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BB8Dish - Ya Gotta Have it!

SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 8 is Finally Here!
Let the mind games begin!!

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Big Brother 8 Treasure Hunt

Winners Announced!!
Please scroll down to the bottom of the post!

New: More Hints for #3

OK, I've done a whole lot of posting, and the show hasn't even started yet. Whole lot of posting, whole lot of information. I've been trying to think of a contest to have, and earlier this evening, I decided on a BB Treasure Hunt.

The Big Brother 8 Dish Treasure Hunt.

It might actually be more appropriate to call it a scavenger hunt, but hey, this is a CBS show, and CBS has Pirates, and Pirates do treasure hunts. ;)

And yes, there will be prizes... actual physical prizes... ranging in value from $20 to $100. As with most treasures, the booty will remain a secret until the treasure is found.

Here's how it's gonna work... You're going to have to do some searching. All answers can be found on bb8dish, bb8rumors, myspace and the official cbs big brother site.

I'll provide the clues/questions, you copy and paste them into an email which you will send to with the subject "Treasure Hunt" and the correct answers beneath each question! Deadline for entries into this contest will be July 3rd at 11:59pm Eastern time.

Now, without any further ado, here they are:

  1. In a word, what was my first reaction to Nick?
  2. Who is Dick's daughter?
  3. Who on our myspace top friends list has an amazing, if not the best, big brother forum on myspace? Hint: It's also listed here in the left sidebar.
    (More Hints:This Person is on our myspace top friends list, we belong to her group, so that's easily researchable, and a link for the group is on the left sidebar of the blog... )
  4. When is the last day to sign up for the Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds? (though we can't really understand why anyone would even wait till then!)
  5. Which houseguest can expect to receive "froot loops", chips ahoy and almond roca in a basket should he/she become HoH?
  6. Which snickerdoodle loving houseguest had the forethought to have friends run his/her myspace page while he/she was away in the Big Brother house?
  7. How many colorful mirrors are in the living room?
  8. Who was the last BB7 allstar to leave a comment on our myspace page?
  9. How many chess sets are visible in the new Big Brother House?
If you'd like to play, just for the fun of it, please don't scroll down. All the answers have been added below!

Why 9 questions? Well, think of it as eight, plus one for good luck... that there should be a Big Brother 9 after BB8. :)

Please do NOT leave your answers in the comment section here. Entries will only be accepted via emails to

Thank you and Good Luck!!


But first we'd like to thank EVERYONE who played in our first ever BB8Dish Treasure Hunt. Winners were determined by a random drawing of all entries with the correct answers.

The winners will be receiving a 14k gold fill or sterling silver ring (within a retail value of up to $98.00) of their choosing from here at the conclusion of the Big Brother 8 season. And now, without further ado, our winners are:
  1. Peaches Cream
  2. GennieK
  3. Brandi H.
Again, thank you all for participating in our contest!! We hope you had a blast!

And now, the answers:

1. In a word, what was my first reaction to Nick? Yummylicious!
2. Who is Dick's daughter? Daniele
3. Who on our myspace top friends list has an amazing, if not the best, big brother forum on myspace? Hint: It's also listed here in the left sidebar. ~*Kelly*~
4. When is the last day to sign up for the Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds? (though we can't really understand why anyone would even wait till then!) Offer ends July 4th.
5. Which houseguest can expect to receive "froot loops", chips ahoy and almond roca in a basket should he/she become HoH? Amber
6. Which snickerdoodle loving houseguest had the forethought to have friends run his/her myspace page while he/she was away in the Big Brother house? Jessica
7. How many colorful mirrors are in the living room? 12
8. Who was the last BB7 allstar to leave a comment on our myspace page? James
9. How many chess sets are visible in the new Big Brother House? There are 2.
1 in the house and 1 in the yard.

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New Rumor

Ding, Ding... there's a new rumor in the house.

You know where to go for the rumors this season...


Amazingly enough, so far they've been very accurate!

