Who Would You?
The HGs are playing the game again, and Elizabeth from Canada just gave us a great idea. We wanna play too! So... Who would you....
- Have sex with?
- Marry?
- Throw off the bridge?
SPOILER ALERT!! At bb8dish, we cover the live feeds. Much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb8dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
The HGs are playing the game again, and Elizabeth from Canada just gave us a great idea. We wanna play too! So... Who would you....
Immediately when the feeds came back on after the Veto comp., the first thing we saw was Dick going off on Jen. The next thing we saw was Amber crying. It took a little time to piece together what all of the drama was about, but here ya go...
The feeds showed a brief moment of inside the house. The BB crew seems to be setting up a large flat panel monitor. I cannot make out what the large box-like things are. At first glance, I thought they were podiums for the players. Now it looks as if they are boxes that have not been unpacked, yet. What do you think?
Unreal. They woke the HGs up ages ago, and sent them all outside on lockdown around 8am-ish, and now it's just after Noon BBT, and they're still waiting, and so are we! Grrrr... OK, Art Department... you've had your 4 hours. Chop, Chop!
They're up, on outdoor lockdown, and waiting for the Veto Comp to begin. BB has supplied the non-slop crew, fka the slop girls + Eric, with a nice Bagel spread for breakfast. Nick's working out, Dustin's passed out, and Zach's wandering about... solo.
The players for the veto competition will be:
It's going nuts again... turn on the feeds, folks.
As expected, Jen and Kail have been nominated. Far less expected was this reaction from Jen. Dustin's upstairs with Kail, telling her to keep up her "I'm a wreck act" for the week, and she'll be fine. Hmph. He better be lying.
The photo below is Jen leaving Dustin & the HoH room around 5:15pm BBT, just as lockdown has been announced.
It's still a bit too soon to tell for sure who's on slop and who isn't, but here's a few pics of the HGs post Food Comp. Judging by posture alone, I think it's a safe bet Dani's on real food, whereas, by the same criteria, it would appear Zach's on slop... I wasn't able to grab a screenshot of Dick just now, but I believe he's on slop, as well. Hmmm.. ED on slop - that's going to be an interesting experience for everyone. Sounds like Jess might be safe from slop too. Jameka's a tough call, but I maintain hope for all the "slop girls."
With a new HoH in town, the game started over again last night. There were a TON of important conversations happening all over the feeds all night long. Here are some snippets from a few of the key conversations.
While I'm getting the overnight report together, I recommend you read the post below this one for a pre-nomination ceremony spoiler, and then go have a look at our Big Brother Screen Shots blog, bb8dishcaps. We've got a team of really terrific cappers working overtime for ya over there. :)
If you love bb8dish, how about helping us to get added to CBS Fan Central? Click here to send a message to CBS asking them to add http://bb8dish.blogspot.com to their Fan Central page.
Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoilers will be posted the moment they happen... Usually around half way through the show for the eviction, then at the end of the show for the new HoH.
Now that Dick Week has just about drawn to a close, it's time to start thinking about the HoH Comp tonight, and the upcoming week.
BB started the wake-up music at 10:20am BBT. He's still workin' on it. A few are up, but most have opted for the snooze button.
As of 9:57am BBT, the HGs are kind enough to still be asleep, thereby allowing me the time to catch up . I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on the events of yesterday and last night now, and I've got a couple of observations and questions for you.
Thank you for your prayers and good advice.
I just got off the phone with Carolyn. Her mom is doing good and resting comfortably in the hospital. Thank you all for your warm wishes and prayers!!
Please accept my apologies for the lack of posting today. After taking my mother to her cardiologist appointment this morning for some tests, my world got turned upside down. She has a blockage in her artery, and is currently in the hospital undergoing a procedure to fix it. I'm barely holding it together... Anyway, just wanted to let you all know. God willing everything will be back to normal very soon. I appreciate your prayers and good wishes very very much, but I'm avoiding checking comments right now, because the folks at jokers just discovered the interview i did with dani's boyfriend kris like 2 weeks ago, so the comments section has been overrun by extreme nastiness (the likes of which i don't condone, so i delete 'em.) directed at me, primarily, and at daniele, and i just can't deal... and I shouldn't have to. It's a kinder, gentler blog...
We've been busy little beavers here in dish-land. About a week ago, we decided it wasn't enough to simply post & promote all the auctions that are being done to raise money for Howie's (girlfriend's Goddaughter) Bekah, or to donate 100% of the bonus for free trial sign-ups from this specially encoded link: Watch Big Brother 8 on SuperPass, so we set about contacting some of our friends and creating some of our own auction opportunities for Howie's assistant Jerzeechik to add to the bunch. Here's what we've come up with so far:
It's been a really fun night in the Big Brother House, so in that vein, this overnight report is going to be a bit different from most.
Now that we know the answer to Who's Playing Who, I thought it a good time to bust this Nick/Dani C=Venus chop. Poor Nick. It had to happen sooner or later. Let's see how long the cold shoulder lasts, and if it turns ugly.
The lines are open, so to speak. Who are you telling Eric to evict from the Big Brother House?
How much does production love Evil Dick? Well, all you have to do is listen to the scoring of the show: Dick has his own theme music. LMAO! Gotta love it! When, in the history of reality tv, has one contestant had their own theme music to underscore their every movement throughout the house? Never. Just Dick. Kinda evil, completely rockin', beautifully realized. Bravo, Miss Grodner!
It's been a long, strange day in Big Brother world... First off, Nick and Dani have barely said 2 words to each other. Daniele apparently woke up this morning and decided she was done with Nick, completely. In honor of Kris' birthday, perhaps, but it definitely feels weird on the viewing end. There's no direct animosity, just absolutely nothing...
The HGs are on exterior lockdown, and have been for about the past 90 minutes. I sincerely doubt there's actually anything going on in the house to call for a lockdown... I'm thinking BB just wanted their butts outta bed! It worked. ;)