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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Quickie Survey

Just when you think it's all tied up in a pretty little bow, and you know what to expect for the next few days, Big Brother happens... again! Dick's decision to flip the script and keep Kail strikes me as something that will go down in history as a blunder the size of Marcellas' not using the Veto on himself, or Kaysar taking his finger off the darn button. He's just been too aggressive in her direction to let her stay in the house...

But I'm curious to know what you think.

1. Do you think Dick's decision to keep Kail, unbeknownst to her, will stick, and that all will go according to Dick's plan - with her staying setting her completely off balance and unable to win the next HoH?
2. If Kail stays, do you believe this decision will lead to Dick's downfall within the next 2 weeks?
3. Or... Do you think Eric will be able to work his magic, complete his task, and see that Kail gets evicted?

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Eric Makes a Play to Complete his America's Player Task


5:15pm BBT
Dick, Daniele, Eric

Eric and Daniele are up in the HoH with Dick, and God Bless Him, Eric is ever so subtly trying to complete his America's Player task to get

Kail nominated and evicted.

"Let's just monitor her... We don't want her to be the sympathetic, slip through the cracks, person that makes it to the final 2."

He's not directly contradicting Dick's new directive, but he's laying groundwork and playing smart.

Eric: Lets not lose sight of the facts... Kail knows just what to say to each individual person...
Dick: yeah. let's just take a wait and see approach.
    ***Work your magic, Eric!

They all leave the HoH and go in search of food... which they find lacking.

And back up to HoH Dick goes.. this time with Amber and Jameka, revealing the plan to them, and his logic behind it. Letting Kail think she's going home, and then not having it happen, will wreck Kail for the HoH competition, so she wont win, and Mike, who's a bigger threat (in Dick's mind) will be gone.

hmm.. I'm still not sold.

Backyard - Couch

Kail's selling a tremendous load of bull to Daniele about how Dani's nomination was not a group decision, and Dani's not buying, but she's not contradicting either...

Kail: Why I barely even spoke to Zach and Nick, and never, ever about you.

Even better, she's trying to undermine Dani's friendship with Nick:

Kail: So how do you feel about Nick being in this alliance? I've never said more than 2 words to Nick though, so I don't know about.. that guy.

On Zach:
Kail: Zach never said anything about not liking you. We never talked about you. I never really talked to Zach at all though...

I can't even bare to listen.

Really hoping Eric's able to sway Dick.

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Dick Flips the Script

I can't believe my ears. After all the drama... Dick is seriously talking about flipping the script, and evicting Mike instead of Kail. You have to turn on the feeds and hear this for yourself.

This could well be Dick's undoing. Oh boy.

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For Love of Howie's Bekah

Have you been to check out all the listings Howie has up on ebay to raise money for his girlfriend's Goddaughter Bekah (who has a brain tumor) lately? They keep adding more. As of today, Alison Irwin (All-Stars), Holly King (BB5) and Marvin Latimer (BB5) have been added to the BB alumni graciously donating phone chats. There are also some Survivor alums, as well as Constantine from American Idol.

Click Here to See ALL the Big Brother All-Star listings

There are autographs, memorabilia & pics, too! As well as new listings from Survivor & American Idol Alumni.. and Lance Bass.

We're not reality stars, but we're trying to do our part too. 100% of the Bonus for every 2 week free live feed trial sign up processed through this link, specially encoded "Bekah" will be donated to help support Bekah and her family as they go through this trying time.

Watch Big Brother 8 on SuperPass! - Support Bekah!

Ahem. We mentioned that the two week trial is free, right? And that by doing it you are causing much needed $$ to be donated to a little girl with a brain tumor, right? OK.. just checking.

Thank you for supporting the BB reality extended family.

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C=Venus' Inspired Saturday!

Dark Zach

Super Dick

Mikevis & Zachhead

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Veto Spoiler

The winner of this afternoon's Veto Competition


Possessor of the

Golden Power of Veto is:

not kail... she just said she's asking for her suit case today...
still waiting to see it!!!


I've yet to actually see the medal,
but Nick and Dick are already talking about putting
Mike up as the Replacement.
Kail just said to Jen,
"I'm so proud of you..."

