FAQs - Please add your burning questions to the comments at the end of this post, and we'll add them and the answers to the FAQs. :)
Why do you like the live feeds so much?Well, given the option to actually know what's going on in the house, or merely be told the storyline the producer decides to go with, we choose knowing.
Often in Big Brother, certain houseguests are portrayed very differently on television that they actually are in the house. We can't hang with that. If you've never tried the live feeds, we highly recommend you give them a shot by taking advantage of the 2 week free trial. Then make up your own mind.
Here's the link for you to do that:
Watch Big Brother 8 on SuperPass!
Click Here to get your Free TrialWhy can't I right click?Due to too many of our posts and images appearing in their entirety in other places (so-called blogs that do nothing but copy content from others) completely uncredited, we have elected to disable right click. Also to protect the images of some of the chop artists and screencappers from widespread, uncredited usage.
Why are the feeds in black and white?The Feeds go to night vision when the HGs are sleeping. As soon as they're awake, the lights go on, and color is re-instated.
What does FotH mean?hehe :) Front of the House. Originally whenever the feeds were cut for a few minutes for whatever reason, they showed us the front of the house. Then it became Fish of the House... since they changed it to a fish tank. Last year it was flames.. this year, it looks like a Smurf Colonoscopy MRI. Still, for old times sake, people still refer to it as FoTH. There's an acronym key at the bottom of the FAQs page. :)
Why are the HGs already in the house for 5-6 days once the live feeds start?In order to broadcast the first show, the production company needs actual footage of the houseguests interacting, doing diary room sessions, and competing in the first HoH. The only way to get it is by putting the HGs in there a few days early. Also, having the HGs in there a few days early allows them to form some bonds and get over the initial (boring) awkwardness of living with 13 people they don't know.
Do you know what all the myspaces are for the HGs? Yeah. they're in the left sidebar under "HG Myspaces."
What chat room do you guys go to?As much as we'd love to invite everyone to the chat room we use, it wouldn't be fair to the regulars who've been using it for years and years, as there would be no space left for them. Instead of asking us where we go, please send us messages letting us know where you are, and we'll come visit! :) Frankly, we're really not there too often anyhow. Too busy updating the blog!!
Do you have jobs?Yes, lol, we do. Still, somehow, they manage to not interfere with our summer obsession. ;)
My comment didn't get posted. What's up with that?Well, there could be a few reasons:
1. Patience! ;) It's probably sitting there waiting for us to approve it. We moderate all the comments, and each and every one must be approved. We do this primarily to avoid all the spam comments from jerks trying to sell viagra and the like. We try to really stay on top of it, but sometimes things get a little nuts, so it could take a little while. There's no need to repost and repost. It's there, we got it, we just need to publish it.
2. On rare occasions, we choose to not publish a comment. While we understand how passionate people become about the show, we cannot and will not support the wholesale bashing of any HG. Calling someone vulgar, hateful names will not get your comment published. Gay bashing, Ethnic slurs, Calling a young woman a whore, a skank, etc, or referring to her as a derogatory body part... anything of that nature... Major no-no's.
3. Threats of any kind made towards anyone, HG or other commenter, will not be published.
While we tend to stay away from most of the BB acronyms, many sites use them quite liberally. Here's a list of the more popular choices:
AC - America's Choice
AP - America's Player
BB - Big Brother
BBT - Big Brother Time (west coast)
BY - BackYard
DOR - Drop Out Request
FotH - * see above
HG - House Guest
HoH - Head of Household
HT - Hot Tub
LD - Lock down
LR - Living Room
MRA - Mrs Robinson Alliance
PoV - Power of Veto