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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Evening in the BB House

9:50pm BBT
Round Bedroom
Jen and Dustin

After a chat with Kail in the Storage Room, Dustin has now moved on to Jen, who will hopefully do a much better job of maneuvering around his questions than Kail did. Go, Jen. Go! Dustin is lying his ass off, as usual. Jen's doing a great job of deflecting his transparent desperation.

Meanwhile, Jess is spilling all the beans to Eric in the Small Bedroom. Interesting, since just a few minutes ago, she was treating him like he had the plague. Now he's playing the emotional card... And it seems he's won her back. At 10:05pm BBT, Eric said, "I know I'm going home." Jess responded, "No you're not! I'm the deciding vote!" OK.. looks like Jess is good with Eric now, but there are 5 long days in the BB house before the vote.

Meanwhile, Dustin's back with Amber and Jameka, and he's telling them, "I spoke with all 4 of them, and I got a different story from each one." He says Kail isn't buying it either.

It's really hard to tell who is on what side tonight, and there are important conversations happening on every feed tonight, folks. I strongly recommend you turn them on!

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Crucifixion - BB Style

Dinner has begun. The fireworks should soon follow. The tension is beyond thick...

After a transparent round-the-table lead-in of "What did you learn today," started by Jameka, the planned dinner outing of Eric was silently called off.

It was glaringly apparent that there'd been a leak, so without a word on the subject, Dick just remained peaceful...

That wont last long.

It's also a case of Saved by the Slop-Fertilizer Head Bath, which all of the Bunny Suited Veto Participants are off to do again in just a couple of minutes, and again once and hour for the next 24, give or take.

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BB8 Dick & Dani Form Alliance with Jen

6pm BBT
HoH Room
Dick & Jen - joined later by Dani

Yes, you read that right. Up in Dani's HoH, in the "conversation of the mother f'in month," Dick and Jen just called a truce, shook and hugged on it, decided to join forces, and "start throwing rocks at the gallery," because they've all been sitting by "watching us be the targets, and no one, NO ONE, should feel safe in this house."

The mere idea of a secret Jen-Dick-Dani alliance could well be the best, boldest and least expected move ever in Big Brother.

Dick: Eric has deals with everyone. He's already sold out Dustin to me.
Jen: To me also.
Dick: Who is his number one? Who? HE is!!

They take note of the fact that between the 4 of them, Dani, Dick, Jen & Kail, they've held all the power in the house, HoH and PoV. Dustin's one week, not withstanding.

: Jameka's the only other one whose won PoV, and she used it on me!
Dick: This has been a ping-pong match between you and us, where everyone else is just watching it all happen. A game of throwing rocks between the two sides when everyone else is sitting there feeling safe. No one should feel safe in this house. You know what? Let's start throwing rocks at the gallery. No one should feel safe. Nobody. In this game, no one should ever feel safe, and Eric is shi--ing himself right now... Please don't tell Kail any of this...
Jen: I haven't trusted Kail for a while... I'm still gonna be her friend, and I'm still gonna talk to her... but I have been very selective about what I tell Kail... not only because I don't trust her, also cuz then I have to talk about it for hours...
Dick: (joking) You should've curled your eyelashes, cuz they're gonna be on the show. ;)

Jen goes to look at her eyelashes. Laughs...

Dick: It's all good. We have a treaty here between the two fighting factions, and it's all good.

There is a "mass outing" of Eric due to happen shortly. Turn em on folks. You don't want to miss this! Amazing night on the feeds... and it just keeps getting better.

7:51pm BBT
Right before dinner, Jameka just drew her line in the sand. She's outing Jen + D&D to Eric... calling them out on their 90 minute upstairs meeting, made friends, probably in an alliance... Amber joins the party.
Jameka: What did he call me?
Eric: The Bible Belt Alliance.
Amber: She said I pushed to get Nick out? F her!

Stupid girls.

Zach comes out to break up the pow-wow.

A few minutes later, Jameka and Jess have a whisper session in the Small Bedroom, and in one moment it looks like Jameka's flipping, but then she flops again.

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Big Brother 8 Veto Spoiler

Big Brother 8

Veto Spoiler
Jen's in a Bunny suit...

Jameka's in tears...

Waiting to see who's wearing it...
Jen won Veto!
Commentary Below...

Get used to the Bunny suit. She'll be in it for the next week, or maybe a day? Same goes for Kail, Dani (?)... Sounds like everyone who played for the Veto, minus Dustin, will be in Bunny suits for a while, depending upon what they bid. Cute.

Apparently, in addition to the bunny suits, the HGs opted to subject the house to hourly sirens going off all night long (our idea from last season).

Zach's up in HoH with Dani and Dick, talking about a $10,000 prize. Sounds like it was a slop bid... Jen and Kail are on slop for the rest of the time they're here.

Downstairs, Eric just said, "once she finishes, she's on slop for 30 days." I believe he's referring to Dani. Not positive - could be Jen. I really hope it's not Dani.

Dick: That was the most brutal PoV ever in the history of the show.

Among the the questions and challenges of this Power of Veto Competition were:
  1. Give up playing for HoH...
  2. How long will you go on slop?
  3. Give up 1/2 of the prize money - $250,00
Kail gave up the right to play for HoH for 5 weeks.
Jameka just said "I'm not safe for the next 5 weeks, " so she likely gave up HoH as well.

Once per hour, for the next 24 hours, everyone in a bunny suit must pour a bucket of water and fertilizer over their head.

3:20pm BBT
Dani calls Jess up to HoH, and the plotting against Eric resumes...

Turn on the feeds, folks. It's going to be a very interesting evening.

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Big Brother 8 Pre-Veto Competition Shenanigans

Pre-Veto Comp
12:20pm BBT
Dick is taking turns doing his pre-game intimidation routine on Kail and Jen. Both seem pretty well over it and unaffected... they've heard it all before.
Dick: Tick tock, time is up.
    ***This is his oft repeated refrain to Kail today.
12:30pm BBT
Daniele lets Dick know that she wants to knock Dustin and Jameka out first. She's concerned.
Dani: I don't know if we can really trust Jen, but we can use her to our advantage.
Dick: Some people are worthless... like Amber... and can't win anything.

Dani and Dick agree that Kail is the ultimate target - the one to get out of the Veto Comp. They are suspicious of an agreement of sorts between Kail, Dustin, Amber and Eric.

Dani: When Amber was handcuffed to Kail, she said that she could use Kail to her advantage.
Dick: Amber can't use a f'ing roll of toilet paper. She's an f'ing mess.

We have trivia now, and it's been up since 1:12pm BBT. Not really sure if it's to do with the Veto Competition beginning or Dick's threatening to pour bleach all over Jen's clothing for messing with his smokes.

I'll go out on a limb and say Veto's very likely underway. Clothing assault is not the same as personal assault... ;)

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Big Brother 8 HGs are Making My Brain Hurt

11:18am BBT
There is so much conflicting plotting going on right now, I don't know which end is up. At one moment, Jessica and Jameka seem as though they've crossed over to D&D's side, in the next, no. Dustin's a snake, so I don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth, period, and he's doing a lot of talking. Amber's fallen out with Dustin, and traded him in for Jameka, so there's some level of hope there, but with Amber, no one really knows.