It's official. ;)

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Quickie Survey

Eric's The Mad Hatter Host

1. Who would you most like to see win the Power of Veto?
2. Who would you least like to see win the Power of Veto?
3. Who will win the Power of Veto?

The 6 Big Brother House Guests Playing for the Power of Veto are:
Dick, Jen, Kail, Zach, Nick and Jessica.

Please leave your numbered responses here in the comments section of the blog.

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Pre Veto Comp Psych Out

Dick's pulling a Busto routine on Kail right before the veto comp. I know he's just trying to psych her out and make her nervous, so she'll blow it, but it's still tough to watch. He's calling her out in front of Jen for turning on her last night, and cursing at her...

Now Amber's getting in on it, and calling her out for her lack of honesty in her dealings with her in the first week...

Eek.. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. She's really brought this all upon herself, but it's still hard to see someone be put through it.

Dick's moved on to Jen now, just making sure she knows what her "best friend" is up to... "selling you down the river, trying to get people to change their votes."

It's a rough day in the Big Brother 8 house. This is not for the timid.

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New Rumor Alert

Make sure to check out the rumor blog today. ;) ROFLMAO. Apparently a plastic surgen has offered to help Zach with his little problem...

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Veto Competition Choosing Ceremony

The Ceremony of Choosing the Players for the Veto Comp has Begun!! Soon the Veto will be underway. Check back periodically for the Veto Comp Spoiler.

We'll post the results as soon
as they happen - up here in the main section of the blog.

Since we'll be referring repeatedly to the Veto Winner over the next couple days, there's really no point of burying the spoiler. ;)

Hope you're having a terrific Saturday! The feeds are back on and Kail and Jen are complaining that they got the worst 2 people possible... Kail continues her pacing throughout the house...

So far we can confirm that Zach has been chosen to play. Dustin has not...
"At some point, I'd like them to put my ball in that sac. I mean it's cute and all that they pretend my ball's in there..." Jessica is also in the game! I can only hope the last one is either Nick or Dani. Eric is hosting.

Dick picked Zach. Jen picked Jessica. Kail picked....??? Sounds like Nick! :)

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The Nick n Dani Show

They are being so cute this morning, it's really hard to resist.

Nick: When I get nominated, I don't care who against, or who you vote for, I just want you to spend the week with me. Will you do that for me?
Dani: (joking) No!
Nick: Please?
Dani: Of course. I'm always with you!
Nick: Cool. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to leave.
    ***He had me at "Hello."
Now they're naming each others family members, cats, etc. Way too cute. Here's some pics. More on the screencaps site...

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BB Crew Setting Up the Veto Comp

In a rare oops, the feeds just broadcast the crew setting up for the veto competition.

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What to expect today

Among other things...

1. The overnight report is Up - right below this post!
2. The Veto Comp will be happening today. The HGs are up, as of 8am BBT. Go Team Dick!
3. At 8:30am BBT, BB announced to the HGs: "Attention House Guests. The Veto Competition will begin in 2 hours."
4. There are 3 New posts right below this one. Enjoy! :)
5. If you haven't checked out the live feeds yet, now's a great time to start your 14 day free trial! Really.. what are you waiting for? It's Fun, It's Free, and it's the only way to really know what's going on!

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The Overnight Report

07/20/07 11:10 PM
Mike, Kail & Jen Discuss the Game & the Veto Comp
Mike: Nobody's intimidating me. I'm bigger than the game. You've been nothing but loyal to me. I want to continue that right on through.
Jen: I'm not part of the alliance, so I'm alright if it's not used on me.

They all agree they can no longer trust Zach. Their plan for the veto comp is as follows: If they are the final 3 in the veto comp, Jen is to throw the comp to Mike, so he can use the Veto to remove Kail from the hot-seat. They believe Zach would then be the replacement nominee, and that Jen would very likely survive such a situation with flying colors. They think Zach will be voted out by a margin of 8 to 0.

Jen: What about Daniele rallying people against me?
Mike: They want Zach out more.

Then Mike launches into the longest monologue we've heard out of him since he entered the Big Brother house! Who knew he had all those words stored up. ;) I guess Dick inspires him.

