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SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Who Would You?

The HGs are playing the game again, and Elizabeth from Canada just gave us a great idea. We wanna play too! So... Who would you....
  • Have sex with?
  • Marry?
  • Throw off the bridge?
We have it easy... you get to choose from all of them.

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Veto Comp Aftermath

Immediately when the feeds came back on after the Veto comp., the first thing we saw was Dick going off on Jen. The next thing we saw was Amber crying. It took a little time to piece together what all of the drama was about, but here ya go...

Apparently, the game had to do with questions which the Veto players earned points for correctly answering. Wrong answers eliminated them from the game. Points were used to buy prizes. It seems that it came down to Dustin, Jen, and Jameka. Dustin took two prizes, $5000 and a trip to Barbados. Jen must have tried to get one of the prizes, leaving Jameka to win.

Dick was yelling at Jen, because she didn't try to win Veto for herself. He said Jen was being selfish, because she knew Jameka gave her word to take Jen off the block. Dick was also upset with Dustin for buying the prizes he did.

Amber was crying, because that is what Amber does...or because she also feels like Dustin was being selfish for taking the prizes rather than trying for Veto.

Jameka consoled Amber in the backyard.

Amber: Are you going to use the veto, even though Jen betrayed you?
Jameka: I gave my word. That's what Dustin wants. God has already ordained who is going to win. This is a test.
Amber: I don't like seeing you being taken advantage of.
Jameka: God already has it planned and this is just one small thing that He has revealed.

Jameka goes on to say that when the money question came up, she was tempted, but the love of money is what is evil, not the money itself.

Jameka: God is so gangster. That is what I love about him. Vengeance is mine, thus sayeth the Lord.

Then a lot more crying from Amber.

Cut to patio.

Dick: You are full of sh*t.
Jen: Don't know what you are worried about. Don't think you are going up.
Dick: You think I'm worried? You're a skeezer. (pointing to groups in the backyard) That conversation is about you...that one is about you...
Jen: Because of you!
Dick: You are just a effin freak and can't control it period.
Jessica: This house is nuts!
Dick: I love it, without a doubt, 100%.

Dick walks away.

Jen: Sorry. I'm sure he will do it to you when I'm not here.
Jessica: I do too. He is crazy!
Jen: I was going to try it and if I didn't get it right, yeah, Jameka was there. If Dustin hadn't taken two prizes he would have been ahead. So why was it my fault? Except for Evil! I just like to confirm that I'm the only person that sees it.

Cut to HoH.

Dick: (Talking about the Veto comp) Jen knew on the last question that Jameka was the only one who could win based on the points everyone had. Jen got it wrong so Jameka will use the Veto on her.
Dustin: I knew the $5,000 was the prize on the next question and I knew I could answer it.
Dick: Jen screwed over Jameka.
Dustin: Kail is a wreck!
Dick: Amber is pissed at you for not doing what you said last night. You need to talk to her but you will never hear the end of it (taking the prizes). Just like when I won the TV.
Dustin: Three things happen after every go off on someone, Amber cries and Dani goes and sits in a corner with Nick.
Dick: If Zach goes up Kail will go home because of what went down.

Dick leaves the HoH.
Kail enters.

Dustin: I was selfish. It was a good thing to not win and let someone else take Jen off the block. People say I'm selfish.
Kail: No you are not! Did Evil say that?!
Dustin: Amber said I put Jameka in a bad spot.
Kail: They will get over it and you'll be the hero of the house. Will Jameka use it?
Dustin: I don't know.
Kail: She has to use it! She would look so bad if she doesn't.
Dustin: I don't know if she'll use it on you or Jen.

Kail starts making a play to keep Zach safe and Dustin to put Dick up to backdoor him. She goes on to tell Dustin that Dick was flipping him off. Dustin said no he was flipping Jen off. Kail continues saying that if Dick comes up there...blah blah blah. Dustin tells he that Dick has never done that. They discuss the Veto comp for a while. Sounds like Kail did horrible.

Zach approached the HoH and Dustin told him to come back later. Then the convo turns to Zach.

Kail: It would be ok to put Zach up. If you do no one will remember that you took the trip and the money.
Dustin: That is exactly how I want it to go.
Kail: I will have Jen's vote and the three you confirmed.

Both laugh like little school girls.
Kail: I get paranoid every time I see Evil talking to you. He is campaigning against me.
Dustin: No he isn't. He doesn't know you are a pawn but he does know that the plan is Zach.

Then more psycho babble from Kail.

And finally, they hug and she leaves!

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Veto Spoiler

If you do not want to know the winner of the Veto Comp, do not look below!
The winner of the Veto Comp is:

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Still Waiting...


As of 1:00pm BBT, the feeds have gone to trivia. Looks like the veto comp is underway! Check back for results! I will post the spoiler as soon as I know who wins!

The feeds showed a brief moment of inside the house. The BB crew seems to be setting up a large flat panel monitor. I cannot make out what the large box-like things are. At first glance, I thought they were podiums for the players. Now it looks as if they are boxes that have not been unpacked, yet. What do you think?

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BB8 Veto Comp - Hurry Up & Wait!

Unreal. They woke the HGs up ages ago, and sent them all outside on lockdown around 8am-ish, and now it's just after Noon BBT, and they're still waiting, and so are we! Grrrr... OK, Art Department... you've had your 4 hours. Chop, Chop!

On the bright side, I've gotten a ton of nice screen shots that I'll be adding to bb8dishcaps pretty soon, but come on!

In light of the music they were playing of the feeds for a while, Carla and I were talking about what the comp might be, and if it might be related to the music somehow. Our thoughts are running along the lines of Dance contest or dance marathon or something classic. DishDudeDoug thinks it's gonna be related to Hairspray - the movie, somehow, and also dance related... Meanwhile, the HGs think it's going to be some kind of personal torture thing - since they had to know who the players were going to be last night... the HGs are convinced it's going to be personal.

What are your thoughts? Please let us know here in the comments section of the blog. :)

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Mike's Havin' a Party

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BB8 Kail & Jen Plot, Scheme and Fantasize

Kail and Jen have separated themselves from the group to plot and scheme and fantasize about who's getting back-doored. Kail thinks she needs to throw the POV to Jen in order to keep them both there. She's afraid of being up on the block again, but she's pretty sure she can win up against Zach.