Dick's been bucking for Dani keeping the noms the safe, if at all possible. Dick's also been whispering with Dustin, and then fast moved on to Eric... Trying to mend fences a little? He'd be better served just realizing he and Dani are, have been and always will be the main targets of the LNC, no matter what they do, or what the LNC says.

11:30am BBT
Eric is finally starting to play calm and smart. He's been flying accusations for the past 24 hours, and now he's having a calm, reasoned sit-down with Jameka. Eric, keep it up. You look much less guilty when you're calm.

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Who is the New Janelle on Big Brother 8?

We keep getting comments, here and on myspace, comparing both Jen and Daniele to Janelle. Personally, I think Janie stands in a class all by herself, but I'm more than willing to listen to arguments for both sides.

Who do you think the new Janie is, and why?

Please leave your comments here on the blog. Just click where it says comments at the bottom right of the post. And if you're going to be anonymous about it, do us a favor and sign off with a first name or something.... just makes it nicer when we comment back - instead of addressing comments to Anon#1, 2, etc...

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The Big Brother Houseguests are Up
& Veto Begins at 11am BBT

9:07am BBT
BB: Good Morning Houseguests. It's time to get up for the day.

The HGs are up and about, bathing and fixing breakfast, getting their game faces on and their minds in order for the

upcoming Veto Competition.

They've been told the Veto Competition will begin at 11am BBT.

9:38am BBT
BB: Dick, Please go to the Diary Room.

Workout Room
9:39am BBT
Dustin & Kail
Dustin: They're setting you up. Trust me. Why would you ever trust Daniele and Dick?
Kail: But why would Daniele say that then?
Dustin: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

A few moments go by, then... Dustin moves on to Zach.

It's all moving very fast right now... Dustin's jumping from room to room, person to person. Dick and Dani are going over the plan and potentially modifying it. And on and on....

Turn on the live feeds. It's gonna be a another crazy day in the Big Brother House.

10am BBT
(Art Dep't running late?)
BB: Good Morning House Guests. The Veto Competition will begin in 2 hours.

The HGs erupt in a chorus of WTFs. They coulda' been sleeping another 2 hours... and the scheming resumes.

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Overnight Report

Jen & Kail: Secrets, Plans and Failure to Disclose
a joint effort by: Doug & Carolyn
10:50pm BBT
Kail & Jen

Kail: I picked Jameka, because I didn't have much to choose from. We need to win HOH... and try to get someone back-doored.
Jen: Definitely. I think Daniele might back-door E.D.
Kail: Are you serious?! I find that really hard to believe... Still, if E.D. was gone, the 2 of us could work with Dani, and that would be amazing.
Jen: (echoes her approval of this notion)
    ***Now there's a concept. Jen's bent if she thinks Dani'll eliminate Dick, but if the 4 of them could work together, that would be wonderful at this point! Otherwise Dick and Dani's only hope of surviving the next HoH is Dick winning it!
    ***And if Dani and Dick go, I fear I'll be flipping firmly into the Jen/Kail camp. The NH bugs!

Kail & Jen agree that their best bet is Zach winning the Veto Comp, because he would take one of them down, and then one of the LNC would have to be nominated. The discussion goes on for quite a while, and while Kail tells Jen most of the details of her private conversation with Dani, Jen does not reveal the key points of hers.

Jen does, however, warn Kail to not tell Eric too much, as she sees him sidling up to everyone in the house, and trying to create the impression that each person is his #1. Jen warns Kail that Eric is playing everyone.

The conversation continues, and Kail tells Jen how she hears Dick crying every night before he goes to sleep. Kail also reveals that Dustin told her that Dick says he feels awful about how much he blows up at Jen, and he knows he really needs to keep his temper in check. The two of them end up incorrectly surmising that Dustin is definitely working with Dick.

Jen: If the veto comp is to eliminate people, the order we should go is: Dustin, then Jameka, then Dani, then Zach, then Kail, then I win!

Kail stamps approval on the order. Do we believe her? The meat of the conversation ends with Jen and Kail swearing to each other that they will not reveal their suspicion of Dani's plan to back-door a member of the LNC to anyone!

Important Note: Jen confessed her intentional dump on last week's veto comp to Kail.
It wasn't just luck that I got the veto.

Jen & Kail share a giggle over this.

Veto Comp Practice

The Veto Comp will Involve an Over-Sized Game of Croquet.

BB has generously supplied the house guests with a mallet and ball to practice, and everyone who'll be competing is taking advantage of it.

The Nerd Herd, II
Amber,Dustin & Jameka come to an agreement that if one of them wins HoH next week, they will nominate Dick and Dani.
    ***As if this is a novel thought for them?!
Dustin: Dick and Dani want either me or Eric gone this week. If Kail wins POV, she'll use it to save Jen, because Kail thinks she's safe. The only way to make sure things go well is if Jen doesn't win POV, or get saved, so we can get her out.

Amber and Dustin comment on how "dumb" they think Dick and Dani are being.

Jameka: They're just shady! I mean, I expected this from them, but not so soon!
    ***Shady? Pot, meet kettle.
Dustin: It really doesn't matter. If Eric or I go up, they wont have the votes to get either of us evicted.

Dick & Dani Strategize & Dream of Nick's Return

Dani & Dick
12:15am BBT
They realize the tenuous situation they're in. Absolutely everything relies on Jessica, and she's Eric's other half! Good luck with that... Also, Dick is fully aware and supportive of the plan to save Jen.
Dani: If Jessica f's us over and votes to evict Kail, I am so screwed.
Dick:(laughing) Eric is so scared about going up.
Dani: You have to win HoH next week. You HAVE to get it!

Dani: I think I may be able to sway Jameka. I'll work on her tomorrow if Kail or Jen or Dustin or Zach wins the Veto.
Dick: (positively gleeful) This is the perfect opportunity to get Eric out of here!

Dani: (wishful & wistful) Perhaps someone will be coming back this year. The know America loves Nick, and they would be so happy if he came back!
Dick: Eric would sh-t a f'ing brick if Nick walked back in the house.
Dani: The DR told me another twist was coming around the corner...

CUT FEEDS - briefly

Dani: If they bring Nick back, it's great for ratings... and great for us!
    ***Since he's been filled in on so much of the goings on in the house, I seriously doubt it's gonna happen. The only scenario I can see as even the smallest possibility is as a vote in replacement for America's Player, should Eric get eliminated... but even that is pretty darn far-fetched wishful thinking.
    ***Even so, it was great to see the two of them smile so big for the first time since before the Live Show.

    Here's a clip from the wonderful TheRealDeal2006:

Since they're expecting another twist, Dick takes a few minutes to explain the Coup d'Etat from last season to Dani, and fill her in on how it could work.
Dani: I feel like everyone in the house hates me.
    ***Unfortunately dear, they do... Except Kail and Jen. Go figure.
Amber & Jameka - working out
12:20am BBT

Amber: We both need to step it up. Neither of us is perceived as a strong competitor.

Dick & Dani
12:22am BBT

Dick: You need to focus on getting in good with Jessica.

Dani's getting really bothered that no one's outside, and worried about Jen and Kail not taking the opportunity to practice.

Dick: Daniele, if you win the veto, you need to make sure you have the votes to do the back-door. Otherwise, you have to leave the nominations as is. Jameka used the veto to get Zach on the block, not because God told her to save Jen.