Mike: He's on a big power trip... and a big ego trip. He just came out of a situation - from bottom of the barrel up on the block, to HoH. Now the people who were out to get him are on the block... That's why he's on this big power trip and he's just like 'wow'. His ego's really big right now because of it. He wants to run the show right now, and he thinks he can run the show. He certainly has the power to put up who he wants, and he certainly speaks his mind enough, but it doesn't mean he knows everything. It doesn't mean he can intimidate everybody, and it doesn't mean he can boss everybody around and tell them what they're gonna do, and what they're not gonna do. He can make all the threats in the world he wants to me... which he's not gonna do - he's not gonna threaten me about it. He's just gonna simply say, 'if you're using the PoV, you're a target', but I'm already a target, so it's no big deal.
    ***Take a bow, Mike. Catch your breath.
11:35pm BBT
Kail, Mike & Jen - cont'd.
Kail: Dick admitted he lied in his nomination speech.
Mike: Did you feel betrayed by my vote to evict Joe?
Kail: (indicates she wasn't) I'm just amazed Evel admitted to it.
Jen: I understand why... He admitted to that lie, so it looks like he's come clean, and he can have his other lies remain unquestioned.
Kail: You don't have admit to it when you're in charge.
    ***This may be the most telling statement Kail has uttered since she entered the BB house. It's how she approaches the game, 100%. She comes from a place where she is in charge, so she feels no responsibility to admit to anything.
Kail lets the others know she's not in for Zooma Zooma tonight. Jen leaves to go play. Mike stays back with Kail, and she reveals her "I'm all alone" strategy to him to assuage his guilt.

Mike: Did you feel betrayed by me? I didn't want you to feel that way. It was my mistake for not telling you that the house had changed. I thought you knew I was changing my vote, even though I didn't say it.
Kail: I did not feel betrayed by you. I am letting Evel think I am all alone. He said "we will form together out of survival." I told him, "I guarantee you I would never line up with Nick or Zach." I told him, "I don't know where Mike stands." I told him, "Mike never lied to me." I told him, "I don't know where I stand with him." To get back to your question, I feel loyal to you. I feel we have the same philosophies and ideals. I did not and do not feel betrayed.

Mike: It was my fault. I would say hate me for what I did if it makes you feel better.

Kail shakes her head.

Mike: I just wanted to make you aware of that.

Kail: I probably said I was surprised, but I don't think I ever said betrayed. That's too strong a word. I do want to let you know Evel accused me of going through the house....the order of the keys is the order he will go after targets. It was Nick, Zach, you. I can't win against Nick.
Mike: It's the other way.
Kail: So he'll put you.
Mike: He doesn't bother me. He doesn't upset me. I can look him straight in the eye and say "so what."
Kail: I don't want to go up against you. I'd really rather go up against her (Jen).

Buoyed by alcohol and the insanity of BB incarceration, Zach tore off all his clothes and streaked, from the inside of the house, through the Backyard and into the pool. Everyone was cheering, and rather mischievously grabbing his clothes and his towel.
    ***Pics in earlier post.
He was able to find another towel.

Zach seems very pleased with himself now.

Mike & Kail
Round Room
Long, judgmental discussion of Dick and Dani's relationship. I'll spare you.

Amber, Nick, Dani
1:16am BBT
Amber: Did you look at him when he was running? I did!
Dani: It's so small! It's so small!
Nick: Shhh.
Dani: Don't shush me!

1:30am BBT
Daniele, Jessica, Jameka

The girls are gossiping about Kail and Mike, primarily... talking about how Kail is crying in her room... saying "if you're going to mope around like Carol, you're going to go home."

Jess: I thought she (Kail) was gonna corner me and campaign. I was surprised that Mike didn't deny anything Dick was saying to him earlier. I'm more surprised that he did not get put up against Kail.
Daniele: Did you see his face when he got a key? That stupid "Mike" face... Kail is so fake! Nobody wants to be around her.
Jameka: Maybe she wasn't going to put you up again. Maybe things change...
Daniele: No, both her and Mike would!
Jameka: hmmm..
Daniele: She totally acts like this moral and nice person who's loyal, but everything she says is based in lies.

They move on to discuss the MRA...