Kail: If I win PoV, I can't take you off, because that would look bad.

They believe Dustin may be planning on back-dooring Daniele because, she's such a strong competitor. Then, looking at Daniele, Kail says, "I wonder if she knows her dad's getting back-doored."
    ***Make up your mind, crazy lady.

Kail: I don't want to drink much, in case it's an endurance comp.
Jen: I brought maxi-pads in case it's a long comp...

They move on to discussing how Daniele said she'd shave her head if necessary to win the comp. Kail's shocked. Jen says she'd never do that, because it would make her look weird.

Meanwhile back on the couches, Daniele can feel Kail staring at her and mentions it to her dad. He says she always does that to him, too.

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Big Brother 8 Shabbat Bagel Brunch

They're up, on outdoor lockdown, and waiting for the Veto Comp to begin. BB has supplied the non-slop crew, fka the slop girls + Eric, with a nice Bagel spread for breakfast. Nick's working out, Dustin's passed out, and Zach's wandering about... solo.

Clearly, they're enjoying it. ;) Jew food's not so bad, huh girls?
(before you leave me a ludicrous comment about being offended,
please read the other comments that have been posted,
notably the ones from me - if you have the knowledge to read
the one in hebrew, take particular notice of that one.)

Jen's the only slop eater to come and join the bagel bunch.

Feeds went to trivia 5 minutes ago, at 8:10am BBT. This could well mean the HGs are getting instructions for the comp, or we'd be more likely to have the blue screen graphic... Feeds back on at 8:18am BBT... and the girls are talking about how "all those internet people find out everything about us" and how Dick has Vincent running his myspace and answering emails... He imagines Vincent's responses are something like, "My dad says F you. Bye."

It's a chill, enjoyable time on the feeds right now.

We've got some fun treats in store today, and we'll have the Veto Spoiler up ASAP after the comp is done. Thanks for coming to the blog.

As of 8:45am BBT, they're still on outdoor lockdown, waiting happily together for the Veto Comp. Well, the eaters plus Dick are happy and chatty. The non-eaters are scattered solo about the yard.

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Big Brother 8 Overnight Report

Since the LNC is running the show for the moment, the overnight's are focused on them tonight. Please remember, the Veto Comp is supposed to start early this morning. We learned last night that it will be an indoor comp, and that in addition to Dustin, Jen and Kail, the chosen players are Jessica, Daniele and Jameka. The HGs also let slip that production said it would last anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, and warned them all to go to bed early and wear comfortable clothes for the comp, so some feel there may be costumes happening. The HGs believe they make be awoken for the veto comp as early as 6am BBT. There have also been murmurs of this being a double eviction week... Kinda doubting it though, since CBS tends to promote the heck outta those.

OK.. on to the overnights!

10:30pm BBT
Jameka, Jessica, Eric

Jameka is unhappy with Dick for disagreeing with her about offering to save Jen and fight for her in the veto comp.

Here's Jen telling Kail all about it earlier in the evening:

Dani joins the group.

ERIC: We just need to remember we want them all gone, and not fight amongst ourselves. We'll be stronger if we stay unified. The order they go out shouldn't matter. I want to keep reminding everyone that there is no bad scenario this week. It's too early to cause fractures among the group. If we stick together, we are all guaranteed another month here... if we stick together.

A few minutes later...

DUSTIN: So POV is tomorrow morning. If I win POV, I will change the noms... to Zach. If Jameka wins POV, she can do whatever she wants. My goal is to get Zach out of the house.
ERIC: How does switching it up tomorrow benefit us when we agreed on Kail leaving last night?
DUSTIN: I said I wanted to back-door Zach.

Dani and Jess both say they are competing to win tomorrow.

ERIC: It's ok for people to lose, because Dustin can still accomplish what he wants if one of the nominees wins.

11:00pm BBT
Amber & Jameka
AMBER: Eric talked to me for an hour and a half in the hammock today, and he really convinced me that Nick has got to go. I really have to stop being selfish about keeping Nick.
TRD Rules

JAMEKA: I just want Jen to go to bed, so I can state my case to everyone. Only selfish people would have a problem with my strategy.
AMBER: Zach has to go this week, because he will put us up.
JAMEKA: Dani just wants me to do her dirty work by not saving Jen.
AMBER: Jen needs to go to sequester.
Jam agrees.
AMBER: Eric thinks so too. I feel so much better now that I got a lot of stuff with Dick and Nick off my chest by talking to them.

Dustin walks in the room.

DUSTIN: I could have Nick go home this week.
AMBER: Zach needs to go this week, and Nick needs to go next week, because I can talk Nick out of putting us up, on the off chance Nick he wins HoH. Nick said he'll put up Zach and Kail if he wins HoH.
JAMEKA: I don't believe him.

Eric, Dani, Jess, Dick
11:10pm BBT
This group of four says they all would rather have Kail out this week.
DICK: Dustin is going to end up splitting up the group by insisting on back-dooring Zach... I really don't appreciate how this thing is playing out.

Eric pontificates about sticking together.

11:12pm BBT
Dustin joins everyone outside.
DUSTIN: Jameka's on her way out.

11:25pm BBT
JAMEKA: I took it upon myself to tell Kail I am going to fight for Jen tomorrow. I didn't want Kail to follow me around all night. I went to Jen and told her the same thing, on the premise that we all agreed last night that we didn't want Jen to go home.
DICK: If we want Zach to go home, don't put him up against Kail, because you are splitting the group.
DUSTIN: I'd like to know how everyone else feels about this. (to Dick)Last week, you changed your mind during the middle of the week, and we all supported you.
DICK: I went along with the group with that decision.
DUSTIN: I just want that same moment of argument. How does everyone feel?

Dustin's question is answered by uncomfortable silence, then...

JESS: I would really rather see Kail go, but I'll jump on the boat to vote out Zach, if that's what the group agrees on.
DANI: I'd also rather have Kail go. Zach is a mess! Kail is a much better player.
ERIC: I don't want to split the group. It shouldn't matter who goes.