Sheep Go Baaaaaa

Eric, Jameka, Dustin, Amber
12:50am BBT

Eric's weaving a tale of Dick and Dani being the missing votes and trying to pin it on him as a scapegoat. They're buying it.
    ***Sheep go Baaaaaa
He also acknowledges the possibility of their putting up Dustin as revenge for Nick.

Dustin's been livid and pretty well spitting fire over this all night.

1:00am BBT
BB: Houseguests! Lights will go out in one hour.

1:08am BBT
Eric, Dustin, Jameka, Amber
Eric continues what began in the work out room, reiterating his push that Dick lied, and the real plan is to back-door him (Eric) or Dustin.

: Dick and Daniele told Jess that that they know who made the votes. They're trying to pin it on me, and that they want Dustin out because of Nick.

Eric seems to be getting the reaction he wants from them: they look upset that Dick and Daniele would do that.

Daniele & Dick
Daniele's watching the HGs on HoH-TV. She spies Jameka, Amber, Dustin and Eric in the Living room talking and tells Dick to go break it up.

Jameka, Amber, Dustin, Eric
Dick goes into the living room and everyone stops talking immediately.
Dustin: It's cool that we all have another free week.
Dick: Yeah....

Dick punctuates this with a well-timed fart that sends everyone scrambling to the backyard, except Jess and Jameka who head to the bathroom for a quick chat.

1:05am BBT
Jameka & Jessica
Jessica: Are you gonna go along with Dick and Daniele's plan?
Jameka: I don't know... I don't know.

Dustin & Dani, then Dick
They are discussing various things, and it turns to Zach, and what he will do if he wins POV.

Dustin: Zack will probably keep votes the same, as will I, as will you...
Daniele: Eric’s pissed cuz he’s not playing again, huh? I’d be mad, too.

Dick comes over, and Daniele complains to him that the more she practices, the worse she gets. Daniele keeps practicing, and Dick watches a helicopter fly overhead and theorizes that BB8 tours are being conducted.

Daniele: Why does it feel like I’m the only one who gives a crap? I don’t wanna be out here! I’m tired!

In another part of the yard, Eric, Dustin and Jessica are talking at great length about cheerleading, and how fingernails are not allowed. After Dick walks by, the nasty nerd-herd-esque sniping from Dustin and Eric continues...

Dustin : Is he aging daily?
Eric: He looks at least 73!

1:30am BBT
Daniele is still practicing her croquet skills for the PoV.

Dustin, Eric
Eric: I keep calling it the Donato family reunion tour..
Dustin: Coming home soon!
Eric: Apple doesn’t fall far from tree!
Dustin: At least she looks good.. for now!
Eric: Unlike the boyfriend.


We round out the hour with Jessica talking with Eric again, still having some unanswered questions, still a little unsure of who to believe... She's really feeling out the situation from all angles, trying to make the best decision for her game...

Jessica: Did you consider, like, did you like, try to get Dick kicked out? Like, whenever, like he did that tea thing? Like in the Diary Room?
Eric: No, no, no!

The rest of a very long night!
2:00am BBT
Jessica & Eric - discussing Dani and Dick

Jessica: They keep bringing up to me that time you came down yawning.
Eric: I know exactly when it was, When Kail was HoH... the first time he cooked me breakfast... and I think it was probably coz I don’t like him.
Jessica: You only talk to Jen-- thats his thing!
Eric: But when do I talk to Jen?
Jessica: You get to Kail thru Jen.
Eric: So if I could boil it down... they’re afraid of me?
Jessica: Exactly.
Eric: He’s gonna claim we are all liars, and I made it all up!
Jessica: No... cuz I know, and why would I make it up? I’m in the best seat in the house! Why would I start drama for nothing? After this, I’m gonna be in the worst seat in the house.
Eric: No you won’t they’ll still want me, Dustin and Jameka more than you. You don’t understand how bad Dick killed us! He killed Dustin the whole week he was HoH.

Eric continues to go from topic to topic with Jessica, trying to make sure he covers everything and anything he can think of that she might have any doubts on. It’s important for him to cover everything, because he is hoping she will support him to the others, I’m sure.

Eric on Nick..

Eric: When have I ever denied wanting Nick out? In the DR, I was like yeah, I f**ked over Nick! He was a liar. He tried to get me nominated the 1st week . When Jen was HoH, what did he ever do for me? He’s a douche bag! I’m thrilled he's gone! I hope he heard my goodbye message in its entirety. He almost got the f**k you fingers! I’ll be pulling those out shortly.

2:15am BBT
Eric, Jessica, Amber

Amber joins Eric and Jessica outside, and she lets them know that Jameka has gone to bed. Eric asks her what she thinks about all this. She hems and haws, and says “I can’t.. I just.. think it’s all f**ked up.

Dustin comes out, and joins the other three.

Talking behind everyone else’s back is something that never seems to end, especially with Amber.
Amber: Everything happens for a reason. God didn’t let us get HoH this week so we could see their (Dick and Daniele’s) true colors.
Jessica: That’s what I thought.
Amber: That was so nice of you, Jess.
***I'm gonna puke.
Jessica discusses how Dick and Daniele think they have the votes to pull off back-dooring Eric, but they don’t. Talk then turns to Dick being the mastermind of everything that has happened.

Eric: He will literally try to bring the house down with him. He is so full of s**t, I flat out don’t like him as a person. He is a cracked out, perverted, disgusting, foul, a** hole of a man. It’s no wonder they have no relationship. Look at how they behave towards people. He has shown his true colors.

Eric then adds that they need to keep Jen in the house this week to do their dirty work, and to all vote to keep her around.

3:40am BBT
All of the house guests are in bed now, except for Amber out in the back straightening the yard. Eric and Jessica were whispering in Jess' bed, then went to their own beds, and then Eric decided to go back outside.

3:45am BBT
Dustin's Mad Dash

All of a sudden, Dustin leaps out of bed and runs full force through the house.
The screen goes to Blue.

About 8 minutes later, with no mention of Dustin, the feeds resume with Eric and Amber in the Bathroom, still talking about Daniele and Dick.

Amber and Eric discuss Eric’s disqualification in the Veto comp, and she believes he “got DQ'd for a reason. That was God, right there. The karma in this house is ridiculous.” In further discussion, Eric added that he thinks Daniele is “the sneakiest person in the house”.

Eric's restraint here is commendable, cause you know he's thinkin', 'ok crazy lady... you can keep selling, but I'm not buyin'. ' (let my people go)
Screen goes to FOTH.

4:30am BBT Everyone seems to be asleep.

4:47am BBT
Jessica gets out of bed, walks around, and returns to bed with Eric. Eric tells her why he was talking to Amber and what it was about. Jessica thinks the twist is Eric and Amber know each other.

Jessica: I was so tired earlier but I can't sleep now.
Eric: The truth is you couldn't fall asleep without me beside you.
Jessica: Whatever!

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BB8 Dick and Eric Find Mutual Ground - Football

Happy Saturday, BB8 Lovers!

We've been on scheming overload since Dani's HoH began. Not so much from her as from EVERYONE else in the house - plotting her and Dick's, preferably painful, demise. This is one of the rare non-game chats that's happened in the past 36 hours. I think they wanted to remind themselves they were human and had lives outside the house.