Daniele: I think Mike will vote with the majority. Those people are selling themselves out left and right.
Jameka: Quite possibly the worst alliance ever.
Jessica: If they'd won this week they'd be good.
Daniele: They're all selling themselves out. First Jen, then Kail. Nobody cares about each other. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. 1 free week! We each need to win HoH to have 4 free weeks.

The girls descend into Zach mockery...

Daniele: He kept talking about "unleashing the beast."
Jameka: He did? The ones that talk about it...
Daniele: That was gross. It was really gross. I'll have nightmares.
Jessica: Whenever I saw him running, all I saw was a hairy patch.
Daniele: He always says he shaves his wiener too.
Jessica: He does? It was hairy.
Daniele: He talks about how he shaves other guys.
Jessica: Maybe he's gay.
Daniele: He's so fake.
Jessica: (teasing)You like him, you know it. You want to make out with him.
Daniele: Ewwwwwww!

And on to Jen... and her liberal display of her bald cooch on the live feeds the other night...

Eric joins them up in the HoH... and gets in on the mock Zach act.

Eric: I wanted to tell you I effin' hate you. Each and every one of you. Even you on your birthday. I find it to be completely unacceptable that I am going to be alone in the small room with Zach and it's the three of yours faults directly. He's going to sexually rape me! He's ridiculously small. Is it just me, or is there a problem there? Maybe it is because he's such a large man, and it's not proportionate.
    Eric's not lyin'. Check out the post titled "Zach's Liquid Courage" for confirmation. ;)

Jessica: After I saw one flop, I turned away.

3:04am BBT
Dick and Daniele
Dick: Kail was crying earlier. I tried to tell her that I didn't put her up to make her feel miserable. I put her up to send her home.
Dick: If Kail picks Mike to play PoV, and Mike wins and uses it, Zach goes up, and Jen goes home, then Mike and Kail go up next week...
Daniele: It's probably going to be something Kail's good at...
Dick: Or Jen
Daniele: What? A naked contest?

Time to turn on the feeds, folks! It's now 8am BBT, and the Creatures have been awoken for the Veto Comp!

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Two New Spots to Check out!

Am I the only one who noticed the "rise in Nick's levi's" yesterday? To see that pic and many more, please go have a look over at bb8dishcaps. You're gonna love it! :)

You may also want to check out the showmance videos page. It's early yet, and we'll be adding more there as they become available.

Also, bb8rumors is always worth a gander. ;) Send your rumor tips to us via message on our myspace.

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BB8 Nocturnal

As of 3:30am BBT, Jess and Dani are still up and chatting in the HoH room. Until just a moment ago, Eric and Dick were up there as well, dishing on Mike, Zach, Jen and Kail. Eric's now gone to bed, and Dick's outside having a smoke.

Interestingly, Jess just told Dani, "I heard that this year, they're actually gonna be taping us in sequester." We heard those rumors too, Jess. We're waiting eagerly to see if it's true!

It remains to be seen if we'll have a Dick at Night show tonight. He may be all talked out from his 1st full day as HoH! It's a man thing.. they're only allotted so many words, right?

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Zach's Liquid Courage

As usual, just a few minutes after the nightly Showtime After Dark show ended, the Big Brother house guests gave the live feed watchers the real show. This time it was Zach... enabled by a few bottles of liquid courage. Pics below.
Take a little (ok , a lot of) alcohol...
add the stress of the BB house...
...and what do you get??
keep going...

Too see the rest of these pics, please
click the appropriate link in the left sidebar...
Zach's joining Joe, Jen and Dick on *that* page.
It's under the heading "DishyLinks."

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Feeds are Back!

Feeds are back! Nominations are done... Dick's outside explaining himself and his Kail situation to Mike. Everyone else is focused on dinner! They've got food now.

We're still waiting to know for sure who Dick nominated...

Judging by Kail's exasperated sounds effects...

As expected, Dick kept his word: Jen and Kail are nominated.

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Nominations Today

Nominations are coming up soon.
Can't wait to see the fall-out on the feeds tonight!