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CBS Has Added to the Official Big Brother Site

CBS Has updated the official site to include more info on the houseguests. Lots of clickable images for us all to enjoy.

Here's the link, my sweet little addicts: CBS Official BB8 Site.

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More Big Brother 8 House Pics

Our CBS source made these exclusive new House Pics available to us for your enjoyment. The details are fantastic!! Please enjoy. This is truly a gift!

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All About BB HG Kail Harbick

Woman wins spot on CBS' `Brother'
By Lewis Taylor
The Register-Guard
Published: Friday, June 29, 2007

The third time was the charm for Kail Harbick, a 37-year-old real estate broker from McKenzie Bridge, who has been picked as one of 14 contestants slated to appear on the CBS reality show "Big Brother 8." The program debuts at 8 p.m. Thursday.

"She has been a fan of the show forever and thought it would be real fun to go in and try and win," said Harbick's husband, Darin.

Together, the couple own the Historical Holiday Farm Resort, Harbick's Country Store, Harbick's Country Inn and Takoda's Restaurant. Kail Harbick applied for the show twice before but was turned down. The winner of the reality game show will take home $500,000.

"Right now, she's got a one in 14 chance," Darin Harbick said.

"Those are better odds than the lottery."

The news of Harbick's selection appeared in the entertainment news source Variety. She was identified as the only married member of the cast. Darin Harbick said his wife's business skills would increase her chances of success on the show.

"She didn't think she could do `Survivor,' she didn't think she could do `Amazing Race,' but she thought this could be something she could have a chance at," he said.

The Harbicks, who met at McKenzie High School, have three children and have been married for 17 years. Darin Harbick plans to screen "Big Brother 8" on TV sets at the family's two restaurants.

"They can put whatever spin they want on each person," he said. "Hopefully she gets portrayed the way she is, which is pretty fun and good."

If Kail Harbick takes home "Big Brother's" big prize, don't expect to see her in a new car. She plans to use the money to pay down business debts, her husband said.

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Julie Chen on Letterman June 28, 2007

One of the kind, hardworking folks from RealityBBQ put this up on youtube. It's well-edited to include Dave's monologue remarks about the show, then segue into the interview. If you didn't get a chance to watch it last night, the Chenbot is refreshingly un-bot like, and she gives a very good description of the America's Player twist. Check it out.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's Up!!!!!!!

The CBS Site is up!!!! Here's the link: CBS Big Brother 8


OK.. It's only the pre-site, but it's live! The real fully fleshed out site can't be far behind.


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CBS Website - It's a start

They never really get enough of teasing us this pre-season. The pic above has recently been added to the cbs website, but that's all. No BB8 site yet, but it's a start...

Can't be long now. Maybe after Julie's appearance on Letterman tonight??

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What's Your Favorite Live Feeds Memory

I can't believe it's finally just one week away. We've learned so much in that past 24 hours: the house pics; the hg's; at least part of the twists... It's a lot to take in.

At this time next week, we'll all be climbing the walls in the last throes of anticipation - with only 2 hours left to go before the first show airs on the east coast. At the end of which, either Carla or myself will no doubt be posting a spoiler for the west coast folks about who the first HoH (head of household) is...

And then we'll all settle in for a nice first night on the 24/7 live feeds! Re-connect with our old friends from our chat rooms... Make new friends in new chat rooms (or with the techies) when ours suddenly disappears for no apparent reason...

So much to look forward to!

So here's my question. And I'm gonna ask you to dig deep and comment us here on the blog: What is your favorite memory from the live feeds? Last season or any season...

I'll start: Many of you know this, but we've grown some, so I'll tell it anyway: Carla and I actually met on the live feeds. We both frequented the same room, along with Sunni and Ekmurf and DD and (forgive me ladies, i can't think of everyone's screennames right now) a host of other wonderful people, and a couple of right loons. Anyhow, we just had a great connection there, and we developed from a room of strangers into a room of friends, and we've remained friends for several years now.