Dick agrees with Eric's point about not fracturing the group.

DUSTIN: (to Dick) I do not appreciate you putting words in people's mouths.
DICK: I'm not coming at you, Dustin. I'm just saying that I want to keep the group together.
ERIC: (interrupting) I'm not going to let the group fracture. That's not even a possible scenario.
DANI: You have to weigh out your options... You have to figure out who is less of a risk to the group than the others... even if it's only by 1%. I'm going to try to win the veto, but I will not use it. Neither of the nominees like me, so I'm not saving either one of them.
DUSTIN: Everyone should play to win it for themselves.
DANI: Jen can stay in the house this week... even though she needs to go.

DUSTIN: So 2 people will be fighting to save Jen: Jen and Jameka... and then the most likely outcome leaves Kail on Zach together on the block.
DICK: I'm sorry, dude. I misunderstood your intentions.
DANI: We can talk about this after the POV comp. There is a whole day before the ceremony. There is no need to be stressing over this tonight.

Dustin and Dick both agree this is a good point.

JAMEKA: I just misunderstood the conclusion we came to last night. Half the group thought we'd come to the conclusion that we're going to back-door Zach, and the other half thought we were going to try to get Kail out, and just get rid of Zach if we couldn't get Kail.
DUSTIN: The only reason I didn't put up Zach was because I didn't want to give him the chance to win veto.
DANI: I think we're better off waiting until after the POV to decide.
ERIC: (seeking to move on) Can we get a rundown of any of the conversations people had with the nominees today?
    ***Very nice re-direct, Eric.

Dani & Amber
11:50pm BBT
DANI: I'm worried Dustin's going to be mad at me for not using the veto if I win it.
AMBER: I'll talk to Dustin.

Conversation quickly switches to Nick. Amber and Dani agree Nick is playing too many angles.

AMBER: Nick needs to go.
DANI: I know, but I don't want to be the one who puts him up. Nick either goes next week, and isn't in sequester, or the week after and then he is in sequester.
AMBER: Effin' weasel.
DANI: I'm not going to sleep with him tonight... He's gonna toss and turn in his bed, and try to get my attention so I'll go over there... I'm not gonna be the person who gets played.
AMBER: You will feel so much better when he is gone... with your boyfriend watching. DANI: They can edit it however they want.
AMBER: Just to tell your boyfriend that is how the show is portraying it, but it isn't how it happened.
DANI: I want HoH so bad, so I can get letters and pictures, and then I'll be a whole new Dani. How can he say that he cares about people so much, and then play them so hard?
    ***Dani, Dani, Dani. You're being played, but it isn't by Nick.
AMBER: Nick is here for himself, and he's playing both sides.
DANI: I know. I'm not stupid. I'm going to bed. When I walk in there, Nick'll say "what time is it?"

Amber and Dani giggle.

Dani goes to bed. Nick doesn't say a word. Dani clears her throat... trying to get his attention? Nick scratches his face and turns his head. Both are in their own beds.

12:00am BBT
LNC minus Dani
They're all cracking up at the possibility of Zach being back-doored and Kail and Jen being nominated again next week.
    ***I'm beginning to get annoyed enough to hope Jen wins HoH and sends them all scurrying for cover. This group will eat their own faster than rodents.
They continue this line of thought, saying it would be even funnier if Kail and Jen go up again next week, and even funnier if Nick is back-doored next week, and then Jen and Kail are nominated for a fourth week.

DICK: It would be funny and sad at the same time.

ERIC: Amber told Nick everything we talked about.
    Shouldn't that suggest to someone that Amber can't be trusted?
JAMEKA: Why not back-door Nick this week?
ERIC: I would love that. Nick is really the only person who could cause real problems for us.

Game talk ends right about here, and the discussion dissolves into a game of "given these 3 people as choices, which would you marry, which for a one night stand and which would you throw off a bridge." Funny stuff. Dick comes back outside and joins in after a couple rounds. Here's the clip, captured by auntjulie:

Around 2:45am BBT, the game breaks up and everyone but Dick heads off to bed (or in Jameka's case, to go shower), and the Dick at Night show begins...

Dick has had more than enough of Dustin. Him being HoH has really changed Dick's opinion of him. He'd like to take out Dustin, and watch Amber completely fall to pieces - saying she'll be begging for a voluntary exit. He's not pleased with Jameka's moves of the day either... Eric, he's still happy with, though he thinks he threw the HoH, but he's convinced Eric is on the same page with him about Dustin and Amber.

By 3:40am BBT, all the HGs are sleeping.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Big Brother 8 Veto Competition Players

The players for the veto competition will be:

Jessica/Dustin, Daniele/Kail, and Jameka for Jen.

Jameka just gave Jen quite a speech about fighting for her.

We believe the competition will be in the early morning.

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Big Brother 8 Veto Player Picking Tonight

Jen: We're picking players tonight.
Kail: We are?
Jen: Yeah, it's inside.
Kail: Oh, I didn't know that.
Jen: Yeah.. I'm gonna get in trouble, I think.

And cut momentarily to blue...
poor, poor papa smurf.

While we're on the blue screen, in addition to all the lovely links on the left sidebar, take a look at this one! Kail's modeling career... CLICK ME

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Big Brother 8 Post Nomination Ceremony Drama

It's going nuts again... turn on the feeds, folks.

Fri 6:45pm BBT
Dustin & Kail

Dustin: The thing is, Jen's relationships in this house make her more of a target, and I made that clear. Eric, Amber and Jameka have your back. You're solid. Eric, Jameka, Amber and Daniele will vote Jen out. You can work the Jess angle... But under no circumstances can anyone know! Zack's going up. No one knows you're a pawn.

Kail: I'm trusting you. I'm a wreck, and I will be a wreck, because I know how things flip-flop, and I'm on slop this week.
Dustin: You'll be alright, but I put you up, so you still have ill feelings for me.
This week would've gone in a completely different direction if you hadn't offered yourself up.
Kail: I meant it. No hard feelings. If I get HoH, I wont put you up. I feel like I'm here for another week because of you.
Dustin: If anyone else would've gotten HoH, you wouldn't have gone up as a pawn... You Are safe, ok? Just breathe. Head on down. I'm gonna stay up here.
    **Ok.. last night, talking to Dick, Dustin told him of his plan to make Kail feel 100% safe. his delivery here was so good, I completely forgot about it, and frankly, I'm still skeptical that's what he's up to.