Today's going to be another very game-talk intense day in the Big Brother 8 House, and of course, the Veto Competition.

Just take a moment to enjoy this one whenever you get overwhelmed from the otherwise non-stop back-stabbing. And while I get the overnight report together! :)

Man-o-man, what a different house it is in just 48 hours.

Men on Football

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Nick Starcevic on Housecalls

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BB8 Live Feeds are On Fire Again

Eric' running scared. Whispering to everyone possible.

Kail and Jen are speculating about the extra votes and the mustard - Kail still thinks the mustard was Evel.

Dani's talking to Dick outside. Reinforcing the "this week's for Nick" stance.

Dustin and Eric are whispering nasties in the bathroom about D&D... Jess is there too. Dustin is delusional. He just said, "Zach's on my side. I gottim."

Here's a clip... captured by teslad.
Dustin is Delusional

Jen's in bed with Kail under the misguided notion that Dani's plan is to backdoor her dad.

Everything's going on at the same time.

Turn on the feeds! If for nothing else that the pure pleasure of watching the 2 guiltiest parties in the house, Dustin and Eric, squirm, scheme and scurry.

To be fair, Eric isn't to blame for his treachery... at least not within the house. He just wanted to be on the show. He didn't choose to be America's Player, and I'm reasonably certain he's feeling it's more of a curse than a treasure at the moment.

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The Nerd Herd II is Fracturing

Amen. Hallelujah. The Holier than Thou sub-Alliance is fracturing away from the LNC. Not for transgressions of the flesh, but over 2 of the 7 deadly sins: Greed & Pride.

Earlier this afternoon, Dustin got wind of Amber's loss of faith in him, and he set to slamming her.. to Jameka. Amber figured out that Dustin was the leak to Kail. :::sigh::: Finally.

Anyhow, Jameka gave Dustin a lot of Mmm Hmmm's, so it was pretty apparent that she was merely recording the conversation in her brain and not actually endorsing it. And just a few moments ago on the Live Feeds, this was confirmed.

Jameka is now in the process of spilling everything Dustin said about Amber to Amber.
    ***Yeah, Amber. That was a really smart thing getting rid of Nick. Always smart to evict the guy who really has your back.
    ***I wish you could see me rolling my eyes.
Now all we need is for Amber and Jameka to approach Dani with this news, along with their promise to evict Dustin if Jen or Kail comes off the block. Provided, of course, Dustin doesn't win the veto.
    ***You took my BFF, I'm taking yours.
    ***And that saves America's Player, too.

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Dani HoH Moments - Compare & Contrast

Dani's Meeting with Kail just prior to the Nomination Ceremony:
by auntjulie

Dani's Meeting with Jen at 9:30pm BBT

Dani: Remember when my dad told you that Kail threw you under the bus? You should believe him. Kail may be your friend in the house but she wont protect you. She will do anything to stay in the game.

: It would in your interest to win the veto. Convince her she is safe. You have my word, I have not lied to you or Kail this week. There's a much bigger picture than what's going on right now. Just don't trust Kail when it comes to being an ally.
Jen: Do you know who the extra vote is?
Dani: Yes.
Jen: How do you know?
Dani: I had an epiphany. I'm not going to tell you everything, but just do your best to win the veto. If it stays the same, you don't have the votes.

Jen processes and seems to accept this.

Jen: I dunno what your thinking, but you do know you have a much better chance at winning this if your Dad isn't on the jury. Obviously Amber and Dustin are secondary, but everyone is after you two. I hope we become friends. I think together we could do real well. Your dad came to me, but I couldn't, I wouldn't want to work with him. ...I cant wait to see how everything went down...
    ***I've deleted the Likelikelikes for your sanity and mine.

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Veto Players Have Been Chosen

Kail chose Jameka

Dani chose Dustin

Jen chose Zach - I'm sure she's thrilled.

Eric et al
8:55pm BBT
Eric: I like how when I asked to see my ball they said "nope!" and took the bag away.


9:00pm BBT
Dustin & Dani
Dustin: I'm going into veto full force. This is your HoH week, so you should feel free to do what you choose. I certainly did things I wanted to do during my HoH week. I just want you to know I'm going in full force. We're on the same page about wanting Jen out this week. I'm playing for you to keep the nominations the same.

The Houseguests have been buzzing all day that they think this could be a double elimination week. Can I pick? :-P

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BB8 Liar vs Liar

8:15pm BBT
Dustin & Eric

This is hysterical. Dustin and Eric are having a little tete-a-tete in the Kitchen, and it's this whispered raging storm of righteous indignation.

Each one debasing Dani and Dick, calling for their hanging, whilst lying to eachother's faces about their side alliances and the extra votes... Each so incredibly insulted that anyone could think such a thing of them... And both conveniently forgetting how they were plotting both Dani and Dick's demises all last week, and since Dani won the HoH.

Thanks boys. I needed a good laugh.

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BB8 Nick Starcevic's Interview with Julie Chen

You didn't really think a full day would pass without me posting something about Nick, didja? ;) If you'd like to see the web exclusive cbs interview between Julie Chen and Nick Starcevic, Click here. Less sniping. Nerd Herd Free.

Purely Nick. Purely enjoyable!

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Big Brother 8 Nomination Spoiler

We're waiting on the Nominations right now, and while we're pretty certain Daniele's going to stick with her announced plan, we'll be posting a spoiler all the same. Ya never know - she could make my day and enact my fantasy nomination speech after all. ;) Spoiler Below.

The Big Brother 8 Houseguests

who have been

Nominated for Eviction

Jen & Kail

Dustin: Congratulations on making Big Brother history!! The first Big Brother house guests to be nominated 3 times in a row. And think about this, only one of you can go home, so the other one will break the record yet again next week, with a fourth consecutive nomination!

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BB8 LNC Pre-Nomination Meeting in HoH

At 3pm, Daniele has promised to have the LNC meeting up in the HoH Room. It's lip service for her, and for all of them as well, but they still intend to go through the motions, as if the alliance wasn't 100% aligned against her and Dick, as they were all last week as well.

As of 2:55pm BBT, Eric and Dustin have already arrived, and are making pleasant banter, peppered liberally with Jen bashing. The conversation is ever so contrary to the long conversation Eric & Dustin just finished about their absolute hatred of both Dick and Dani, both personally and game.

Dani steps out for a moment, and Eric and Dustin launch into their hatred of Dick, what a waste of time this meeting will be, etc...

It's 6pm, you're home from work, turn on the feeds! Here's the link for the 2 week free trial, if you still haven't taken advantage of it. ;)

The Nomination Ceremony is scheduled to happen around 5pm BBT, but they're thinking it may be a little earlier.

During the meeting, Daniele makes her case: "Last week was really difficult for me, and I went along with what all you guys wanted. This week, I'm hoping you'll do the same for me. I'm nominating Jen and Kail, and one of them is going home. Jen is my target. If one comes down, Zach goes up, and one of the women goes home. Is everyone ok with that?" Chatter, chatter... "And, we are all in sequester." General Woohoos from the crowd.

Eric: It means we get to decide which one of us wins.
Dustin: And, in the jury house, we'll all be able to listen to our ipods. I'm gonna be walking by, and it'll be Daniele with her ipod in one hand and her gameboy in the other.
Dick: I want my Blackberry back.