May sound corny as hell, but that's my all-time favorite memory of the feeds.

Well... that and Kaysar in the jacuzzi, and the shower, and just sitting there breathing somewhere.. ;) ... and Will and Janie doing just about anything all night long, and Will's having cyber-sex with the entire BB lovin' world. Freakin' hysterical. Too many to mention really.

Least favorite memory from the feeds? Hands down: Boogie and Erika gettin' nasty in the HoH tub.. on all 4 feeds... when Will and Janie were IN the HOUSE somewhere!!

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Time to hop on over to our bb8rumors blog. That's where we're trying to keep all the unsubstantiated stuff this year. And we believe we just found a doozy.

We'll try to letcha know every time we put something up there, but it's a good idea to just check too. Things get pretty busy around here!

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Nick and Dick, Clarified.

Due to the original article from Daily Variety, in which Dick was pictured as both Nick and Dick, there's been a bit of confusion as to who's who. In an effort to clear things up for everyone, here they are.

From the video, Dick seems aptly named.

Yummylicious! Minnesota does make em pretty, huh?
First Janelle, now him.
I'm moving! ;)

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Thank you!!

Wow! We're seeing a lot of new faces around here today, and not just the houseguests!

We'd like to welcome all the folks who've come to see us from fanforum, createmykeepsake, kelly's myspace group, shaily's myspace group, morty's forum, bigbrotherkeyhole, twopeasinabucket, lovinmysailor, scrapbookersclubhouse, squidoo, cropperscottage, mustseetv, the piratemaster board on cbs, and all the google searchers! Am I missing anyone?

Thank you! Hope you love what you see, and that you'll bookmark the site and come back often. If you'd like to join us on myspace, please click here and send us a friend request, so we can communicate with you and send you a bulletin every time we update the blog! :) We love our myspace friends, and we can't wait to start dishing with alllll of you about the live feeds. What will they get into this year?!

We'd also like to thank you for making our little blog #4!!!! as of this morning on the big brother top 100! Who'da thunk it?! I tell ya... we're the little blog that could. Chooo... Choooo!!

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Video from the Early Show

Could CBS be any sneakier this year?? Here's the video from this morning, with apologies for the brevity of this post... I'm a little braindead from being up till 5:30amEDT getting all the pics of the HGs up, but a dishchick's gotta do whatta dishchick's gotta do! Now go make a dishchick's day, and sign up for the live feeds. ;) We can't even imagine watching the show without them!

VIDEO: HGs on The Early Show

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Your Big Brother 8 HouseGuests

Their names, ranks and serial numbers are all listed in the next post, but I couldn't resist putting up larger pics of each of them... Well, almost all of them. There's a missing Dick. You'll see what I mean in the next post.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

'Big Brother 8' announces cast

From Daily Variety...
    It seems the folks at Daily Variety were in a big hurry to have the scoop on this. Why do I say this? Well... Have a good look at Dick(44) and Nick(25). Unless they are identical father and son, Houston, we have a problem. Thanks to Shaily for scoping it out. I'd just thought they were twins.

And this year's contestants are:

This is Nick. Not Dick, who was incorrectly ID'd as Nick and Dick.
Nick, 25
Kimball, Minn.
Single, Beyond Yummy
My 1st Jacuzzi Candidate
Former Pro Football Player

CBS is making "Big Brother 8" more interactive than past editions, plotting a twist in which one of the game's players will be controlled by the whims of the American public.

Net's annual summer sudser, which kicks off July 5 at 8 p.m., has also locked in its cast. It'll once again be a young bunch, with most of the 14 players in their 20s-- and the oldest contestant just 44.

And, in a nod to a past "Big Brother" theme in which players were surprised to find out that their ex-flames had been recruited, this year's cast will include a few pairs of players with unresolved beefs.

The biggest twist, however, is a game element called "America's Player." In a nutshell, that contestant will have the chance to win extra sums of money-- but only if they carry out certain actions mandated by viewers via internet or text message voting. Chosen player might be asked to vote somebody out of the house or something more personal, such as flirting with another player. Eye is hoping the twist will give viewers more of a stake in the outcome of the game, in the same way auds who watch "American Idol" get to shape that competition.