Fri 6:49pm BBT
Nick & Jen, then Kail

Jen is upset because she thought Dustin would never put her up. Nick is comforting her, because she's crying.

Jen: I would never put him up. it makes no sense for him to put me up. I don't get it.

Kail enters and asks if she's okay.

Jen: I'm shocked.
Kail: I'm shocked too.

Kail: (whispering) You've survived before. You'll survive this one.
Jen: I know. I'm not crying because I might go home, I'm crying because it's weird.

6:54pm BBT
HoH Room
Amber & Dustin

Amber tells Dustin that she caught Nick comforting Jen...
Dustin: For real? Or just being Nick?
Amber: He's playing her. She's putting on a f'ing act. She was up 2 times in a row...she can't take it now. Such a f'ing act. Don't let her get to you.

Dustin: Zach, Jen and Kail are the only people who talked to me. That's fishy.
Dustin: I told you Amber. I told you.
Amber: Let's see what happens at POV. Maybe we should backdoor Nick.
Dustin: I'm up for it.
    ***Zach wont be the only one opening up a can of whoop ass on you.
Amber: I think Nick and Jen are in an alliance.
Dustin: I do too.

7:10pm BBT HoH
Nick & Dustin
Nick reports verbatim the conversation he just had with Zach to Dustin.
Nick: Why would Dustin make a deal with you about Amber?
Dustin: Uh-hm
Nick: He said, "if Dustin puts me up, I will open up a can of whoop-ass"... like he's stone cold Steve Austin, or something.
Dustin: (laugh heartily) Haha!!!
Nick: I told him, is this like when you tried to get Amber out of the house? I told him, "whatever you had going on I don't care. I don't understand this deal that you and Dustin have." And he's said, if he got HoH he would never eff you over for the rest of the time. That's what he said.
Dustin: Well, I didn't put him up. If he thought I was a threat, I'll wait to see what he says about why I didn't put him up. He's a wild-card. He's going to say I put that can of whoop-ass in the storage room.

7:35pm BBT
As I was typing this up, with the feeds still on in the background, Dustin just threw Dick under the bus, and rolled over him a few times, with spikes in his tires... in another private HoH conversation with Kail, Dustin just told her that Dick wanted her out so badly, but that the entire house went against his wishes to keep her, and that Dick was pushing for her ouster incessantly. LIAR!!!

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Big Brother 8 Nominations Spoiler

As expected, Jen and Kail have been nominated. Far less expected was this reaction from Jen. Dustin's upstairs with Kail, telling her to keep up her "I'm a wreck act" for the week, and she'll be fine. Hmph. He better be lying.

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Big Brother 8 Jen's Crazed Look

The photo below is Jen leaving Dustin & the HoH room around 5:15pm BBT, just as lockdown has been announced.

Is it just me, or does the look in Jen's eyes say, "nominate me again tonight, and I'll be bowling with your severed head later this evening."

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Big Brother 8 Afternoon Report

It was another one of those afternoons in the Big Brother house.. the kind of day that happens when there are nominations on the line, and after everyone's been together a little too long, and they're starting to really get on each other's nerves, and they're done being polite.

It went from Dick and Dustin talking up in HoH, with Dustin advising Dick how to behave around Amber. Simultaneously, Amber was engaged in a whine off to Jameka all about Dick, and Jameka was patient enough to sit and listen for over an hour.

Dick then moved on to a private chat with Eric outside, about general strategy, the Dustin and Amber red flags they were noticing and Amber's stories.

Meanwhile, Nick and Daniele got in some private time... above and below the covers. No slurping noises today, though.

And then Eric and Amber had a talk, during which Amber slammed Dick.

Of course, both Jen and Kail made time for some private chats with Dustin. Kail was in usual form, throwing everyone possible under the bus whilst trying to save herself.

And Nick got in a little workout, much to Zach's chagrin, since he was trying ever so hard to retrieve his buddy status and entice Nick into doing anything with him.

All a big circle of distrust and paranoia. Just a typical afternoon on the feeds. ;)

At the moment, the HGs are outside on lockdown, very likely awaiting the Nomination Ceremony. We'll be here. Will you?

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Interview #2 with Jessica's Mother

In light of Jessica's new alliance with Eric, and her uncanny ability to really be the only player so far whose name doesn't get thrown into the hat for more than a millisecond by anyone discussing current nominations, we thought it might be interesting for everyone to have a little closer look into Jessica, so we relished in the opportunity to speak with Jessica's mother again today.

bb8dish - Thanks so much for making time for us again today. I know how busy you've been! Jess is really playing an excellent game. She's managed to stay under the radar, and off everyone's hit lists, while still forging an alliance with a very strong player in Eric. What's your feeling on Jessica's new alliance partner? Both in her choice, and him.

J-Mom - I really like Eric as a player, and he seems to give Jessica good strategic advice, so I hope they will both go far in the game. Eric is a persuasive speaker, he is very good at getting the other houseguests to do what he wants, so he was an excellent choice to be America’s Player.

bb8dish - As her mom, do you see any romantic possibilities in her eyes, between Jessica & Eric, or do you think she's gonna steer clear of that dangerous path?

J-Mom - I don’t think she would let anything romantic happen in the house. Jessica has a very level head, and knows this is a high stakes game, and I don't think she would trust anyone enough to let them get that close to her.

bb8dish - If you could choose the perfect final 3 for Jessica, at this point, who would it be and why?

J-Mom - Dick, Jen, and Jessica would be the perfect final 3 from a strategic standpoint, simply because both Dick & Jen have enough people who don’t like them, that Jessica might get the majority of jury votes against either of them.

bb8dish - So our readers can have a better understanding of the process, in terms of a letter from home, is this something you've already written, in the case that Jessica wins HoH?