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Dick Donato - The Godfather of BB8 HoH

Dick's mentioned a couple times today that he's feeling like the Godfather. He's met with just about everyone, and although he played Dodge Zach most of the day, he's up there with him in the HoH room now. Dick welcomed him in, and Zach sat down and started to speak. Dick interrupted him before he finished his first sentence and said, "I Know. I know everything. Kail ratted you out today. Jen ratted you out the day before, but go ahead and tell me your version, and I'll compare notes." Zach's been going on for about 30-45 minutes now, and Dick hasn't let him complete too many thoughts without interruption, or without letting him know he's completely busted.

Dick's primary beef is with Zach recommending to Jen that she put him up against Daniele. Zach doesn't know it, but Dick's intention is not to put him up on the block. he just wants to scare him... Dick has said to Daniele, Nick and Dustin that he's firm on a primary nomination of Jen and Kail, with Mike as a replacement.

Still, he has promised Daniele to carry this out to the Nomination Ceremony, and place Zach's key in last.

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Food Comp's Over - Feeds Are Back

From the sound of things, no one's on slop this week. Phew! Sounds like it was a group competition, as they're all listing the food that they will be having this week.. food and beer.

Red meat, BBQ, Pork, Beef and Chicken... Cereal, Bananas, Cucumbers...

No one's gonna starve this week.

Everyone's taking showers and walking around in towels, so this must've been a messy comp. Even so, they all enjoyed it a lot.

Long live the reign of Dick.

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Waiting on the Food Comp

When the HG awoken at 8:30am BBT, they were told the food comp would begin in 90 minutes. They're wai-ting!

After a stressful start to the day for Dani and Nick, they're all better and sharing a bed in the BIG room for a nap. The feeds cut out just a moment ago, at 11:10am BBT, so it may be beginning now. Still out 5 minutes later... Methinks we have a food comp. Fingers crossed Dani gets to eat this week!

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Nick Feels the Heat

Nick's feeling the pressure of the sh--storm that's been blowing from the MRA fallout... Even had a little tiff with Dani a few minutes ago. I feel for him: he felt his honor challenged by his one true confidant, and that's the one thing he can't suffer silently.

Here's the story in pictures. The verbiage is less relevant than the outcome.

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The HGs are Up!

BB woke the HGs just a few minutes ago, and they are exhausted. Being nocturnal creatures doesn't exactly jibe with BB's schedule of events for the day:
There's a food competition coming up soon. Can we say a collective prayer for Daniele on this one? Girlfriend needs a full week with food!

Still, they're managing to talk game before they've even brushed their teeth. Well, at least anyone who can't outrun Kail first thing in the morning. Run, Forrest! Run!

Even Mike seems to have had enough, & poor Dustin got cornered by Kail while he's trying to eat his breakfast. She will not let up!

Now she's moved on to Daniele. Good luck with that one, Kail. lol.

Spark up the feeds, boys and girls. It's Dick Week! :)

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Big Brother 8 Overnights

Midnight - 2:00am BBT
The Crux of the Kail & Dick Discussion - It went on for quite a long time, but I mean to spare you the most redundant bits. This was the key discussion of the evening, with the private conversation between Dick and Daniele coming a close second. I'll be posting the Dick/Dani convo at the end of this post as soon as time allows.

12:30am BBT
Dick: What you did is totally f'd up. I'm a really nice guy, and I had a really hard time watching you go and campaign for Joe. I felt both of you would dig your own holes.
Dick: I was going to honor our agreement, until I found out what you were doing...
Kail: I don't talk much, but when I do it's meaningful...
    ***and now the big pitch...
Kail: I was in a 4 person alliance...
Dick: I know.
    ***Swing and a miss for Kail.
Dick: You Mike, Zach and Nick.. But you're forgetting to mention Jen.
Kail: Jen was not a part of it! She's just a friend. Anyway, my alliance sold me out... Zach and Nick. I was true to my alliance.
    ***Dick in unmoved.
Dick: When we had our talk in the hammock, I was ready to honor our agreement... but then you turned on me. You're going up, Kail.
    Yippee-kai-yayyy, Mother Theresa.