Theme for this year's "Brother" house is "Alice in Wonderland," with a number of eclectic touches throughout the pad (think really big beds and tiny chairs).

CBS has high hopes for this year's edition of "Brother," the Allison Grodner and Endemol USA- produced skein that has be-come a summer staple for the net. Its perf is particularly important this year since the net is launching a new fall lineup marked by some particularly ambitious, younger-skewing skeins-- some of which will no doubt be hyped endlessly during "Brother's" run.

That appeal to youth is evident in the makeup of this year's cast. Half are under the age of 25, with one player below the age of 21. Four players hail from the Los Angeles area, and there are no less than three players who work at a restaurant or bar.

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Houseguests on the CBS Early Show?

According to welovebigbrother and one of our myspace friends, the houseguests are going to be on the early show tomorrow morning. I cannot confirm whether this is true or not as:

  1. there has been no publicity about it,
  2. it's not listed on the cbs early show site anywhere.
  3. it's not listed in
  4. according to comcast tvplanner, it's Actresses Claire Danes and Mamie Gummer ("Evening"); chef Bobby Flay.
Still, ya know I'm gonna have to wake up and check now, don'tcha? They better be on, or someone owes me some sleep.

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New Big Brother Commercial

Here's the New BB Commercial.

Just released tonight - People and their Worst Enemies... Interesting. SO instead of becoming enemies inside the BB house, they start off as enemies, and potentially realize their enemy is their closest ally. Hmmm...

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

It's gonna be a great season!

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BB8 House Pictures!

The new entrance way, which the winning HG will only walk through once. Allison Grodner says the door captures this season’s "whimsical" style. Umm... ok.

Through the Looking Glass, indeed. The BB8 house is said to have a 'fractured fairy tale' quality. Admit it, how many of you are already counting the mirrors?
I always find this shot interesting... It's the first and last time we generally see it, because it really makes the house look like the soundstage set that it is.

Pots and teakettles decorate the walls, and again we get a glimpse of just how compact the house is, with the wall of pictures buttressed right up against the kitchen... a shot we'll not likely see again. By the way, where's the fish tank?!

More colorful thing-a-ma-bobs for the HGs to count... and a new couch away from the world, but right outside the HoH room, begging for a showmance. Notice the enchanted forest on the walls?

This is not a deep perspective shot. One door really is HUGE, and the other very tiny. They are a nod to Alice in Wonderland. Grodner says, 'We've got a bedroom where you feel very big and a bedroom where you feel very small!'

I love the new bathroom! Odds on this stays as much of a hangout as it is every season!

OK, who wants to go for a spin in the teacup, right now?! Love it!

Ahhh, the gentle topiary creatures... Wonder if they've hid some cameras in there... After last season, they'd be wise to hide some microphones too!

I'm so ready for this!!

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Welcome to the Insanity

A brief glimpse into our insanity... It will only grow deeper as the season progresses.

Carla: news yet????
Carolyn: grrrrr. no. nothin... i talked with a friend at cbs and she said the press is happening tomorrow...
Carla: that sux!!! i feel like i'm 5 yrs. old, waiting for Santa!
Carolyn: ditto! and then getting told he's not coming till the 26th
Carla: yep! can't they just use rudolph to guide the sleigh tonight?????????
Carolyn: seriously! enough is enough!
Carla: i think i have lost my mind! i cannot get any work done because of the anticipation!! and to think we still have 8 days before it airs!!! i will have to be locked in a padded room before then!!!!!!!!!
Carolyn: lol... i ressemble that remark. i'm sitting here in a (i can't even think of the word) colorful wrap.. eating breakfast at 5pm... having been up since 8am... must be BB season.
Carla: definitely sounds like you have caught bb fever!!! of course, my prescription for that is...take two xanax and call me in the morning! hahahah i crack myself up! yep...i've lost it! i must be coming down with the fever too!