J-Mom - Yes we have written a letter from home for her in the event she should win an HOH competition. It is hard to write one before she even wins a competition, but you have to write it now, so it will be there if she wins. Of course we can’t talk about anything in the game, so it really limits what can be written. We mainly wrote to her that her brother in Iraq is fine, and all the Marines in his unit are supporting her, her dog (Diva) misses her, we love her, she is doing great, etc.

bb8dish - If you were allowed a 2 minute uncensored phone call with Jessica, what would you want to tell her?

J-Mom - I would make her aware of the America’s Player twist, and tell her that Danielle & Dick are working together. I would tell her she is low man on her alliance team, and will be the first one they turn on, so she should be building an alliance they are not aware of – preferably with Jen. I would also tell her not to be intimidated by Dick, as he really seems to genuinely like her – even though she must always remember that blood is thicker than water. I would tell her to have fun, and enjoy this opportunity of a life time, and to put it all out there so she will not come home with any regrets or saying something like "if only I had..." or "I wish I had done....". And if there was still time, of course, how proud I am of her, that I love her, and miss her!

bb8dish - Thanks so much for talking with us again. Like the rest of America, we're really impressed with your daughter, and we wish her all the best!

J-Mom - Thank you for giving me the chance to talk more about Jessica, and I would also like to say “THANK YOU” to all of Jessica’s supporters who have been so very kind and generous with all the mail, email, phone calls, articles, news stories, etc.

bb8dish - Oh, and thanks so much for volunteering Jessica for the fundraiser for Bekah!

J-Mom - I know she will be touched that you asked her to participate in such a worthy cause!!

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The Big Brother 8 Food Comp is Over

It's still a bit too soon to tell for sure who's on slop and who isn't, but here's a few pics of the HGs post Food Comp. Judging by posture alone, I think it's a safe bet Dani's on real food, whereas, by the same criteria, it would appear Zach's on slop... I wasn't able to grab a screenshot of Dick just now, but I believe he's on slop, as well. Hmmm.. ED on slop - that's going to be an interesting experience for everyone. Sounds like Jess might be safe from slop too. Jameka's a tough call, but I maintain hope for all the "slop girls."

Final Slop Results:
(lets hear it for body language analysis!)
On Slop:

Not On Slop:
    *bodes well for maintaining the Nominations during the Veto Comp

King Dustin adresses his loyal (?) subjects...

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Big Brother Food Comp Coming Right Up

10:30am BBT
BB: Good Morning, Houseguests. You have one hour until the food competition.

The HGs have been awoken, and are setting about their morning rituals. Nick brushes his teeth, then heads up to HoH to listen to some tunes and re-connect with Dustin and Amber. Dustin takes off to go chat with Kail, who makes her play, and Dustin tells her the house wants the original alliance to go home, and that means you, Zach... Kail brings up jury preferences, and "If you put me up as a pawn... " she starts vote counting... Dustin is so intent on Kail's words, it makes one wonder if he is true to his own alliance.

Nick takes the opportunity to talk to Amber and find out what's goin' on. Amber fills him in about the agreed upon nominations of Jen and Kail, with Zach as an alternate.

Have a look:

2007 CuteKid of the Year
Submit your Toddlers photos
Free Membership and chance to Win

As of about 11:25am BBT, the food comp has begun. How about a collective little prayer that Dani stays on the no-slop list?

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Big Brother 8 Overnight Report

With a new HoH in town, the game started over again last night. There were a TON of important conversations happening all over the feeds all night long. Here are some snippets from a few of the key conversations.

Zach & Dustin
Dustin pays his first dues as HoH.
Just after 11pm BBT, Zach headed up to the HoH Room to plead his case and try to make a connection with Dustin. He came across as such a sad sack, I actually feel sorry for him on a personal level (not game). Zach did most of the talking. Here are a few snippets:

Zach: I miss being part of a project... accomplishing things like at work...I don't have an Amber... I feel like there are people here who don't deserve to be here... I feel like I'm stuck in a Hollywood night club, and I'm back in high school getting picked last for PE. I wish I were more desirable to someone in this house, so I could have a buddy.
    ***oy! poor kid! he's really depressed.
The E-J Mutual Admiration Society
11:15pm BBT
Eric & Jessica
While Zach is up in the HoH Room, the Eric and Jessica mutual admiration society (of 2) are having a lovely stroll out in the backyard, expressing their happiness with each other and with getting some alone time to talk. They acknowledge their side alliance, and believe they are keeping a low enough profile to dodge any major bullets any time soon, especially since Dani-Dick, Dani-Nick, and Dustin-Amber are so much more overt as couple alliances.

They discuss the possibility of including Jen as a side alliance, but purely to aid them in a big power move later down the line.

Eric: When it gets to smaller numbers, instead of waiting for someone to put the two of us up, we should strike first and put them up.
Jessica agrees
Eric: I think Nick is on his last legs, but we need to take him out before he recharges.
Jessica: Yup.
Eric: We really chose to send the wrong person home this week... I knew it, but I just didn't want to push too hard for it. Kail is a much bigger threat. The only reason Amber, Dustin and Jameka wanted Kail to stay is because they thought they could use her.
    A bit later, Eric has a very similar conversation with Daniele, and also includes his theory about the "God Alliance" blossoming between Amber, Jameka and Kail. Daniele sees it too, and although she was raised in the church, she disagrees with bringing it into the game.

Pre-LNC Meeting, Dustin & Amber HoH Solo Chat
2:30am BBT
Dustin & Amber

Amber is doing her best to keep Nick off the block this week, and showing us that she has a much better grasp on this game and everyone's secrets than she's been given credit for.

Dustin: I think you trust Nick more than you're letting on.
Amber: My relationship with him helps both of us...

Dustin: I don't like your loyalties to Nick.
Amber: There are 2 sides to our group. Dick and Eric are going to try to get in your head to put Nick up, because Nick isn't beneficial to them, but he is for us...
I'm also pretty sure Eric and Jessica are in a secret alliance, based on all the time they've been spending together... Danielle is totally on our side, and so is Jameka.

This is a long conversation, and Amber isn't missing any opportunity to pepper her conversation with negative talk about Eric.

Getting back to Nick, Amber lets Dustin know that she wants Nick in the sequester house, because she believes he will be a vote for them to win.