Dustin: Well, good. A round of applause for the LNC being Head of Household again this week.

A bit more discussion about electronic devices, then Eric starts talking about Jameka talking in her sleep last night.. more pleasure noises than talking, actually... and a bit of Zooma Zooma. :) All is plastico pero fantastico in the BB HoH.

Dustin: I'm gonna break into a round of applause at the end of your speech. I'm serious. if anyone would like to join me...
Eric: Can you imagine being at home and every single week the 2 of them are nominated?


Jameka's a bit put off by Daniele's going back on her word to Kail.

Daniele: Honestly, I prefer not going back on my word, but Kail is not the target. In her mind, she's 100% still in this house, no matter what.
Dustin: Just like she did with me, she gave herself up as a pawn...

The meeting is still underway...

Oh, by the way, Zach has ringworm (or something). All the HGs are even more grossed out by him than before, if that's possible. Zach's planning on cooking, and all are planning on not eating it, so Dick's offering to make steaks for everyone...

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Big Brother 8 Eric & Dick's Altercation Videos

Very strong language. Be advised.

Part 1 - The Blow Up!
Captured by TRD2006

Part 2

Part 3

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They're Up!

As of about 10am BBT, the HGs are awake and the gaming has begun. We're posting the overnight's in the post below this one... as we get them done.

Actually, as I listen to everything that's happening in the background, I may just opt to add to the Overnight's as time allows. Otherwise I'll be playing catch up all day.

They've only just woken up, and already the feeds are on fire. Dick's up in the HoH with Daniele (who's in some serious pain from the comp and having a bath) talking game. Dick's filling Dani in on all of his conversations last night. Dani's listening, but is having a lot of trouble getting over the guilt of Nick. "I feel so horrible and so guilty." Dick responds, " I know. It was our biggest mistake of the game. We're not the only one. Jessica feels exactly the same way."

Dick: Eric's trying to play it so he gets in her pants. But remember that this is the 3rd week in a row that we're going after Jen and Kail... Cut the head off.

Dani: (re: Kail) I really don't consider her that big of a threat.

Dick wants her up anyway.

Dani: I promised her.
Dick: I didn't.
Dani: But i did.
Dick: Doesn't mean we can't align other people up against her.

Meanwhile, Jen and Kail have been outside talking on the couch - bashing Dani on a personal level, and more than half convinced it'll be them up on the block again.

Dani's bucking for Jen, but not sold on Kail at all. Sounds like she'll keep her promise.

Dani and Dick are thinking there's not gonna be a food comp this week, because the storage room has already been replenished. They're thinking there may well be a luxury comp though, or America's Choice.

Dani: I'm just really upset about it. I have nobody to talk to, nothing to do. I feel so guilty and so bad. If we would have figure this out just an hour before, all we would have needed was Jessica , and he would've still been in this house. I'm sick about it.
Dick: I was sitting on that couch for hours last night thinking the same things.
Dani: We didn't push for him at all.

Watching Eric on screen.

Dick: That mother - effer.
Dani: Do you wanna call everyone up here?
Dick: Nominations aren't till 5 o'clock.
Dani: Oh, ok. Don't worry about me. This is what I'm gonna say too. Jen and Kail are going up. No matter what, one of the 2 are going home.
Dick: What did ou tell her about the PoV?
Dani: I told her, if she wins the PoV, she shouldn't use it, because then Jen will definitely go home.

Sounds like we have our nominations... or at least what she's gonna tell the LNC are the noms.

Dick: It seems like all we need is a tiny little seed of paranoia, and people around this place just freak out.

Dick puts up the idea of Amber and Dustin.

Dani: We need to be really careful what we say to Amber, cuz she and Eric are really close.
Dick: I go to Amber, 'I think we made a big mistake.' And she says, "yeah but we have to get past that."
Dani: Coming from Amber?? Please.
Dick: What we need to do is find out what Eric's said about who... find out all the little groups.. Jameka's easy. All I told her was Zach mentioned her name, and she's all 'We have to get him out!'

10:47am BBT
Dani: It just sucks cuz I told the group I'd go with the consensus, and I stuck up for him, but I should have stuck up for him more.
Dick: You can't get upset about it.
Dani: I'm really upset about it.
Dick: I know you are.

Dani goes to put some clothes on. Dick faces the camera and asks us..

Dick: What do you think?
    ***I think you're all a bunch of boneheads for getting rid of Nick! Not Dick and Dani, per se, cause they voted with Nick's instruction and blessing, but the rest of em.

When we return, it seems an outdoor lockdown has been called. The HGs are all moving to go out. Dani and Dick are still up in HoH plotting and scheming.. trying to decide who to put up and who to backdoor. Dani's throwing out Jameka and Dustin's names...

As of 11:15am BBT, all HGs are now outside on lockdown. Surprisingly, the game talk continues. The majority of the HGs are on the couches...

The only people separated from the group are Eric and Jameka, and Eric is talking up a sh--storm, while ever so discreetly hiding under the hammock. LMAO.

They're talking smack about Dick and Dani... Jameka too, which is kinda out of character for her. Just really judgmental ugliness.

Dick goes over to break up the Pow-Wow, and Eric shifts gears, still trying to lay blame all over Nick. Eric's digging himself a huge hole here, and all he's doing now is pissing Dick off. Not the best strategic move, Eric.

Dick: There's a different thing happening here, because Nick wants to have a relationship with Dani on the outside. What?! You think he's gonna lie to me on his way out the door to protect certain people in here?! If it doesn't make sense on the outside world, it's not! If it doesn't make sense in here, it's not! I've been saying there's a leak in the group for 2 weeks now. Why are you so quick to discount that??

No matter what comes out of Eric's mouth, Dick shoots it down, decisively. He's just not having it. Eric would be well advised to shut his mouth... He's digging a hole he may not be able to crawl out from.

Dustin comes over as well, and joins Eric in turning the tables on Dick. Dick is losing it. Dani comes over too... Now half the HGs are there... Eric's getting indignant...

Turn it on, folks.

12:25pm Lockdown's Over.

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BB 8 Overnight Report

So much went on in the BB house last after the HoH comp was done, I decided to start the Overnight Report at midnight eastern today, instead of the customary midnight BBT. Frankly, otherwise you'd just miss too much. With the power shifted into Daniele's hands now, things inside the Big Brother House have gone absolutely nuts. If you haven't gotten the free trial for live feeds yet, now would really be an excellent time. There is going to be some serious game play this week.

OK, plug done. On to the Overnight Report. Since I'm running so darn late today, I'm gonna be putting it up in sections. Many thank yous to DishDudeDoug - who'll be who'll be helping me out with this again today. There's just soooo much!

Just refresh this post every so often to see what's been added. First up 9pm-10pm BBT.

9pm BBT
Dick & Jameka
They're discussing the Banner Plane that called out Eric and Amber as Liars.

Dick: Eric was trying to just blow it off.
Jameka: Maybe whoever did it just didn't know what they were talking about.
Dick: Anyone who spends that much money to send up a plane for us must know something.