Dick: I know about the alliance. I know it's Nick and Zach with you and Mike. jen's a part of it too...
Kail: (goes into a long explanation of how the alliance happened... hand shaking and the like).
Dick: Why are you telling me this now? Are you trying to save your own ass? (he laughs) You're betraying your alliance.
Kail: I was very loyal to my alliance... I took one for the team. I didn't want my alliance taken out, but only Mike and I were loyal.
Dick: Mike wasn't loyal either. The vote was 9-1.
    ***Dick's had enough of her.
Dick: You're going to go home. I'm going to be sure of it... unless you get POV, and then I'll put one of your alliance up.
    ***referring to Mike.

Dick: Alliances always get broken up. Yours went nowhere. You can't blame me. What you get is what you deserve... Zach gives every girl in here the creeps, but he's totally loyal to me, so why would I put him up?
Kail: I have no one. I am not a threat.
Dick: I'm promising you: if you don't win PoV, you are going home.

More will be added to this post within the next 15-20 minutes... I'd rather give it to you a little at a time today than make you wait forever for the whole thing!

BACKYARD - Laundry
Nick & Dustin
12:45am BBT

Nick: I never talked strategy with Mike... I don't care about the money> I want pople surrounding me that I want to win the game. Amber is totally wonderful..27..has a kid.. Dani: shes a bright girl, shes totally sexy, she has other things, I would never f*** her over...but if I wanted someone to win the money, it would be Amber.
    ***handy to say that to her closest ally.
Nick: (cont'd) I wanna squash the whole thing up there: Mike, Kail, Zach and Jen. They are hermits. Jen is effing stupid. Then there are 8 left... New and Dani, you and Amber..that could work out. We need to split the top room up.
    *** more than a little smarmy with the Amber pandering to Dustin, but I believe Nick is telling the truth here
Dustin: Get Kail out first, then we'll see what Mike is about. He's f'd without Kail.
Nick: She's the brains behind it.
Dustin: Amber and Dick think its Mike being the dominant male with the weak females.
Nick: Mike's come at me. He wanted me to vote Danielle out this week.
    ***as if!
Nick: (cont's) That's why Dick can trust me. Cuz I told him..
    ***They move on to discussing the formation of the MRA
Nick: Zach approached me right after we entered the house. He got me alone and said, "Hey, me and you?"
Dustin: I had one conversation with him on the 4th day when Amber was put up.
Dustin: Zach says that he never watched the show until last season... He thought Will and Boogie were cool. (pause) They were the shadiest f'ers in the house! Then he says, "Hey, me and you?" Too hard too fast too soon
    ***They continue on Zach's game style a bit, then...
Dustin: Revenge is not a game you wanna play in the BB house.
Nick: I want to extend to other people... I hated being cornered, and I couldn't say no to the alliance... until Dick.

Kail & Dick
Dick: Even if you get the PoV, one of your alliance is going.
Kail: I have no alliance any longer. I am alone. Even if I were to stay, I would never go back to the MRA.
Dick: Eventually people turn on you. It's a game. You turned on me.
Dick: (con't'd) Your alliance was so transparent, it was stupid. Once I called you Mrs. Robinson, even Mike stayed away from you.

Kail goes on and on about how her handshake deal was betrayed.

Dick: Look, making alliances that early on with people you hardly knew was just stupid. Everyone in the house wants you out.
Kail: I'd like to know who "everyone" is.

Zach interrupts wanting to talk to Dick. Dick and Kail head up to HoH, but their conversation is constantly interrupted after this point... so we'll move on.

More of the overnights will be posted just below in just a few minutes.

Dick & Kail, cont'd
Now in HoH Room

Dick: If you hadn't campaigned so hard against me, I'd be gunning for Jen, not you. Telling bits and pieces to everyone is just as bad as a lie, Kail.
    ***He's done with her...
Dick: I want more time with my daughter, and if staying in this game is the way, so be it. It forces us to be together. There's no game play between me and Dani. It would probably be easier for her if I left.
Dick: (cont'd) Did you know there's a website, "how to win BB"? "Never get into a big alliance." Do you see how happy and carefree the house is tonight? This has to be the best beginning of any season ever, I should get a bonus.

Dick questions her about how she can be this church-going conservative mother, and call Jen, who's such an exhibitionist, her best friend.