LNC Meeting
Covered in prior post...

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Big Brother 8 Screen Shots

While I'm getting the overnight report together, I recommend you read the post below this one for a pre-nomination ceremony spoiler, and then go have a look at our Big Brother Screen Shots blog, bb8dishcaps. We've got a team of really terrific cappers working overtime for ya over there. :)

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Big Brother 8 Nomination Prediction Spoiler

As I near the end of my first cup of coffee at 4:30am BBT, an outdoor meeting of the LNC (late night crew), including Daniele, is drawing to a close. After a sh**-storm of dizzying intellect, it has been agreed upon that Jen and Kail will be the nominees this week, with Zach as the replacement, barring new information on Nick.

Should the nominations remain the same throughout the week, Kail is their agreed upon target, no matter what new garbage she tries to manipulate into the works. They've all been instructed to listen, walk away and have a nice laugh at whatever comes out of the mouths of any of the former MRA.

At 4:35am BBT, Daniele makes a move to go to bed. I'm intrigued to see if they flip the script once she's gone... And, that's a no. Although Eric did engage in some more forceful Nick bashing, to again misdirect the lingering missing Kail eviction vote suspicions, there was nothing of any great import.

Turn em on, folks. If you've got a few minutes before work or school, the feeds are on fire. A more comprehensive Overnight Report will be posted by 9am BBT. At the moment, 5:30am BBT, the LNC has moved on from Nominations and the Imminent Threat of Nick, to discussing Jen's (how can I put this delicately?) general lack of basic hygiene... this is not for the timid or easily grossed out. Blech.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

BB8 Nick - How Could They
Distrust this Face?

There's been so much game talk since Dustin took over the power in the house, it's hard to keep up. Nick remains the least trusted person in the house, and in addition to his more obvious attributes, he really seems to be pure of heart and intent, and terribly misunderstood.

Am I blinded by beauty? Sure. Maybe a little bit. Is that amplified by the fact he's a dead ringer for an old boyfriend of mine? Yah, sure, you betcha.

But he's become the scapegoat in the house, and it makes me sad.

Ah well... Here's hoping Dustin neither nominates nor backdoors him. His name has only come up in passing. At this point, Dustin seems focused on eliminating Kail, Zach and Jen first... So much can change week to week, hour to hour, minute to minute in this game, it's a fools errand to plan too far ahead.

Dick is feeling extremely safe. He went up and did a victory dance with Dustin in the HoH room a little while ago. Jessica, Eric and Jameka also have another week off. Dani's very likely safe as well, but Dustin told Dick he doesn't want her included in the LNC (late night crew) meetings, because she tells Nick everything. Dick was not offended.

At the moment, Dani and Dick are having a private conversation about what she would like to have in her HoH room (when people are within earshot) and Nick's feelings for her, and the awkward position it puts her in... Also, they're delving into their own relationship. The best part: they're actually talking, not yelling, and calmly. Communication accomplished. Dick just let her know that she'd be left out of most of the planning conversations, because of her relationship with Nick. She was non-plussed.

I strongly recommend you turn on the feeds right now. There are at least 4 conversations going on at once, and well, basically, it's a brand new game again! :)

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A Favor for BB8Dish

If you love bb8dish, how about helping us to get added to CBS Fan Central? Click here to send a message to CBS asking them to add to their Fan Central page.

On CBS' page, please make sure to select Big Brother 8 & "Request" and to paste in the correct url for the site:

Thank you!

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Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoilers

Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoilers will be posted the moment they happen... Usually around half way through the show for the eviction, then at the end of the show for the new HoH.

All live show spoilers and follow-up commentary will be posted Deeeeep within the blog, and will be accessible only by clicking a specific link, until the show has aired on the West Coast.

If you don't want the show spoiled, don't click the link. Otherwise, here ya go.

Live Show Spoiler Link

Enjoy the Show!! We'll be bloggin' it all night long...

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Another Big Brother 8 Quickie Survey

Now that Dick Week has just about drawn to a close, it's time to start thinking about the HoH Comp tonight, and the upcoming week.

1. Who would you most like to see as the next HoH?
2. Who would you least like to see as the next HoH?
3. If you were HoH next week, who would you nominate for eviction?

Please leave your numbered answers here in the comment section of the blog.

If you're up for another survey, there's one just a little below this post. :)

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Wake Up Big Brother Houseguests!

BB started the wake-up music at 10:20am BBT. He's still workin' on it. A few are up, but most have opted for the snooze button.

BB: Hello Houseguests. Tonight is the Live broadcast. Please tidy the house.

BB: Dick, please remove your things from the Head of Household room, so we can prepare it for the new Head of Household. You have one hour.

And starring in the role of HG who needs to win HoH most, but may not realize it:

Please save Carolyn's eye candy.

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Quickie Survey

As of 9:57am BBT, the HGs are kind enough to still be asleep, thereby allowing me the time to catch up . I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on the events of yesterday and last night now, and I've got a couple of observations and questions for you.

There was a big meeting up the HoH room last night that didn't break up until around 4:30am BBT. During the meeting everyone was discussing who to evict, and while people were excited about the opportunity to get rid of Kail, they seem to be acquiescing to Dick's (unfortunate) wishes to evict Mike. Eric's playing it smart, both upstairs and in his subsequent meeting with Dick outside, still subtly laying groundwork, but frankly, running out of time.

1. Do you think Eric will be able to successfully complete his task and get Kail evicted?

2. What sort of stunt do you see Eric coming up with in the next few hours to cause some urgency and make it happen?

3. Do you think this one's just a lost cause, and Eric would be wise to just let it go?

Please leave your numbered answers here in the comments section of the blog. :) Thank you.

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A Little Update...

Thank you for your prayers and good advice.

Mom was released from the hospital last night around 10pm... She had this big procedure, and as it turns out there was no blockage, which is great, and i'm so thankful, but honestly i'd like to personally throttle her cardiologist for making such a horrible diagnosis based in less than 100% proof.

He scared the piss outta me, and the rest of the family...