Dick & Amber

Dick: Daniele is flipping out.
Amber: About the second vote?
Dick: Of course she is.
Amber: Do you think it was Jen?
    ***There's our girl. Always ready to blame somebody.
Dick: Daniele thinks she knows who it was, and she is f'ing furious. She's out of her mind.
Amber: (re: Jen) I can't wait for her to go home.
Dick: She doesn't think it's her.
Amber: I can't wait to see her leave next week.
Dick: I hate her. I'm not going to do the group crap again. We'll have a discussion the night before, and that's it.
Amber: Yeah.
Dick: Someone's been leaking out all this information. Kail knew she wasn't going and it's BS. Makes me mad as hell. Kail ate a bowl of slop an hour before the eviction. She knew she wasn't going anywhere.

9:15pm BBT
Daniele & Jameka

Dani: I didn't vote for Nick, and it's not Jen, it's someone on this side.
Dani: You know it was gonna happen, but at the same time it's like a million, million times different than you thought.
Jameka: It is.
Dani: Way, way, way harder. Jameka, this is the hardest week I've been through in the house. My dad had me in tears. Like you, I know you know, because you were there. And you saw, and that was so hard.
Dani: This week was the hardest week for me in the house. It can only get better from there, right? He knew he was going home, and he was like, 'whatever happens, happens in this game. I'm not going to change who I am and this and that.' But he was ok with it, and I think he didn't realize that he really, really didn't want to go home, as much as he thought he didn't care.
Jameka: Mmm hmm.
Dani: I talked to him, I talked to him about the entire situation, about the entire veto, how it would have been used from every single person, from every single thing that would have and could have happened.
Jameka: Mmm hmm.
Dani: From every single person winning the veto. I explained it to him, and he knows. Jameka. He knows. He knows that it is not your fault, it is Dustin's fault that he went home. And I'm telling you that right now.
Jameka: Mmm hmm.
Dani: And you know it. So don't eat yourself up about it.
Jameka: Who do you think?
Dani: I don't know, but they did it again. It's the house, Jameka. I'm here to talk if you need me.
Jameka: OK, alright.

9:45pm BBT
Jen, Jameka, Jessica
Jen is still in the dark about what the banner plane said, and the HGs who saw it have been instructed not to say anything to those who didn't.

Jen: Did you see it?
Jess & Jameka: Yes.
Jen: Was the message about us?
Jessica: It's probably just a bunch of crap.
Jen: I think all of us should be allowed to know what it said... since some of us obviously do, but I understand if you were told not to say anything about it.

Both Jessica and Jameka don't respond.

Jen: I'm gonna ask in the DR. It's unfair only some people should know and not others.

~Midnight to 1am BBT~

12:00am BBT –
Eric, Amber, Dustin, Jessica

As a plane approaches the house from a distance, Eric nervously looks up. He continues his discussion with Amber, Jessica and Dustin. Dustin believes neither Dick nor Daniele saw the banner, and Jess promised not to say anything to them. Eric and Amber figure no one is close to Jen or Kail (or Daniele and Dick), and therefore the people who saw the banner will protect them.

Eric tries to brush off what the banner said to the others by saying it is only 1 out of 12 million fans who is rumbling, and the Diary Room apologized to him for it. He then stated, “thanks, but that doesn’t do me any good.”
*** Doug: Eric, Eric.. Liar, Liar, pants on fire!

Eric then suggests to Amber that they should get into arguments so they don't look like they are flying under the radar.

After Dustin and Jessica are gone, Eric and Amber discuss how they hate being called liars, and how Amber thinks Dick is a psychopath.

Eric leaves so he can go speak with Jessica.

12:15am BBT
HoH Bedroom
Dick and Daniele

Daniel and Dick discuss Eric being the person doing the votes and know he’s a liar.

Daniele: You should have listened to me!
Dick: We got the wrong m*f*ker out for 2 weeks in a row.
Daniele: There is more there with Amber than we know, and I think Eric is the leak.

Dick is so angry he’s pacing and punching his hand and saying, as if to reassure himself and assuage the guilt...

Dick: We can recover from the mistakes. We should backdoor Eric.
Daniele: I will have a lovely speech waiting for him. Eric is the funny guy, and the guy who knows the most. He’s a threat. I'll say that no one listened to me before, when Nick was here, but now they should all pay attention!
Dick: You're a lot smarter than I am.

The doorbell rings and it is Dustin.

Dustin: Why are you so upset? You're flipping your weave.
Dick: It's not the time to talk.
Dustin: Is it the second vote?
Dick: Partially... The truth has been hiding in front of us the entire time. I don't want to talk about it yet.
Dustin: You have it figured out for sure?
Dick: I am going to keep my mouth closed and think everything through, before I say a word. Let me flip out now, and then I'll tell you.

Dustin leaves the room.

Daniele and Dick wonder how Amber and Dustin fit in. At this juncture, Daniele’s plan is to nominate Kail and Jen, then backdoor Eric.

They discuss Jessica, and they decide to tell her everything. They see Zach outside the room at the chessboard. Daniele doesn’t want to upset him, they need him this week. Dick leaves to find Jessica, and on the way asks Zach to take the board downstairs.

Shortly before 1:00am, Dick brings Jessica into the HoH and Daniele and Dick start telling her everything... It is worth noting in advance that Jessica stays true to Eric and reports back everything to him.

Here's a clip, graciously provided for the BB lovin' world by TRD2006.

More Jessica in HoH with Dani & Dick

Still more

~More to Come~
(as soon as the HGs shut up long enough)

1:00am BBT
HoH Bedroom
Daniele, Jessica, Dick

Daniele: 100% Eric's the weasel!
Dick: We have to trust you with this. If we can't trust you, it's all over.
Daniele: It's us 3 until veto, I'll tell you the story. It's perfect... Eric has been blaming Nick for everything he's been doing.

They discuss Eric blaming votes the last two weeks. They believe Eric has been saving Kail and Jen for the last 2 weeks.

Jess: Why?
Daniele: He's been in an alliance with them since week 1!

Daniele says if Jess is playing in the veto comp, one of them will take Jen off the block. Daniele said that the three of them, plus Zach will not vote out Kail this week.

Daniele: Don't trust anything Eric says! You think he (Eric) spends hours in the DR talking about a turtleneck? Give me a break! He's using you.
Jess: That's what I told him. I felt close to him.
Daniele: Are you on the same page with us?
Jess: Yeah.
Daniele: Jessica, he's so full of crap.

Jess: OK. I won't say anything, but it's weird.
Daniele: We dealt with them for 3 weeks, we can do it again. We're kicking their butts. We're all still here.

After promising not to tell anyone what was discussed, Jessica says she will pretend that Zach is going up instead, and will act surprised when Eric is. She then leaves the HoH bedroom.

1:15am BBT
Dustin and Jessica

Jessica whispers to Dustin that she thinks the leak is Eric. She told him that Dick and Daniele don’t suspect him, but didn’t really elaborate.

1:25am BBT
Eric and Jameka

Jameka said that she is happy for Dick and Daniele getting back together, but now they need to get the hell outta here. "This ain't Dr. Phil."

1:45am BBT
Eric and Dick

Eric and Dick meet and discuss a range of different topics. Eric tries to push attention away from him as far as making the “funny” votes. (Dick just played along). He also said he let the others down by getting a DQ in the HoH comp.

Dick spoke about Nick, Daniele and himself being set-up this past week, and how Kail knew she wasn’t going home. Eric thought Amber was also set-up and added that he thought the same person may have made the stray vote each week.
*** no kidding Eric!