Kail: I don't judge people. If I'm so stupid, then I'm not a threat.
Dick: You lied to me, so all deals were off. On my Dick at Nite show, I told everyone what I was going to say. I am open and in your face, I don't fly under the radar. Everyone knows what I am.

And that's enough of that.

2:30am BBT
Dick, Eric, Jameka, Jessica
Dick tells them what Kail said...
Dick: She threw her whole alliance under the bus.
Eric: I knew who was in the MRA a few days ago.
Dick: Nick came to me a few days ago and said he had something he had to tell me... then Jen told me last night she was in an alliance. Everyone betrayed everyone.
    It's called Big Brother. ;)

A bit later on, Dick had a private conversation with Dani up in the HoH room.. he expressed his concerns over Nick's trustworthiness, and Dani came to Nick's defense, pointing out, among other things, how Nick was completely unwavering in his support for Dick last week. Dick's just a bit sketchy on Nick, due to all the badgering from Kail et al last night, but he's relying more on their history and his gut, and for now, his nomination choices remain Kail and Jen, with Mike as the alternate.

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The Big Brother House Has Become Nocturnal

If you've got some time before you go to work, turn on the feeds. In response to Dick's new position as HoH, the house has gone nocturnal. At the moment, 5am BBT, Eric, Jameka,

Jessica and Daniele are up in the HoH room with Dick.

The houseguests are on inside lockdown - and all suspecting a huge comp is being built in the backyard.

Nick hasn't had a chance to speak privately with Dick yet, but Kail has (cue ominous music), and between her and a few other people, a significant amount of doubt has been cast upon Nick... Not enough to change Dick's mind about nominating Jen and Kail, but enough to make him really question Nick's loyalties... :::sigh::: Zach's too... Mission accomplished for Kail and Jen - at least to a point.

A full overnight report will be posted by 9am BBT. It's gonna be a long one, folks! They've been up gaming all night long.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

C=Venus is Inspired Tonight!
Dick-in-a-Box Chop

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Kail's Time is Ticking Away

Her Evil Heinous has been dethroned, and she's flippin' out.

It's quite a sight to behold.

She's gonna be on overdrive this week, folks..

Thank goodness there are 4 feeds, so we can tune her out.

Much more fun where she isn't. ;)

Like right below this post!

Still, if you're into watching a slow bb death...

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C=Venus Strikes Again!

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Dick's HoH Room Reveal

Jameka: Enjoy your reign!
Dick: This is not a reign. Everyone in this room right now has a free pass this week. Lets get her out of here.

Dick: This is gonna be such a relaxed, cool week. Everybody knows what to expect... No meetings. No deals. What's done is done... Let's just enjoy ourselves.

The mood around the house is wonderful! With one notable exception... too bad, so sad.

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C=Venus Strikes Again!

Here's her farewell tribute to Joe... Enjoy!

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Dick is the New HoH of Big Brother 8!!!

Can't ya just hear the angels sing?! ;) What a difference a moment makes! I feel absolutely vindicated. Overjoyed. Dick is HoH. Dani is safe. Nick is safe. Pretty much all of my favorites are good for the week! Kail, well, it may be time to go back to Oregon. We've gone from a week of dread to a week of happiness. This is going to be so much fun! The mood in the house is already improved. We may not have gotten the endurance comp we were hoping for, but what we got was soooo much better!

I can't wait to see what they do for Dick's HoH room! Last week the reveal happened shortly before the show ended on the west coast. I bet they really do it up for him... Definitely willing to wager he's one of set design's favorites too. He looks like one of 'em.

I'm so happy... I bet Dick gets some much needed sleep this week too! :) Kail? Maybe, not so much. She's already plotting with Mike to out Nick's alliance with them to Dick - WWJD, Kail?

7:10pm BBT
Zach: Chess game?
Dick: F off.
Zach: Awww. I wanna win at something!
Dick: Dude, I wanna run around this house doing cartwheels right now!
    ***I'm so excited, I'm foregoing a much needed trip to the supermarket for coffee, lest I miss the HoH Room reveal! Tomorrow morning, instant it is... Trust me, it's a sacrifice!
7:50pm BBT
BB: Dick, please come to the Diary Room.
    ***HoH Room very soon??!?!

Ahhhh... don't ya just love it when the good guys win for a change?

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