I may be back blogging later today, but at the moment i'm just not sure... it took a lot out of me yesterday, so i may just recouperate a little today, take care of mom, who's very uncomfortable due to the procedure, and come back after the live show tonight...

we'll see...

for now, i think i'm gonna go for a bike ride and shake off the cobwebs...

i've been up since 6am eastern watching and enjoying the live feeds, and i strongly recommend you do the same. while i've been up, there was a big meeting up in the hoh room, during which dick, eric, amber, justin, jameka and jessica all discussed the vote, and left it at voting out mike, although most were very excited about the possibility of ousting kail, so there's still hope eric may complete our task...

eric is currently outside with dick, subtly pushing his agenda, along with the future potentials...

ok.. i think that counts as a little blogging... i may be back sooner than i think. :) thanks again for all your support.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Update on Carolyn's Mom

I just got off the phone with Carolyn. Her mom is doing good and resting comfortably in the hospital. Thank you all for your warm wishes and prayers!!

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An explanation

Please accept my apologies for the lack of posting today. After taking my mother to her cardiologist appointment this morning for some tests, my world got turned upside down. She has a blockage in her artery, and is currently in the hospital undergoing a procedure to fix it. I'm barely holding it together... Anyway, just wanted to let you all know. God willing everything will be back to normal very soon. I appreciate your prayers and good wishes very very much, but I'm avoiding checking comments right now, because the folks at jokers just discovered the interview i did with dani's boyfriend kris like 2 weeks ago, so the comments section has been overrun by extreme nastiness (the likes of which i don't condone, so i delete 'em.) directed at me, primarily, and at daniele, and i just can't deal... and I shouldn't have to. It's a kinder, gentler blog...

Hope you guys enjoy the feeds today... I wish I was there with you.


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BB8Dish for Bekah!

We've been busy little beavers here in dish-land. About a week ago, we decided it wasn't enough to simply post & promote all the auctions that are being done to raise money for Howie's (girlfriend's Goddaughter) Bekah, or to donate 100% of the bonus for free trial sign-ups from this specially encoded link: Watch Big Brother 8 on SuperPass, so we set about contacting some of our friends and creating some of our own auction opportunities for Howie's assistant Jerzeechik to add to the bunch. Here's what we've come up with so far:

Win a 15 Minute Phone Call with BB8's Jessica!
- Thanks, J-Mom! You rock!

Bid on a 10 Minute Call with Chip Arndt, Winner of TAR 4!
Chip would like to remind everyone
that this is about saving Bekah's life...

- Kudos to DishDudeDoug for making this happen!!
He's got more where this came from, too!

OK.. the following 4 auctions aren't even up yet (as of 6:24am BBT), but we're so excited about these, we really can't wait! Huge props to our favorite chopper ever for donating 4 of her beautiful Janelle chops, signed by Janie herself, to the Bekah auctions! Here are the C=Venus Chops that'll be going up very soon!

More good news! I just checked, and as of 7am BBT, the C=Venus chops are up now! :) Go! Bid and be happy! :) Together we have the opportunity to do so much good.

Click here to see ALL the Big Brother All-Star listings

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The Big Brother 8 Overnight Report

It's been a really fun night in the Big Brother House, so in that vein, this overnight report is going to be a bit different from most.

Funny quotes of the night:

10:37pm BBT
Dustin: Every day, Jen looks more and more like a transvestite.

10:45pm BBT
Amber: When will we found out who's America's favorite? I think I'm America's favorite.

10:54pm BBT
Amber, Dustin, Nick & Dani
Dustin's leaving to go to the bathroom...
Amber (to Dustin): Don't leave me. I don't wanna be the 3rd wheel.
Nick: No, no. First you have to be two wheels. I'm one
wheel, ready to commit to a bicycle. The other one is a flat.

America's Player Task:
Around 1:45am, in the Big Room, Eric lets us know that Kail is America's Pick for Eviction in the following conversation with Amber & Dustin:

Eric: Maybe the group should reevaluate their decision to evict Mike... Just because one person said Mike should go, we shouldn't automatically do it. I believe we should have an open forum where all of us get together and weigh our best interests. I have information about Kail... she may be targeting the 'more neutral' players.

Dustin: Let's talk about it now, then.

Eric: (just planting seeds) That's fine, but we have until Thursday.
    ***Ok, now we know.. It's another Live Vote this week. Thanks, Eric!
Dustin pushes to have the discussion tonight.
    ***For Eric's sake, I really hope Dustin doesn't stay true to form and run ASAP to Dick with info.
Immediately following this conversation, Eric changes direction completely, in a beautiful mis-direction, and makes a play for the pranksters who've been hiding his clothes.

He's been planning this move for about the past day now, and he orchestrates it beautifully.

Eric gathers all of his clothing from the SR where Nick and Dustin have been hiding it, and puts it all on, so he looks like
he's wearing his entire retrieved wardrobe at once.

He tosses a couple of their favorite things high up into the covered lighting in the living room, and calls everyone together for his announcement. The crowd is delighted.

Dustin's shocked.
Nick 'White Men Can Jump!' retrieves his items with ease.
Dick is tickled by the whole thing.

Mike Remembers he's Here to Play the Game:
In a very quick conversation with Jen, it suddenly dawns on Mike that he needs to start amassing votes for himself. His argument: people have to start deciding who they want with them in the jury house. He asks her for any info she might have on who people are leaning toward.
    ***It's not much, but it's a start.

Jedi Training, Drunken BB8 Style:
3:25am BBT
Living Room

It starts with just Eric and Jessica, just goofing around in the living room, and soon grows to include Dick, Jen and Jameka.

Eric: What color is the couch?
Jess: Red.

Jess: What color is the wall paper?
Eric: Green.
Eric: What color are Dustin's nipples?
Jess: Red.
Eric: They're more of a peach color.

Nick passes by and toots out loud.

Eric: What color is Nick's underwear now?
Jess: Brown.

At 3:41am BBT, the HGs are starting to fade, or maybe they're just gearing up for their 3rd wind. :)

Apart from a very short version of the Dick at Night show, that was it for the night.

The feeds are gonna be very intense from the time they all wake up today, till tomorrow night at the Live Vote, and then it'll all start over again! With Eric trying to accomplish his task and get Kail evicted, and the nominees working their own angles... it's going to be a very game intensive next 36ish hours.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ask And you Shall Receive

As of 8:45pm BBT,
All's right in the BB world...
Nick and Dani are in bed together...