1:50am BBT
Amber and Dustin

Amber is crying to Dustin about Nick leaving. She says she messed up. She knows she will see Nick outside the house though. She asks Dustin what he thought about Nick saying “It is what it is” in his leaving speech. Dustin said it was meant for her, and he smiled at her. She says she wasn’t there for Nick. But Dustin reassures her his goodbye speech was in fact for her when he said my favorite house guest, it is what it is.
***I think I’m going to barf..

Dustin then tells Amber that he thinks Zach is behind the idea that Eric is the leak. Amber stops him though, tells him she has to fart, backs up, does so, smiles, and says “Oh so much better”.
Amber, crying again, then asks him if he believes the banner. She explains that when she was a drug addict she lied, but she doesn’t lie now, and has never lied to anyone in the house. Dustin says no, he trusts her, and that he doesn’t think Eric has it in him to lie.

3:24am BBT
Eric and Jessica

Jessica tells Eric everything. Everything that Dick and Daniele told Jessica. Eric convinces Jessica that he is not the one making the stray votes, and that he is not lying. Jessica tells him that she believes him.

4:00am BBT
Eric, Jessica, Dustin

Dustin comes out and makes a joking remark about just telling Dick that Jess and Eric were in an alliance with Kail.
Jess: Thanks a lot!
Dustin: Look, he threatened me. I had to sell you out.
Eric: It's funny you should mention that, because your name came up a lot when he sat down with me and so did Jameka's. I want to talk to guys about that, obviously without him and Daniele a part of it, because while I dismissed everything, they said, I think that you guys should know what he's saying and where he's coming from. He thinks he's in control of the game, and I think it's time to send him a message that he's not.
Dustin: How'd I come up?
Eric: Oh every which way. Every which way possible.
Eric: There was, I mean, we might as well wait till tomorrow, but it's every conceivable way from how you wanted Zach, but then went with Nick, to why you would go with Nick, to your relationship that's been strengthening with Kail, to the time you spent in the HoH when they were handcuffed to each other, to.. I mean it was just a f***ing laundry list five days long.
Dustin: Oh God.
Eric: And I said, "Dustin didn't even vote this week." "Well, he could've planted his vote through Amber."
Dustin: That's right!
Eric: And Jameka used the veto because she was in the alliance, and Jameka and Amber and you and Kail have an alliance, because you guys are the Bible Belt Alliance.
Dustin: Ohhhh! That's right! The fag is part of the Bible Belt Alliance.
Jess: I knew it!
Eric: You were just a tag-along, but the 3 of them have united under the wings of God to take down the rest of the house, and no one can compete against their-
Dustin: Guys, he's out of control! I mean he's out of control!
Jess: I know.
Dustin: Talk about pawn of Joe, that's out of control.
Eric: Um hmm. And obviously we all saw Daniele immediately confront Amber after the vote.
Eric: To try to blame it on her.
Jess: I didn't see it, but...
Eric: Well, she tried to say all day long, "we've let this stuff come between us, we used to be close, we should really get back on the same page," then got off the thing, went right over to her and said, "I know the vote was you."
Eric: So they basically accused every single one of us of it being one us in some way, shape or form. Why? To create infighting. To create confusion. To try and create rifts that do not exist.
Eric: And why do they do this? Because they know that they're the 2 that are on the outs, and-
Dustin: I think one of those f***ing two did the opposite vote.
Eric: I think so, too.
Dustin: Just to stir the f***ing pot.
Eric: It's either Jen or them, so...
Dustin: Yeah. Well, you have to think it's been a consistent 2 weeks the two like Daniele or Dick has been able to vote. You know what I mean? I personally think that last week Daniele threw the vote in favor of Dick because the two of them have teamed up together.
Eric: And I'm gonna also point out that they think they're being stealth. I mean, they couldn't be more f***ing obvious the 2 of them if they tried. They may as well start making out. I mean, there's nothing left to f***ing do.
Jess: GROSS!
Dustin: Gross, yeah!
Eric: I mean, there's nothing hidden about it. He's f***ing holding court over her HoH room.
Dustin: Oh God, that is gonna be ridiculous this week.
Eric: It's too early for this sh*t. He's the one whose been stating that people who are overplaying it, and they have too many conspiracy theories, and they're playing too hard, and they're working too many sides of things, and they're selling out too many people, and they have all gone home.
Dustin: Well look at him!
Eric: Well let's have him eat his own words then.
Dustin: Well, here's my deal. This is what I said to him. He goes, "There's a leak in the group, and that vote and blah, blah, blah..." And I was like, well, Dick...
Eric: There he is.
Dustin: Where.
Eric: Over there.
Dustin: Oh really? Where is he?
Eric: He's coming.
Dustin: Was he back in the diary room.
Eric: Yeah, he's standing in the kitchen window, looking at us right now.
Dustin: Oh really?
Eric: Yeah. I'm not even looking over. I'm not gonna make eye contact.
Dustin: Well, whatever. This is too much for me.

Dick enters the back yard, and everyone makes nice to him.

They go to bed. Dick is alone in the backyard talking on the couch. Jessica returns a little later, unable to get to sleep.

Dick discusses Eric and what they talked about in the HoH room. Jessica does not let on that she already spilled the beans. At one point, when Dick goes inside the house, Jessica looks at the camera, shakes her head, and rolls her eyes. In her talk with Eric earlier, she confirmed her alliance with him.

What Dick doesn’t realize is that Jessica isn’t contributing much to the conversation. She is mostly just listening to Dick, and gathering information. After a while, she heads off to bed.
Dick continues his rant on Eric by himself, and decides to cancel the “Dick At Night Show”, but then decides if he does it by the far side of the yard no one can hear through the windows, so he will continue it. He’s upset with himself for not believing Nick and Daniele, and for being taken by Eric – but feels he can fix it. He heads for the bathroom and passes on brushing his teeth so he can breathe on Jen, and goes to bed.

6:00am BBT All is calm..

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Big Brother 8 Dick at Night Show

Good Morning, BB Lovers! Please accept my apologies - I overslept! Typically I'm up by 2am BBT, and today my body just wanted more. Who among us wasn't completely drained by the events of the past week? Anyhow, It's now 5:30am BBT, and I've been up for about 30 minutes.. Long enough to see the Dick at Night Show, with special guest Jessica.

She went to bed a few minutes ago, and now he's ranting on his own. Eric is his rant target. Whoever was flying those banner planes last night: mission accomplished. Dick hasn't stopped talking about it, in terms of references to Eric and the Nerd Herd. And he's really kicking himself about not trusting Nick, and not putting more weight in Daniele's words.

Dick: Eric's a F'ing dildo. Amber should roll over and die. I've been used by the F'ing nerd herd! How embarrassing!

I'm gonna get to work on the overnights. So much went on last night, it's gonna be a long one! A long, and very important one. Please check back for the overnight report around 10:30am-ish BBT. In the meantime, have a look at the posts below for video, pics and commentary about the events of the early part of the evening.

As always, our screen cappers have been hard at work, and there are GREAT new pics ("Caps", "Screencaps", "Screenshots") from the Big Brother 8 24/7 Live Feeds over at bb8dishcaps. Enjoy! :)

As of 9:40am BBT, the Houseguests are stirring. Dustin and Kail are in the kitchen, barely just awake and already plotting. If you've gottem, spark em.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Dani's Got HoH Room

Dani got her HoH room. She's about to read her letter... But before she does, she's talking to Dick. They just exchanged I love you's.