All hail the fever. ;)
Tomorrow's the big day!

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The BB Natives are Growing Restless

OK.. here's the latest. According to one of my sources at CBS, whom I've been trying not to bother (but I just couldn't take it anymore), there will be a press release today, but photos and "press day" will not be until tomorrow, Thursday. My other CBS source says nothing today, big release tomorrow.

Have mercy on us, CBS.

On the bright side, I launched my real player for the first time in about 9 months, and I'm happy to report BB8 Coming Soon graphics on all the individual feeds, and a random glob of sorts on the quads, accompanied by really nice soothing background music.

I haven't moved from the computer since I woke up this morning, except for coffee refills. Time to go for a bike ride... Maybe I can will the press release to appear by my 45 minute absence. ;)

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BB8 Press Day - We're Wai-ting!

We've just received word that Press Day may in fact be tomorrow, Thursday, June 28th. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen. We will be closely monitoring the situation today as well, just in case. As soon as anything comes down the pike, we'll let you know.

The entire blogosphere is all atwitter with the potential for REAL information... us included!

Either way, I'm thinking it's not going to happen before noon EDT/9am PDT on either day.

Since Julie Chen's scheduled appearance on Letterman is for Thursday night, it's gotta happen soon! The Chenbot needs something to promote!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Brain is Melting

OK. Go with me on this. Im one day ahead of myself. Must be sleepy. I just wrote everything below here thinking today was Wednesday already.

At this time next week, the fireworks will be done, and we'll all be a little dehydrated from hours in the sun, and likely on the way to passing out from all the 4th of July festivities.

Will we go to bed with visions of BB HGs dancing in our heads... since tomorrow will be the big day? I know I will!

Speaking of visions... someone had one of the BB8 house. It's not a hard fact yet, so it's up on the bb8rumors blog, but word has it this comes from an excellent source! Go check it out.

:::singing::: Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
It's Press Day,
It's only
one night awaaaayyyyy!

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It's Showtime for the HGs

And perhaps showing a bit more than they intend...

I remember back in college, a friend of mine referred to Showtime's (or was it Cinemax)nightly schedule as "tits after 10." Seems the feeds and the showtime deal this year mean to follow that. For the full story, check out: bb8rumors.

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Grodner Makes Big Promises to Die-Hard Big Brother Fans

from RealityTVWorld...

CBS still hasn't revealed the details of this summer's new Big Brother twists, however executive producer Alison Grodner predicts at least one of the eighth-season changes will become an instant favorite with the long-running summer reality show's viewers.

"This year, there will be something die-hard fans will love," Grodner teased to Daily Variety about a new still-undisclosed play-along-at-home component that will be part of Big Brother 8. "It will give them the opportunity to participate even more than they have in the past."

Big Brother 8 will premiere on Thursday, July 5 at 8PM ET/PT. After its debut, the show will air on Sundays and Thursdays at 8PM ET/PT and Tuesdays at 9PM ET/PT.

However although Big Brother 8 a thrice-weekly similar broadcast schedule to what the the show's last six seasons have used, Big Brother's eighth season will be more omnipresent than usual. In addition to its thrice-weekly CBS broadcasts, Big Brother 8's broadcast run will also include Big Brother: After Dark, a new 12AM to 3AM ET spinoff that will air nightly on Showtime Too. Big Brother: After Dark will feature footage from the same live camera feeds that are made available to subscribers of the show's 24/7 live Internet feeds.

"The show has always been kind of ubiquitous, even before it became cool to do that," CBS reality programming and new media head Ghen Maynard told Variety. "This year, there are going to be some new things that make the show even more ubiquitous and interactive."

In addition to its After Dark spinoff and the live, streaming Internet feeds that the show has featured since its initial Summer 2000 season, CBS is also planning to give Big Brother fans the opportunity to monitor and influence activity in the Los Angeles-area house via text messaging, according to Variety.

