her at Area (a Los Angeles night club)," Gorse told The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen. "She was there. She was there with a couple friends. She was walking around, hugging everybody, saying her last goodbyes. She did look a little nervous, but she's Paris, she always looks good. The paparazzi were following her around, of course. It was a quick in and out and said her goodbyes for 23 days."

When Hilton was sentenced May 4, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled that she would not be allowed any work release, furloughs or use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail.

Hilton said her family, friends and fans have helped her prepare for her time behind bars.

"I've received thousands of letters from around the world of support and it's really been inspirational and really helped me," she said. "I'm really scared but I'm ready to do this. And I hope that I'm an example to other young people."

But though she spent her last night of freedom with her Hollywood cool crowd she got little sympathy from her peers at the award ceremony.

"I don't wish jail or prison on anybody whether they deserve it or not," singer and actor Tyrese Gibson said. "But I just hope that while she's in there for the 23 days she sits there and thinks about her life."

"You shouldn't drive while drunk that's the bottom line. Hire a driver, you make enough money. Hire a driver," actress Amanda Bynes said.

Hilton said the jail sentence had forced her to reflect, though she didn't offer many details.

"Even these past couple weeks, it's completely changed my life," she said. "Even though it's a scary thing I'm using it in a positive way and when I come out, I can't wait to start my new life and be even stronger than I am now."

Hilton was ordered to serve her approximately three-week sentence for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said a statement would be issued after the hotel heiress was incarcerated.

On Saturday, about 15 photographers, reporters and television crews staked out the entrances to the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood waiting for the celebutant's arrival. Authorities had also cordoned off a grassy area outside the Los Angeles County jail for the media.

At the 2,200-bed facility, the only concession to Hilton's celebrity is a cell in a separate unit for high profile inmates. But Gorse said she heard a cellmate — a woman in jail for reckless driving — was already picked for Hilton.

The prospect of Hilton's arrival was on the minds of some at Lynwood.

"If it was me, I'd want to see her, because she's famous!" said Trishan Bell, 29, during a visit with her mother, who is serving an 8-year sentence for drug-related offenses.

Susannah Johnson, who was released Saturday after a one-day stay at the jail, said many inmates were angry at Hilton, believing officials were making room for the starlet at the expense of others coping with crowded conditions.

"The only advice I could give her when she comes is to shut her mouth and do the time," said Johnson, 35, of Claremont.

Though a judge sentenced her to 45 days behind bars, Hilton is expected to serve only 23 days because of a state law that requires shorter sentences for good behavior.

The "Simple Life" star was expected to be housed in the jail's "special needs" unit.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Rumor: Big Brother 8 = Bullies v Bullied?

The rumor began circulating last night, and was added immediately to bb8rumors. Just wanted to let everyone know, and call your attention to the new feature.

As you know, we really like to keep the Dish factual, so we created bb8rumors as a place to publish allllll the rumors that come through. Bullies is the 2nd this season that we found worthy of repeating. There will be many more. After all, this is Big Brother. ;)

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