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C=Venus Strikes Again

Now that we know the answer to Who's Playing Who, I thought it a good time to bust this Nick/Dani C=Venus chop. Poor Nick. It had to happen sooner or later. Let's see how long the cold shoulder lasts, and if it turns ugly.

Sad thing is, I'm actually jonesing for some Nick-Dani time... lol... pitiful. It's early yet. There's plenty of time. I really can't see her maintaining the cold shoulder too, too long.

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America's Player Task

The lines are open, so to speak. Who are you telling Eric to evict from the Big Brother House?

My votes are to evict Kail. 100%.

Eric's a savvy enough player to make it happen, folks. Let's give him the opportunity.

Click Here to Vote!

And let us know who you choose for Eric to evict.

When you're done voting, turn the feeds back on. Dick & Jen are outside talking about porn, weird sexual situations and the like, and Jess and Eric are having a bubble bath together! Really! I'm not kidding.

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The Tuesday Night BB8 Show on CBS

How much does production love Evil Dick? Well, all you have to do is listen to the scoring of the show: Dick has his own theme music. LMAO! Gotta love it! When, in the history of reality tv, has one contestant had their own theme music to underscore their every movement throughout the house? Never. Just Dick. Kinda evil, completely rockin', beautifully realized. Bravo, Miss Grodner!

OK, on to the Veto Comp. Wow. Now it's all clear. Now I get it. Now I understand why Dick flipped the script and decided to push for Mike's eviction over Kail's, but... it still doesn't make it a good choice on his part. Mike's loyalty to Kail completely overrode his logic... Dick's 100% correct: this was quite possibly the stupidest move in the history of Big Brother. I'll reserve final judgment on that till about 8:35 on Thursday night when we know for certain who get voted out.

Production also did an amazing job of conveying Dick's complete paranoiac power tripping of the week, while beautifully integrating all the arguments of Sunday night, as much as they could given the limited time format.

Nick's edit was a little heavy on the nice-midwestern-boy tack, versus the reality of the heated exchange we saw on the feeds. Dick's approach to Daniele in the Hammock was completely out of context in the real timeline, but they made it work for story purposes and drama. It's interesting they decided to turn the entire episode into "Dick on a Rampage" when we know there was so much incredible footage from watching the live feeds. No doubt it'll all end up in some later episodes.

Eh. The tv only's will never know any better anyway. They never do. ;)

Open mouth - insert spoon. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Ain't tv grand. ;)

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What an Odd Day in the Big Brother House

It's been a long, strange day in Big Brother world... First off, Nick and Dani have barely said 2 words to each other. Daniele apparently woke up this morning and decided she was done with Nick, completely. In honor of Kris' birthday, perhaps, but it definitely feels weird on the viewing end. There's no direct animosity, just absolutely nothing...

Secondly, it's Tuesday. Evictions are either being taped tomorrow during the day or live Thursday (we don't know yet), and there has been no campaigning whatsoever. Completely bizarre. Mike did make an effort today to actually communicate with people, but never on the subject of actual votes, just chatting. Kail never stops, but even she is going at this from a different angle - making sure to have innocuous one-on-one talks with people.

I have to believe it's going to heat up tonight. The alternative is too strange. Hello!! This is Big Brother - there's $500,000 on the line here kids. State your case.

Should be a hot time on the feeds after the show's over. Time's running short.

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Early Afternoon in the Big Brother House

The HGs are on exterior lockdown, and have been for about the past 90 minutes. I sincerely doubt there's actually anything going on in the house to call for a lockdown... I'm thinking BB just wanted their butts outta bed! It worked. ;)
Very impressed with Dick's ability to avert his eyes from Jen's rack here. Like her or not, he's male, close by and human.

Here's Dani talking about how much $$ she makes at Hooters - about $150/day... mmm.. P.A. rate (worst possible) 10 years ago. No thank you. Get another job, Dani.
In case you're wondering where Nick is: he's right next to Dani where he belongs, just hidden by Zach. Shirtless and hidden. There oughta be a law. :::sigh:::

On the Nick/Dani front, btw, Dani was doing the highschool girl thing this morning, gossiping about Nick to Amber, and saying loud enough for her dad to hear, "I'm so over it!" We'll see about that. But.. awfully considerate of her not to be too overt about the whole thing on her boyfriend's birthday.

Dick: I really don't remember anyone from BB6. Kaysar was a tool. The only one I liked was Janelle, and not because she was a hot chick - because she kicked a$$ in the competitions.

As of 2:08pm, Lockdown is over! They are free to move about the house, and apart from Eric and Amber, still in the pool, all have gone in.

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Wakeup Call.

10:43am BBT

Dani's in the small room, in her towel, having completed her hair/makeup routine, and along comes BB.

BB: Good Morning Houseguests. It's time to get up for the day.

They all rise, as if from the dead, music begins and we have Papa Smurf's colonoscopy MRI.

The fun should begin any minute now. :) While we wait, did any one else catch the conversation between Jen and Zach (or was it Mike?) the other day about how they've been intentionally modifying their behavior during the Showtime hours so as not to appear nuts to too many people? They went as far as getting paranoid about the accuracy of the clocks inside the house, and wondering if they should give themselves an extra half an hour past whatever the clocks say.. just to be safe.

I keep tellin' people the feeds are the only way to go. Here's just a little more proof. ;)

They're mostly up... BB's giving some a snooze button option, apparently. ;) Dustin, Eric, Daniele, Kail, Mike and Nick are up and about. Nick seems grumpy. Everyone else is ok.

They're talking and laughing in the kitchen. Nick went outside, so I'm guessing he's about to have his morning dip in the Jacuzzi. For now, he's weightlifting - doing shrugs.

Kail's inside talking game with Dustin, who's assuring her that she's doing exactly the right thing to keep herself in the game, in terms of keeping calm and building relationships. Mike's outside and he's actually chatty for a change, exchanging banter with Daniele, as Jen looks on from the hammock.

Dick's finally arisen from the dead. So it's official - they're up!

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