Similar to soaking in some sun at the beach or playing a game of wiffle ball in the backyard, Grodner believes that, after seven years, the long-running CBS reality series has become a staple of summer.

"It's not just about sitting down and watching television," Grodner told Variety. "We're a summer event that's always with you. I don't think any other show has that sort of reach."

Despite the extended outreach to big Big Brother fans, Maynard told Variety "good storytelling" will continue to be the show's focus when the newest houseguests find themselves living together over the course of a few months while trying to claim the $500,000 prize.

"It's important to make sure you don't betray the vision of the show," he told Variety. "If you do too many tricks or stunts, you betray that."

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Big Brother Press Day!!

Tomorrow is Big Brother Press Day! What that means is, FINALLY a lot of information will be sent out to the Press regarding the upcoming season.

We expect to gain knowledge of the theme for the season, houseguests, their pics, and potentially pics of the BB8 house.

As soon as we know, you'll know!!

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Monday, June 25, 2007

7 Feels Like Heaven!

I had to take a screenshot of this, 'cause who knows how long it'll last, and I'd like to hold onto it forever! We're number 7! And YOU got us there! Thank you EVERYONE!!!

When I got all excited about being #10 a couple days ago, a few of you asked on what list, where, etc... well... as you can see in the pic here, it's along the left sidebar.
Lots of nifty things along the left sidebar, actually. Check it out when you have a chance. Like where it says "3 Diggs," then "digg it"... It is exactly what it sounds like: when you dig something and you see that link on the site you're digging it on, you can click there, and tell the world what a cool site it is.. by digging it. :)

For now, I'm just digging you guys! Thanks so much for making us into the little blog that could! :)

Ahem... OK, CBS, now it's your turn. Launch the official site!@*!!

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Oh Big Brother, Where art thou?

from Newsday's "The Buzz"

O ‘Brother,’ where art thou? Everywhere

Starting July 5, you'll be able to spend the rest of your summer doing nothing but watching "Big Brother."

The eighth season of CBS' reliable summer shut-in saga will launch with an hour-long episode starting at 8 p.m. July 5, Zap2it reports. The series will then inundate CBS' various online ventures. Plus, for the first time, "Big Brother" will move to CBS' corporate sibling Showtime.

CBS will air "Big Brother" Thursday and Sunday nights at 8, as well as Tuesday night at 9.

But back to "Big Brother's" attempts to take over the known world ... Julie Chen will be back as host, and for the seventh straight season, CBS will offer
24/7 streaming video
from within the house via RealNetworks and Superpass. For the second straight year, CBS will offer special mobile-phone content. CBS will also offer full-length episodes and highlight clips on its CBS Audience Network. Also, the online series "House Calls: The Big Brother Talk Show" will return for its fourth season.

This season's biggest additional twist is the appearance of "Big Brother: After Dark" on Showtime's "Shotoo" telecast platform. Each night, Shotoo will feature a live feed from the Big Brother house from midnight-to-3 a.m. That sounds like it might be boring, but since the "Big Brother" house is in Los Angeles, it'll actually be from 9 p.m. to midnight for the guests, so expect some occasional random nudity.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Julie Chen on Letterman?

If you arrived to this page from a google search, here's the link to take you to the video:JulieOnLetterman.

I'm so freakin' jonesing for this season to start, I'm beginning to fantasize about the CBS folks going and grabbing up all the HGs at midnight tonight, putting them into hotel sequester, and finally, FINALLY launching the cbs bb site by midnight pacific time.

The sequester date is supposed to be June 25th, to coincide with Julie's originally scheduled appearance on Letterman, but the last time I checked, her appearance had been re-scheduled to the 28th, and tonight... as you can see from the list of scheduled guests for the show this week.... she's fallen off the list completely!

When I checked my on-line tv planner just now, she's listed as the second guest on Thursday night, after Robin Williams.

We'll see.

As of 8am EDT, nothin'. As soon as anything happens, we'll letcha know.

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