The most important thing - Dani suspects, nay, knows in her heart, it was Eric.

Half of the HGs saw the Banner Plane that flew over the house. It read "We Love Nick. Amber and Eric are Liars. LNC=NH."

Most of the house is having amazing hindsight now, realizing they evicted the wrong person...

Turn on the feeds. It's going fast and furious.

The following video was captured by TRD2006 and covers a few moments immediately following Dani's HoH win.

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Big Brother 8 Weekly Video Recap from the Live Feeds and Show

BB8 Weekly ReCap From Live Feeds & Show
- Week Four

by TheRealDeal2006

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Dani is our New HoH

Thank goodness!! After the drama of the past few days, this is just what she (and we) needed.

Congratulations Princess Daniele! Long may You Reign!

photos by ddugo

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Feeds Are Back!

The Comp's back on. Turn on the Feeds Folks. Jessica, Daniele, Jen and Kail are still in it. All the guys are out. Updates to follow below...

Jessica's now out.

Dani, Kail and Jen. Goooo Dani!

Apparently Kail's allowed to cheat.

8:03pm BBT
Jen has apparently touched the bar with her hands. Dick and Eric are making a stink.
Dick: You told us that was part of the rules, Marco. You couldn't touch the bar with your hands.

And cut to blue screen. Is Jen Out of the HoH Comp? We shall soon see...

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Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoiler

If you live on the West Coast or Hawaii or points beyond, and you simply must know what happens tonight before the Big Brother 8 Live Show airs in your time zone, please use the spoiler link. All results will be posted immediately as they happen.

Feel free to Click here, and start refreshing at about 8:25pm eastern.

With the events of the afternoon, it promises to be a very interesting show tonight!

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Big Brother 8 Girls Primping for Live Show

At 3:24pm BBT, the quads cut on just long enough for Jen to say, "Time to put makeup on." Then they cut out again. They are keeping the lid locked tight on this one. Talk about stirring the Live Feed watchers into a frenzy!!

For anyone who missed it all live, the videos have been added to the post 2 below this one.

Incidentally, as we do every week, we'll have the Big Brother 8 Live Show Spoilers coming as they happen. If you're on the west coast (or further), and you've gotta know everything as it happens, please click HERE, and all will be revealed. ;) If you don't wanna know, don't click there.

Just before 4pm BBT, the feeds are back on again. Nick, Dick and Dani are in very good moods. Nick played a prank on Dick, and Dick just made reference to getting him back while he sleeps, which would indicate he's not leaving. Then again... who really knows. Nick also said, "Was that the door?" to a loud door noise, and Dani responded, "Shhh!" Now they're talking as if he's leaving, but they both look so happy, I'm having trouble buying it.

Dustin just whispered to Amber that they can't let Dani win HoH. Kail's pretty

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Kail Requesting DOR!

Big Brother 8 Diary Room
Audio "Leak" to 24/7 Live Feeds Audience
FYI - DOR = Drop Out Request

1:42pm BBT -
DiaryRoom VOICE: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Kail: Um, Well I think I'm going home in a couple of weeks anyways, and I really don't want in the Sequester House.
DR VOICE: This isn't the Kail who tried to get on Season's 5, 6 and 7
Kail: I know, but.. I didn't think... But I didn't think I was gonna get cussed out every day, either.
DR VOICE: You've held your head pretty high... regardless of being cussed out every day.
    ***Stop tryin' to talk her out of it!
If you'd like to know what lead up to Kail's decision, if indeed she followed though (we simply don't know for certain--no one does), please read the post below this one.

Added at 4:47pm BBT, right before the live show:
No matter what happens tonight, and you all know what I'm hoping for, hasn't it been wonderful to spend the afternoon in rather a rather blissful, albeit cautious, state of anticipation, instead of dread?! Fingers crossed, Nick fans.

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BB8 Kail - I Want to Go Home

There is hope! Amber is going off on Kail. Really going off on her about cleaning. Amber, Dick and Jameka have been doing the majority of the cleaning, and Amber's been trying to be nice about it, but she's losing it.

It started off as a conversation between Dick and Amber, moved to Amber and Dustin, and then Amber ripped Kail a new one. Lord I hope her anger lasts another 4.5 hours.
We begin the conversation with Amber and Dustin...

12:50pm BBT
Dustin: Are you pissed at me?
Amber: No! I'm pissed at Kail for what she said this morning. Are you kidding me?!
Dustin: Like she said, "Well when I'm on slop, I don't do anything." That's a handicapped pass, know what I mean?
Amber: She had the nerve to say to me, "I do my fair share of dishes." Are you kidding me?! Dick's up every single night doin' dishes and towels and he doesn't say he does his fair share. That's what pissed me off this morning. Otherwise, I think I'd be fine.
    ***The Cleaning Alliance? ;)
We move on to Kail/Amber

Amber: How dare you? How dare you?! You were like the mom in the house the 1st week... doing this and that and now ya havent done sh-- in 4 weeks...I didnt know there was an assigned 20 dishes a day! Eric and I wash 100 dishes a day!
Kail: I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.
    ***How about, "I'd like a voluntary exit."
    Just a thought.
Amber: It's filthy! I don't like to live in filth every week, and I don't need you to apologize! I don't need you to say sh-- to me. So selfish!!
Dustin: We're gonna call a meeting to talk about this.
Here's the video:
captured by AuntJulie

1:12pm BBT
And now to Kail and Jen, privately... They're on the same wavelength as me... Here's hopin'!

Jen: I don't really clean. I organize.
Kail: I know. Dick says you don't do anything but color code the plates.

Kail's afraid everyone gonna flip now.

Kail: Between you and I, I don't care if I go.
Jen: I do.
Kail: Seriously. Who wants to be here? It's crazy. Even if we can put ED up, he has the votes to stay. I could go home like that (she snaps her fingers) and not care. I get to see my family.
Jen: But then you let him win. If you don't care, you don't care. Thats what's important to me. I just wanna win, cuz I don't want him to!

Jen leaves the room and has another run-in with Dick.

Note to Production - Can someone please call Dick to the DR and let him have a cigarette on the production side of the exit door? Lives hang in the balance. ;)

A few minutes later.

1:18pm BBT
Kail: I wanna go home.
Jen: Why?
Kail: I'm goin' home in 2 weeks anyhow, I might as well go now. All I have to do is tell Amber to vote me out, she'll do it in a heartbeat. She's so mad. I don't care. I don't want to be here anymore.

And here's the video, captured by TRD2006:

Oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it so! Talk about a fantasy scenario... Here's the one in my head:

Julie Chen: Nominees, please stand up and tell your fellow house guests why they should keep you in the Big Brother house.
Kail: There's no need, Julie. I'm done. I'm leaving. I don't want to be here anymore.
Julie: Well that's quite a surprise, Kail. Are you sure about this?
Kail: I'm positive.
Julie: (chortles) Ok, Kail. Please gather up your things. You have 1 minute to say goodbye to your fellow house guests.
    ***Yeah, Yeah.. I know... It's my fantasy. Leave me be! :-P
    ***Betcha a dollar it's CBS' too! A dollar and a few ratings points.

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